10 New HSK word(s): 1 和 and/ together with/ with/ sum/ union/ peace/ harmony/ surname He/ Japanese related/ Taiwan pr. han4 3 安静 quiet/ peaceful/ calm 4 平时 in normal times/ in peacetime 5 不安 unpeaceful/ unstable/ uneasy/ disturbed/ restless/ worried 5 平 flat/ level/ equal/ to tie (make the same score)/ to draw (score)/ calm/ peaceful/ see also 平聲|平声[ping2 sheng1] 5 和平 peace 6 安居乐业 live in peace and work happily (idiom) 6 安宁 peaceful/ tranquil/ calm/ composed 6 踏实 practical/ down-to-earth/ realistic/ firmly based/ steadfast/ to have peace of mind/ free from anxiety 6 和睦 peaceful relations/ harmonious
8 Old HSK word(s): A VS * an1jing4 1. (VH) ruhig,still B N * he2ping2 Frieden C * yi1mian4_ yi1mian4 zur gleichen Zeit…und… D VS * tai4ping2 friedlich D VS * an1ning2 1.friedlich, ruhig 2. unbesorgt, D VS * ning2jing4 friedlich D * he2ping2 gong4 chu3 friedliche Koexistenz D N * he2yue1 Friedensvertrag
8 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** HE2 HE4 HUO2 HUO4 Harmonie/und
* ** YUE1 verabreden/beschränken/circa


เงียบสงบ 宁静 tranquil; peaceful; quiet
ความสงบสุข 和平 peace
เงียบสงบ 安静 quiet, peaceful, calm
Tiananmen (ประตูแห่งความสงบบนสวรรค์) 天安门 Tiananmen (Gate of Heavenly peace)
เงียบ; สงบ 安静 quiet; peaceful
เดินทางบอน 一路平安 all-way-peace-safe; have a safe trip
สงบสุข 安宁 peaceful; calm
การอยู่ร่วมกันอย่างสันติ 和平共处 peaceful coexistence
สนธิสัญญาสันติภาพ 和约 peace treaty
เงียบ; สงบ 宁静 quiet; peaceful
สงบสุข 太平 peaceful
ความสงบสุข 和平 peace der Frieden la paix la paz
paco ความสงบสุข 和平 peace Frieden paix paz pace

Grade E word(s):

362 aśānti अशान्ति lack of peace, unrest n.
千字文: 释纷利俗 并皆佳妙 Peace and benefit to us; together all are marvelous.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [peaceful]
(n.) [peace] peacefulness, peace of mind, repose, serenity
(n.) [peace] state prevailing during the absence of war

06773976-n peace
07515790-n peace
13969700-n peace
13970236-n peace
14539524-n peace

0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

87 鸽子 象征 和平
3289 人人 应当 捍卫 世界 和平

Semantische Felder:

11.46 Übereinstimmung