B 行李 + * * xing2li luggage/ baggage Gepäck + +
B 垃圾 + * * la1ji1 garbage/ rubbish Abfall + +
B 書包 + * * shu1bao1 schoolbag Schultasche + +
B 白菜 + * * bai2cai4 Chinese cabbage Chinakohl + +
B + * * bao1 bag 1. einwickeln, einschlagen, einpacken, verpacken, 2. Paket, Päckchen, Bündel 3. Sack, Beutel 4.Beule, Geschwulst,, Blase 5. einkreisen, umfassen, umgeben, etc + +
B + * * bao1 bag 1. einwickeln, einschlagen, einpacken, verpacken, 2. Paket, Päckchen, Bündel 3. Sack, Beutel 4.Beule, Geschwulst,, Blase 5. einkreisen, umfassen, umgeben, etc + +
B + * * dai4 sack/ bag/ pocket 1. Tasche, Beutel, Sack, Tüte 2. ein Zählwort, Tasche, Sack + +
C 青菜 + * * qing1cai4 green vegetables/ plant similar to Chinese cabbage grünes Gemüse + +
C 提包 + * * ti2bao1 carrying-bag/ handbag/ shopping bag/ valise Handtasche, Tasche,Sack + +
D 麻袋 + * * ma2dai4 sack/ gunny-bag Hanfsack, Jutesack + +

* 3 bao1 to cover/ to wrap/ to hold/ to include/ to take charge of/ package/ wrapper/ container/ bag/ to hold or embrace/ bundle/ packet/ to contract (to or for)/ surname Bao/ CL:個|个[ge4];隻|只[zhi1]
* 4 ke1 classifier for trees; cabbages; plants etc
塑料袋* 4 su4 liao4 dai4 plastic bag
* 5 zhuang1 adornment/ to adorn/ dress/ clothing/ costume (of an actor in a play)/ to play a role/ to pretend/ to install/ to fix/ to wrap (sth in a bag)/ to load/ to pack
托运* 6 tuo1 yun4 to consign (goods)/ to check through (baggage)
* 6 dou1 pocket/ bag/ to wrap up or hold in a bag/ to move in a circle/ to canvas or solicit/ to take responsibility for/ to disclose in detail/ combat armor (old)
打包* 6 da3 bao1 to wrap/ to pack/ to ask for a doggy bag (at a restaurant)

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

from New General Service List by Browne, Culligan and Phillips Copyright 2013 -2015. Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

bag : soft container to put things in and carry with you
bag Tasche กระเป๋า sac bolso borsa pussi

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

bag. n: Measure_volume +

bag. n: Containers +

bag. v: Placing +

bag. v: Hunting_success_or_failure +

bag. v: Theft +

bagful. n: Measure_volume +


728 皮包 使用 上好 皮革 +
1756 小偷 抢夺 +
1971 袋子 很多 蔬菜 +
2120 +
2907 这里 堆放 很多 垃圾 +
3038 垃圾 +
3145 东西 扔到 垃圾箱 +
3609 剩饭 倒进 垃圾桶 +
3612 塑料 口袋 不够 不下 那么 馒头 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[bag] supple container
[garbage] refuse, waste

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

bag + bag + bag + bag + bag + bag + bag + bag + bag + bag + bag + bag + bag + bag +

쓰레기 (Garbage) + + 가방 (Bag) + + 김치 (Spicy cabbage) + + 배추 (Chinese cabbage) + + 봉지 (Bag) + + 핸드백 (Handbag) + + 비닐봉지 ( Plastic bag) + + 책가방 (Bookbag) + + 쓰레기통 ( Garbage can) + + 양배추 (Cabbage) + + 김치찌개 ( Spicy cabbage soup) + + 배추김치 ( Pickled cabbage) + +
+ + + + + + + +