A + + * * ti2 carry/ put forward/ draw out/ raise 1. etwa mit einer Hand tragen 2. hochheben, aufheben 3. einen Termin vorverlegen 4. vorlegen, äußern 5. herausziehen, extrahieren 6. erwähnen, etw ins Gespräch bringen + + +
A 提高 + + * * ti2gao1 raise/ heighten/ enhance/ increase erhöhen + + +
B 提倡 + + * * ti2chang4 advocate/ promote für etw eintreten, befürworten, fördern + + +
B 提供 + + * * ti2gong1 provide/ supply/ furnish/ offer zur Verfügung stellen, versorgen + + +
B 提前 + + * * ti2qian2 ahead of time/ advance im voraus, vorher + + +
C 提包 + + * * ti2bao1 carrying-bag/ handbag/ shopping bag/ valise Handtasche, Tasche,Sack + + +
C 提綱 + + * * ti2gang1 lifting-rope/ lifting-in-hand head-rope of a net/ outline Umriß (der wichtigsten Punkte) + + +
C 提問 + + * * ti2wen4 ask-question/ raise a question (in a class or meeting) fragen, Fragen stellen + + +
C 提醒 + + * * ti2xing3 prompt-awareness/ remind/ call attention to jn an etwas erinnern, jn mahnen + + +
C 提議 + + * * ti2yi4 raise-idea/ propose/ move/ proposal/ motion vorschlagen, einen Vorschlag machen, Vorschlag, Antrag + + +
D 提案 + + * * ti2'an4 draft resolution/ overture/ proposal Antrag, Vorschlag + + +
D 提拔 + + * * ti2ba2 elevate befördern, jn im Rang erhöhen + + +
D 提交 + + * * ti2jiao1 put in/ refer vorlegen, unterbreiten, einreichen + + +
D 提煉 + + * * ti2lian4 abstract/ refine extrahieren, raffinieren, läutern + + +
D 提名 + + * * ti2 ming2 nominate/ name nominieren, zur Wahl vorschlagen + + +
D 提取 + + * * ti2qu3 distill/ pick-up etwas abholen, etw. abheben, abgewinnen, herausholen, entziehen + + +
D 提升 + + * * ti2sheng1 upgrade/ exalt js Rang erhöhen, jn in eine höhere Stellungaufrücken lassen, befördern, etwas in die Höhe heben + + +
D 提示 + + * * ti2shi4 prompt/ clue on jmd auf etwas hinweisen + + +
D 提要 + + * * ti2yao4 abstract Inhaltsangabe, Zusammenfassung, Hauptinhalt + + +
D 提早 + + * * ti2zao3 ahead of schedule früher als vorgesehen + + +
D 小提琴 + + * * xiao3ti2qin2 violin Violine + + +
D 前提 + + * * qian2ti2 precondition Prämisse, Voraussetzung, Vorbedingung + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
in front, forward / preceding
hold in hand / lift in hand

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

提' + * * + to carry (hanging down from the hand)/ to lift to put for
提上議事日程' + 提上议事日程* * + to put (sth) on the agenda/
提交' + 提交* * + to submit (a report etc)/ to refer (a problem) to sb
提任' + 提任* * + to promote and appoint/
提供' + 提供* * + to offer/ to supply to provide
提供商' + 提供商* * + provider (company)/
提供者' + 提供者* * + supplier/ provider
提倡' + 提倡* * + to promote/ to advocate
提倡者' + 提倡者* * + proponent/ advocate pioneer
提價' + 提价* * + to raise the price/
提克里特' + 提克里特* * + Tikrit/
提出' + 提出* * + to raise (an issue)/ to propose to put for
提出建議' + 提出建议* * + to propose/ to raise a suggestion
提出抗辯' + 提出抗辩* * + to plead (not guilty)/ to enter a plea
提出異議' + 提出异议* * + to disagree/ to object to differ
提列' + 提列* * + to make provision (against a loss)/ a bookkeeping entry
提到' + 提到* * + to mention/ to raise (a subject) to refer t
提前' + 提前* * + to shift to an earlier date/ to do sth ahead of time in advance
提前投票' + 提前投票* * + early vote/
提前起爆' + 提前起爆* * + fizzle (atomic bomb misfire)/ preinitiation
提包' + 提包* * + handbag/ bag valise
提及' + 提及* * + to mention/ to raise (a subject) to bring t
提取' + 提取* * + to extract/ to refine to withdra
提名' + 提名* * + to nominate/
提告' + 提告* * + to raise a legal plaint/ to sue
提告人' + 提告人* * + plaintiff/
提味' + 提味* * + to improve taste/ to make sth palatable
提問' + 提问* * + to question/ to quiz to grill
提單' + 提单* * + bill of lading/
提喻法' + 提喻法* * + synecdoche/
提壺' + 提壶* * + pelican/ same as 鵜鶘|鹈鹕
提壺蘆' + 提壶芦* * + pelican/ same as 鵜鶘|鹈鹕
提多' + 提多* * + Titus/
提多書' + 提多书* * + Epistle of St Paul to Titus/
提姆·羅賓斯' + 提姆·罗宾斯* * + Tim Robbins (1958-), American actor, director, activist and musician/
提婚' + 提婚* * + to propose marriage/
提子' + 提子* * + to capture stones (in Go)/
提子' + 提子* * + grape/ raisin
提學御史' + 提学御史* * + superintendent of education (formal title)/
提審' + 提审* * + to commit sb for trial/ to bring sb before the court
提幹' + 提干* * + to rise through the ranks (as a party cadre)/
提心' + 提心* * + worry/
提心吊膽' + 提心吊胆* * + (saying) to be very scared and on edge/
提成' + 提成* * + to take a percentage/
提手' + 提手* * + a handle/
提拉米蘇' + 提拉米苏* * + tiramisu (Italian dessert) (loanword)/
提拔' + 提拔* * + to promote to a higher job/ to select for promotion
提挈' + 提挈* * + to hold by the hand/ fig. to nurture to foster
提掖' + 提掖* * + to recommend sb for a promotion/ to guide and support sb
提摩太' + 提摩太* * + Timothy/
提摩太前書' + 提摩太前书* * + First epistle of St Paul to Timothy/
提摩太後書' + 提摩太后书* * + Second epistle of St Paul to Timothy/
提攜' + 提携* * + to lead by the hand/ to guide to support
提早' + 提早* * + ahead of schedule/ sooner than planned to bring f
提昇' + 提升* * + to promote/ to upgrade
提案' + 提案* * + proposal/ draft resolution motion (to
提案人' + 提案人* * + proposer/
提梁' + 提梁* * + handle in the shape of a hoop/
提款' + 提款* * + to withdraw money/ to take money out of the bank
提款卡' + 提款卡* * + debit card/ ATM card
提款機' + 提款机* * + bank autoteller/ ATM
提水工程' + 提水工程* * + project to raise low-lying water for irrigation purposes/
提法' + 提法* * + wording (of a proposal)/ formulation a techniqu
提溜' + 提溜* * + to carry/
提煉' + 提炼* * + to extract (ore, minerals etc)/ to refine to purify
提燈' + 提灯* * + a portable lamp/
提爾' + 提尔* * + Tyre (Lebanon)/
提爾市' + 提尔市* * + Tyre (Lebanon)/
提現' + 提现* * + to withdraw funds/
提琴' + 提琴* * + instrument of the violin family (violin, viola, cello or double bass)/ CL:把
提留' + 提留* * + to with /
提盒' + 提盒* * + box with tiered compartments and a handle/ lunch box
提督' + 提督* * + the local commander/ provincial governor (in Qing and Ming times)
提示' + 提示* * + to prompt/ to present to point o
提示音' + 提示音* * + beep/
提神' + 提神* * + to freshen up/ to be cautious or vigilant to watch o
提神劑' + 提神剂* * + stimulant/ psychostimulant agrypnotic
提神醒腦' + 提神醒脑* * + to refresh and clear the mind (idiom)/ invigorating bracing
提筆' + 提笔* * + to take up one's pen/ to start to write
提筆忘字' + 提笔忘字* * + to have difficulty remembering how to write Chinese characters/
提箱' + 提箱* * + a suitcase/ a traveling-bag
提籃' + 提篮* * + a basket/
提籃兒' + 提篮儿* * + a basket/
提純' + 提纯* * + to purify/
提級' + 提级* * + a step up/ to rise to the next level
提綱' + 提纲* * + outline/ synopsis notes
提綱挈領' + 提纲挈领* * + to concentrate on the main points (idiom); to bring out the essentials/
提線木偶' + 提线木偶* * + marionette/
提花' + 提花* * + Jacquard weave (machine weaving leaving protruding pattern)/
提葫蘆' + 提葫芦* * + pelican/ same as 鵜鶘|鹈鹕
提薪' + 提薪* * + to receive a raise in salary/
提製' + 提制* * + to refine/ to extract
提要' + 提要* * + summary/ abstract
提親' + 提亲* * + to propose marriage/
提親事' + 提亲事* * + to propose marriage/
提訊' + 提讯* * + to bring sb to trial/
提詞' + 提词* * + to prompt/ a cue
提調' + 提调* * + to supervise (troops)/ to appoint (officers) to select
提請' + 提请* * + to propose/
提議' + 提议* * + proposal/ suggestion to propose
提貨' + 提货* * + to accept delivery of goods/ to pick up goods
提貨單' + 提货单* * + bill of lading/
提賠' + 提赔* * + to make a claim (for damages etc)/
提起' + 提起* * + to mention/ to speak of to lift
提起公訴' + 提起公诉* * + to raise a charge/ to sue to institu
提起精神' + 提起精神* * + to raise one's spirits/ to take courage
提述' + 提述* * + to refer to/
提速' + 提速* * + to increase the specified cruising speed/ to pick up speed to speed u
提醒' + 提醒* * + to remind/ to call attention to to warn of
提醒物' + 提醒物* * + reminder/
提防' + 提防* * + to guard against/ to be vigilant watch you
提領' + 提领* * + to with /
提頭兒' + 提头儿* * + to give a lead/
提高' + 提高* * + to raise/ to increase to improve

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


604 她们 提供 电话 服务 +
815 皮箱 +
816 游泳 水平 提高 +
937 同意 我们 提案 +
1267 观点 提出 抗议 +
1492 不能 忽视 大家 提问 +
1665 老板 赞成 意见 +
2320 提纲 +
2619 学校 提倡 穿 校服 +
2869 政府 提供 赈灾 援助 +
3236 小提琴 +
3327 小提琴 韵律 十分 动听 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +