44 New HSK word(s): 1 不客气 you're welcome/ impolite/ rude/ blunt/ don't mention it 1 先生 teacher/ Mister (Mr.)/ husband/ doctor (topolect)/ CL:個|个[ge4];位[wei4] 1 你 you (informal; as opposed to polite 您[nin2]) 2 吧 (modal particle indicating polite suggestion)/ ...right?/ ...OK? 2 您 you (polite; as opposed to informal 你[ni3]) 2 票 ticket/ ballot/ bank note/ CL:張|张[zhang1]/ person held for ransom/ amateur performance of Chinese opera/ classifier for shipments and business transactions (topolect) 3 极 extremely/ pole (geography; physics)/ utmost/ top 3 敢 to dare/ daring/ (polite) may I venture 4 道歉 to apologize/ to make an apology 4 擦 to wipe/ to erase/ rubbing (brush stroke in painting)/ to clean/ to polish 4 调查 investigation/ inquiry/ to investigate/ to survey/ survey/ (opinion) poll/ CL:項|项[xiang4];個|个[ge4] 4 挂 to hang or suspend (from a hook etc)/ (of a telephone call) to hang up/ to be worried or concerned/ to make a phone call (topolect)/ to register or record/ to hitch/ classifier for sets or clusters of objects 4 抱歉 sorry/ We apologize!/ to feel apologetic/ to regret 4 警察 police/ policeman/ policewoman/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 污染 pollution/ contamination/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 杀 to kill/ to murder/ to fight/ to weaken or reduce/ to smart (topolect)/ to counteract/ (used after a verb) extremely 5 开放 to lift (a ban or restriction)/ to open to the outside world (politics)/ to open for public use/ to come into bloom (of flowers) 5 政策 policy/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 政治 politics/ political 5 采取 to adopt or carry out (measures; policies; course of action)/ to take 5 制度 system (e.g. political; adminstrative etc)/ institution/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 革命 revolution/ revolutionary (politics)/ CL:次[ci4] 6 事业 undertaking/ project/ activity/ (charitable; political or revolutionary) cause/ publicly funded institution; enterprise or foundation/ career/ occupation/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 伯母 wife of father's elder brother/ aunt/ (polite form of address for a woman who is about the age of one's mother)/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 方针 policy/ guidelines/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 决策 strategic decision/ decision-making/ policy decision/ to determine policy 6 琢磨 to carve and polish (jade)/ to polish and refine a literary work 6 巡逻 to patrol (police; army or navy) 6 政权 regime/ (wield) political power 6 风光 scene/ view/ sight/ landscape/ to be well-regarded/ to be well-off/ grand (topolect)/ impressive (topolect) 6 垄断 enjoy market dominance/ monopolize 6 栋 classifier for houses or buildings/ ridgepole (old) 6 眼神 expression or emotion showing in one's eyes/ meaningful glance/ wink/ eyesight (topolect) 6 动荡 unrest (social or political)/ turmoil/ upheaval/ commotion 6 保守 (politically) conservative/ to guard/ to keep 6 斯文 refined/ educate/ cultured/ intellectual/ polite/ gentle 6 都市 city/ metropolis 6 北极 the North Pole/ the Arctic Pole/ the north magnetic pole 6 搭 to put up/ to build (scaffolding)/ to hang (clothes on a pole)/ to connect/ to join/ to arrange in pairs/ to match/ to add/ to throw in (resources)/ to take (boat; train) 6 谢绝 to refuse politely 6 温和 moderate (policy etc) 6 敏感 sensitive/ susceptible/ politically sensitive (pretext for censorship) 6 和气 friendly/ polite/ amiable 6 事务 (political; economic etc) affairs/ work
30 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *N * *pron * *VS * *N * *N * * * *VA * *N * *N * *N * *VS * *VA * *VS * *N * *N * *VA * *v;n * *VA * *N * *N * *N * * * *N * *VA * 竿*N * *N * *VA * *N * *N * *N
30 OLD_HSK German word(s): Politik wie höflich Politik, Prinzip, Vorgehensweise Pfahl, Stange, Mast siehe gan3 sich entschuldigen, Entschuldigung verschmutzen, Verschmutzung Politik Polizei, Polizist Höflichkeit 1. Gefühl des Bedauerns 2. Mißernte (vgl andere Übersetzungen !) 1. stützen, abstützen, unterstützen 2. mühsam aufrechterhalten 3. etwas mit einer Stange schieben, staken 4. aufspannen, aufhalten 5. vollpfropfen, vollstopfen , etw zum Bersten füllen sauber, rein politische Partei Staatsmacht, Staatsgewalt, Regime monopolisieren, Monopol Diktatur 1. Lasten mit einer Schulterstange tragen 2. übernehmen, etw auf sich nehmen Stärke, Macht, Einfluß Gefühl des Bedauerns, Bedauern Nord- und Südpol, Kathode und Anode, beide Pole eines Magneten abstimmen, seine Stimme abgeben Großstadt, Metropole eine Taktik ausarbeiten, eine strategische Entscheidung treffen,Taktik Stange, Stab, Stock die politische Konsultativkonferenz des chi. Volkes sich spalten, sich teilen, Differenzierung Taktik, taktisch Polizeirevier öffentliche Sicherheit
1003 synsets(s): polysemous + polysemantic + polysynthetic + poltroon + polycrystalline + polar + polychromatic + polychromatic + polychrome + polychromic + monopolistic + cosmopolitan + polemic + polemical + cosmopolitan + polite + impolite + polite + polar + polyunsaturated + politic + unpolished + self-pollinated + antimonopoly + roly-poly + polished + cosmopolitan + polyploid + polar + polygenic + pole-handled + polysyllabic + polyoicous + polygamous + polyphonic + polygamous + polyandrous + polygynous + polyglot + polyvalent + polyvalent + apologetic + unapologetic + pollyannaish + polypetalous + polytheistic + polished + unpolished + politic + impolitic + political + policy-making + semipolitical + nonpolitical + apolitical + unpolitical + unpolluted + polluted + polite + polished + polymorphic + polymorphous + polar + polyestrous + polyoestrous + tadpole-shaped + polished + polysyllabic + polytonal + polar + circumpolar + north-polar + south-polar + unipolar + bipolar + circumpolar + antipollution + bibliopolic + cross-pollinating + nonpolar + Malayo-Polynesian + plane-polarized + polarographic + polemoniaceous + politically correct + politically incorrect + polydactyl + polydactylous + polyhedral + polymeric + self-pollinating + topological + topologic + polar + bipolar + bipolar + transpolar + polymorphic + polymorphous + polymorphous + polymorphic + polyphonic + polyphonous + polyphonic + political + political + metropolitan + polyatomic + polyphase + anthropological + paleoanthropological + geopolitical + polymorphemic + dipolar + Polish + Polynesian + Neapolitan + Napoleonic + polygonal + polynomial + politically + politically + polyphonically + polysyllabically + apologetically + politely + impolitely + polemically + polygonally + topologically + pollinate + pollenate + cross-pollinate + interpolate + pole + polymerize + polymerise + copolymerize + copolymerise + polymerize + polymerise + polychrome + polychromize + polychromise + polish + polish up + polish + polish off + polarize + polarise + polarize + polarise + polarize + polarise + pollute + politicize + politicise + depolarize + depolarise + extrapolate + interpolate + extrapolate + polemize + polemise + polemicize + polemicise + apologize + apologise + apologize + apologise + extrapolate + polish off + pole + polish + poleax + poleaxe + poll + pollard + pole + polka + monopolize + monopolise + politick + monopolize + monopolise + poll + poll + police + poll + polish off + cross-pollination + policy change + scorched-earth policy + pollution + water polo + polo + Napoleon + Monopoly + polka + polishing + politics + police work + police investigation + polarography + poll + polypectomy + political campaign + police action + spoliation + despoliation + typology + anthropolatry + topolatry + interpolation + politics + monopolization + monopolisation + polity + politeness + spoliation + Napoleonic Wars + pollard + polyploid + polymorph + poliovirus + polyoma + polyoma virus + Polyangiaceae + family Polyangiaceae + Polyangium + genus Polyangium + Polymastigina + order Polymastigina + polymastigote + ascidian tadpole + redpoll + redpoll + Polioptila + genus Polioptila + blackpoll + Mimus polyglotktos + Polyborus + genus Polyborus + Polyborus cheriway audubonii + Polyborus plancus + Polypedatidae + family Polypedatidae + Polypedates + genus Polypedates + Gopherus polypemus + Limulus polyphemus + Xiphosurus polyphemus + poll + poll parrot + polyp + apolemia + Polychaeta + class Polychaeta + polychaete + polychete + polychaete worm + polychete worm + Polycirrus + genus Polycirrus + Polyplacophora + class Polyplacophora + polyplacophore + Dreissena polymorpha + tadpole shrimp + policeman bird + Actitis hypoleucos + Polynesian tattler + German police dog + police dog + polar bear + pollinator + Polistes + genus Polistes + Polistes annularis + Polyergus + genus Polyergus + Polyergus rufescens + Polygonia + genus Polygonia + Polygonia comma + polyphemus moth + Antheraea polyphemus + polyzoa + polyzoan + polar hare + polo pony + pole horse + poler + pole horse + red poll + Marco Polo sheep + Marco Polo's sheep + Ovis poli + polecat + polecat + tadpole + polliwog + pollywog + Pollachius + genus Pollachius + pollack + pollock + Pollachius pollachius + Polyprion + genus Polyprion + Polyprion americanus + Seriphus politus + polly fish + pollyfish + Polynemidae + family Polynemidae + Polydactylus + genus Polydactylus + Polydactylus virginicus + Polyodontidae + family Polyodontidae + Polyodon + genus Polyodon + Polyodon spathula + acropolis + Polymox + Polycillin + barge pole + polisher + police cruiser + police car + cupola + cupola + dipole + dipole antenna + fishing pole + flagpole + French polish + French polish shellac + hop pole + maypole + monopoly board + nail polish + negative magnetic pole + negative pole + south-seeking pole + negative pole + polarimeter + polariscope + Polaroid + Polaroid camera + Polaroid Land camera + pole + pole + magnetic pole + pole + poleax + poleaxe + poleax + poleaxe + police boat + police station + police headquarters + police van + police wagon + poliovirus vaccine + polka dot + polling booth + polo ball + polo mallet + polo stick + polonaise + polo shirt + polychrome + polyconic projection + polyester + polygraph + polymyxin + polypropenonitrile + positive pole + positive magnetic pole + north-seeking pole + positive pole + range pole + ranging pole + flagpole + ridgepole + oral poliovirus vaccine + trivalent live oral poliomyelitis vaccine + scopolamine + ski pole + telephone pole + telegraph pole + Temple of Apollo + Oracle of Apollo + pole + totem pole + trampoline + polo-neck + polo-neck collar + polysemy + poltroonery + political correctness + political correctitude + political incorrectness + politeness + politesse + impoliteness + polish + French polish + poliosis + rolypoliness + musculus abductor pollicis + polygene + polar body + poll + poll + pollex + topology + network topology + bus topology + loop topology + star topology + mesh topology + physical topology + logical topology + extrapolation + poll + opinion poll + public opinion poll + exit poll + straw poll + extrapolation + interpolation + apology + degree of a polynomial + polynomial + biquadratic polynomial + quartic polynomial + homogeneous polynomial + monic polynomial + quadratic polynomial + Apollo program + defense policy + defence policy + tax policy + policy + beggar-my-neighbor policy + beggar-my-neighbour policy + pole + polar coordinate + topology + topology + paleoanthropology + palaeoanthropology + topology + anthropology + protoanthropology + descriptive anthropology + physical anthropology + social anthropology + cultural anthropology + politics + political science + geopolitics + realpolitik + practical politics + politics + political sympathies + political economy + structural anthropology + apologetics + polemics + political orientation + political theory + polytheism + escapology + polysemant + polysemantic word + polysemous word + polysyllable + polysyllabic word + apologue + polyphonic prose + political platform + political program + police blotter + policy + insurance policy + floating policy + deed poll + apology + policy + economic policy + fiscal policy + social policy + foreign policy + trade policy + national trading policy + open-door policy + zero-tolerance policy + interpolation + apology + apologia + Polish notation + reverse Polish notation + polyphone + polyphonic letter + Lingvo Kosmopolita + Malayo-Polynesian + Polynesian + Eastern Malayo-Polynesian + Western Malayo-Polynesian + Polish + polyphony + polyphonic music + polytonality + polytonalism + polka + polyptoton + polysyndeton + power politics + polemic + barber's pole + pollination + pollenation + cross-pollination + self-pollination + pole vault + pole vaulting + pole jump + pole jumping + political campaign + Neapolitan ice cream + roly-poly + roly-poly pudding + napoleon + chipolata + polony + polenta + pollack + pollock + polished rice + arroz con pollo + topological space + polity + police squad + anthropology department + department of anthropology + police department + Council on Environmental Policy + body politic + hoi polloi + police + police force + Europol + Royal Canadian Mounted Police + military police + secret police + metropolis + political party + political machine + police academy + polytechnic institute + polytechnic + politburo + political action committee + police court + Interpol + political unit + political entity + political system + police state + political movement + apolune + polar circle + necropolis + metropolis + megalopolis + police precinct + polling place + polling station + polar zone + polar region + magnetic pole + north celestial pole + North Pole + pole + pole + celestial pole + pole position + polls + South Pole + south celestial pole + Philippopolis + Leopoldville + Napoli + Polynesia + Persepolis + Adrianopolis + Tripoli + Tripoli + Poland + Republic of Poland + Polska + capital of Poland + French Polynesia + Sebastopol + Sevastopol + Indianapolis + Annapolis + Minneapolis + Apollo asteroid + dipole + dipole molecule + electric dipole + magnetic dipole + magnetic monopole + polar glacier + Polaris + pole star + polar star + polestar + polder + Pollux + polynya + poltergeist + Apollo + Phoebus Apollo + Polyhymnia + Neopolitan + Pole + polack + Polynesian + anthropologist + apologist + apple polisher + bibliopole + bibliopolist + police captain + police chief + political commissar + police constable + cosmopolitan + cosmopolite + political detainee + police detective + political dissident + escapologist + roly-poly + polymath + kitchen police + police lieutenant + polyglot + machine politician + political hack + metropolitan + metropolitan + military policeman + monopolist + monopolizer + monopoliser + motorcycle policeman + Neapolitan + political boss + polemicist + polemist + polemic + police commissioner + policeman + police officer + police matron + policewoman + police sergeant + policyholder + policy maker + political prisoner + political scientist + politician + politico + pol + political leader + politician + politician + pollster + poll taker + polluter + poltroon + polyandrist + polygamist + polygynist + polytheist + social anthropologist + cultural anthropologist + pole vaulter + pole jumper + Apollinaire + Guillaume Apollinaire + Wilhelm Apollinaris de Kostrowitzki + Prince Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck + Champollion + Jean Francois Champollion + Coppola + Francis Ford Coppola + Georges Leopold Chretien Frederic Dagobert Cuvier + Demetrius Poliorcetes + Hippolyte Jean Giraudoux + Leopold Kronecker + Napoleon + Napoleon I + Napoleon Bonaparte + Napoleon III + Emperor Napoleon III + Charles Louis Napoleon Bonaparte + Polk + James Polk + James K. Polk + James Knox Polk + President Polk + Pollack + Sydney Pollack + Pollock + Jackson Pollock + Polo + Marco Polo + Polycarp + Saint Polycarp + St. Polycarp + Elmer Leopold Rice + Leopold Stokowski + Leopold Antoni Stanislaw Stokowski + Tiepolo + Giovanni Battista Tiepolo + Walpole + Robert Walpole + Sir Robert Walpole + Walpole + Horace Walpole + Horatio Walpole + August Friedrich Leopold Weismann + polar front + dipole moment + electric dipole moment + magnetic dipole moment + polarization + polarisation + depolarization + depolarisation + polymorphism + polymorphism + polymorphism + single nucleotide polymorphism + Marchantia polymorpha + lodgepole + lodgepole pine + Sierra lodgepole pine + pollen + pollinium + pollen tube + polecat weed + Spirodela polyrrhiza + Diangus gratianopolitanus + Polanisia + genus Polanisia + Polanisia graveolens + Polanisia dodecandra + Aster tripolium + polyanthus + Primula polyantha + Cyclamen neopolitanum + fishpole bamboo + Andromeda polifolia + Kalmia polifolia + grass poly + Actinidia polygama + Idesia polycarpa + Allium neopolitanum + Polygonatum + genus Polygonatum + Polygonatum biflorum + Polygonatum commutatum + Polianthes + genus Polianthes + Polianthes tuberosa + pole bean + Polygonales + order Polygonales + Polygonaceae + family Polygonaceae + Polygonum + genus Polygonum + Polygonum aubertii + Polygonum fagopyrum + Polygonum orientale + Polygalaceae + family Polygalaceae + Polygala + genus Polygala + Polygala alba + Polygala lutea + fringed polygala + Polygala paucifolia + Polygala senega + Polygala vulgaris + Polemoniales + order Polemoniales + Polemoniaceae + family Polemoniaceae + genus Polemonium + polemonium + Polemonium caeruleum + Polemonium van-bruntiae + Polymonium caeruleum van-bruntiae + Polemonium reptans + Polemonium boreale + Polemonium viscosum + Scopolia + genus Scopolia + Scopolia carniolica + Petroselinum crispum neapolitanum + Xylaria polymorpha + Polyporaceae + family Polyporaceae + polypore + sheep polypore + Polyporus tenuiculus + Polyporus + genus Polyporus + Polyporus frondosus + Polyporus squamosus + scaly polypore + pollard + Polypodiales + order Polypodiales + Polypodiaceae + family Polypodiaceae + Polypodium + genus Polypodium + polypody + Polypodium glycyrrhiza + grey polypody + gray polypody + Polypodium polypodioides + leathery polypody + coast polypody + Polypodium scouleri + rock polypody + Polypodium virgianum + common polypody + golden polypody + Polypodium vulgare + snake polypody + golden polypody + Polypodium aureum + Polystichum aculeatum + Polybotrya cervina + Polybotria cervina + Polybotrya + genus Polybotrya + Polybotria + genus Polybotria + Polystichum + genus Polystichum + Polystichum acrostichoides + Polystichum braunii + Polystichum lonchitis + Polystichum scopulinum + Polystichum setiferum + Polystichum adiantiformis + political contribution + political donation + poll tax + polyhidrosis + polymerization + polymerisation + pollen count + pole + pole + Polish monetary unit + politics + political relation + polarity + polar opposition + polarity + polygon + polygonal shape + convex polygon + concave polygon + reentrant polygon + reentering polygon + regular polygon + spherical polygon + polyhedron + convex polyhedron + concave polyhedron + regular polyhedron + regular convex polyhedron + polyhedral angle + polyandry + polygamy + polygyny + polity + political liberty + polarization + polarisation + polydipsia + polygenic disorder + polygenic disease + polyarteritis nodosa + polycystic kidney disease + polyuria + poliomyelitis + polio + acute anterior poliomyelitis + mucopolysaccharidosis + polycythemia + polymyositis + polyp + polypus + adenomatous polyp + sessile polyp + pedunculated polyp + polyarteritis + hypolipoproteinemia + polyneuritis + infectious polyneuritis + polyostotic fibrous dysplasia + unipolar depression + bipolar disorder + polyneuritic psychosis + monopoly + monopoly + oligopoly + polish + polysomy + polydactyly + spit and polish + pollution + political arena + political sphere + pollution + biodegradable pollution + nonbiodegradable pollution + air pollution + industrial air pollution + small-particle pollution + noise pollution + sound pollution + thermal pollution + water pollution + pollinosis + polyvalence + polyvalency + polyvalence + polyvalency + polyploidy + ragweed pollen + polyelectrolyte + polymethyl methacrylate + polyethylene + polythene + polyvinyl acetate + polyvinyl chloride + polystyrene + polytetrafluoroethylene + polyphosphoric acid + polonium + pollucite + polyunsaturated fatty acid + polypeptide + polybutylene + polybutene + pollutant + copolymer + polyurethane + polyurethan + polyfoam + polyurethane foam + tripoli + mucopolysaccharide + polyamide + polymeric amide + polymerase + DNA polymerase + RNA polymerase + polyester + polyester + polyester fiber + polysaccharide + polyose + polymer + polyphosphate + polyunsaturated fat + polish + polypropylene + polypropene + polyvinyl-formaldehyde + shoe polish + silicone polymer + sodium tripolyphosphate + vinyl polymer + polyvinyl resin + polling day +
30 OLD_HSK English word(s): politics/ political affairs/ political how/ (a polite formula) polite/ act or remark politely policy/ principle pole/ bar apologize pollute/ contaminate policy police/ policeman courtesy/ politeness be sorry/ apologize/ regret support/ prop up/ pole/ open/ unfurl/ endure clean/ unpolluted political-party/ political party political-authority/ political (or state) power/ regime/ monopolize monopolize-government/ rule by violence/ dictatorship carry on a shoulder pole/ undertake/ shoulder (political; economic or military) force/ power/ influence regret/ apology/ apologetic feeling the two poles vote/ poll city/ metropolis make policy pole/ rod the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference polarize tactic/ policy police station public order/ police
30 OLD_HSK French word(s):
30 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
30 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
30 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): ย่างไร ตำรวจ สุภาพ ขอโทษ
30 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** ZHI4 verwalten/kurieren/bestrafen
* ** AN1 YAO1 YAO4 Frieden

รัฐศาสตร์ 政治学 Political science
ตำรวจ 警察 Police
นักการเมือง 政客 Politician
พี่ชายของพ่อ (รูปสุภาพ) 伯父 father's elder brother, (polite form)
ภรรยาของพี่ชายของพ่อ, ป้า 伯母 wife of father's elder brother, aunt, (polite form)
สุภาพอ่อนโยน ใจดี 一种礼貌 Polite kind
เบี้ยว โย 扭曲的政策 Distorted policies
คุณ (รูปสุภาพ) you (polite form)
รถตำรวจ; รถตู้ตำรวจ 警车 police car; police van
คุณ (รูปสุภาพ) you (polite form)
สุภาพ 客气 polite; curteous
สถานีตำรวจ 派出所 police station
สถานีตำรวจ 派出所 police substation
นำเสนออย่างสุภาพ to offer politely
ก่อให้เกิดมลพิษ 污染 pollute
เมือง 都市 city, metropolis
เคารพ; เสนออย่างสุภาพ respect; politely offer
นโยบาย 政策 policy
มารยาท; สุภาพ 礼貌 courtesy; politeness
เลือก to carry on the shoulder with a pole
น้ำเน่า 污水 foul (or polluted) waters; sewage
指教 (polite term) to give advice or comments
ขอโทษ; เสียใจ 歉意 apology; regret
ท่าน (polite measure for people)
ไม่เป็นไร 不客气 you flatter me, not at all (polite reply to compliment)
สุภาพ 客气 polite
ไม่ต้องเกรงใจ 别客气 don't be so polite
哪里 you flatter me, not at all (polite reply to compliment)
การเมือง 政治 politics, political
เกสร 花粉 pollen
การเมือง 政治 politics
สุภาพอ่อนโยน 客气 polite, courteous
ขอโทษ 道歉 to apologize, to make an apology
ตำรวจ, ตำรวจหญิง 警察 police, policeman, policewoman
สุภาพการกระทำหรือกล่าวอย่างสุภาพ 客气 polite; act or remark politely
การเมือง; ทางการเมือง 政治 politics; political affairs; political
ต้องขออภัย; ขอโทษ; เสียใจ 抱歉 be sorry; apologize; regret
ขออภัย 道歉 apologize
นโยบาย หลักการ 方针 policy; principle
แถบ; เสา pole; bar
ตำรวจ 警察 police; policeman
ก่อให้เกิดมลพิษ; ปนเปื้อน 污染 pollute; contaminate
สนับสนุน support; prop up; pole; open; unfurl; endure
Tam carry on a shoulder pole; undertake; shoulder
ผู้ผูกขาด 垄断 monopolize
คำขอโทษ 歉意 regret; apology; apologetic feeling
สะอาด 清洁 clean; unpolluted
กองกำลัง 势力 (political, economic or military) force; power; influence
พรรคการเมือง 政党 political-party; political party
ระบบการปกครอง 政权 political-authority; political (or state) power; regime;
อำนาจเผด็จการ 专政 monopolize-government; rule by violence; dictatorship
ชั้นเชิงนโยบาย 策略 tactic; policy
เมือง; มหานคร 都市 city; metropolis
ทำให้มีลักษณะเป็นแม่เหล็ก 分化 polarize
แกน; เสา 竿 pole; rod
ทำให้นโยบาย 决策 make policy
สองขั้ว 两极 the two poles
ออกเสียงลงคะแนนแบบสำรวจความคิดเห็น 投票 vote; poll
การประชุมปรึกษาทางการเมืองประชาชนจีน 政协 the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
เพื่อประชาชน ตำรวจ 治安 public order; police
มลพิษทางอากาศ 空气污染 air pollution die Luftverschmutzung la pollution de l'air la contaminación del aire
ตำรวจ 警察 policeman der Polizist, en le policier el policía
หมีขั้วโลก 北极熊 polar bear der Eisbär, en l'ours polaire el oso polar
antropologo นักมานุษยวิทยา 人类学家 anthropologist Anthropologe anthropologiste antropólogo antropologo
antropologio มานุษยวิทยา 人类学 anthropology Anthropologie anthropologie antropología antropologia
apologo apólogo apólogo apólogo apólogo apólogo apólogo apologo
epoleto epoleto epoleto epoleto epoleto epoleto epoleto epoleto
kosmopolito kosmopolito 丽悦 kosmopolito kosmopolito kosmopolito kosmopolito kosmopolito
metropolo มหานคร 都市 metropolis Metropole métropole metrópoli metropoli
monopolo ผู้ผูกขาด 垄断 monopoly Monopol monopole monopolio monopolio
polo โปแลนด์ 波兰语 Polish Polnisch Polonais Polaco Polacco
polico ตำรวจ 警察 police Polizei police policía polizia
poligloto ที่รู้หลายภาษา 通晓 polyglot polyglott polyglotte polígloto poliglotta
Polinezio โปลินีเซี 波利尼西亚 Polynesia Polynesien Polynésie Polinesia Polinesia
polipo โปลิป 息肉 polyp Polyp polype pólipo polipo
poliso นโยบาย 政策 policy Politik politique política politica
politeismo ศาสนาซึ่งนับถือหลายพระผู้เป็นเจ้า 多神教 polytheism Polytheismus polythéisme politeísmo politeismo
politiko การเมือง 政治 politics Politik politique política politica
polko Polko polko polko Polko Polko Polko Polko
poluro ขัด 波兰语 polish Politur polonais pulimento smalto
poluso เสา pole Pol pôle polo polo

Grade E word(s):

325 arthaśāstra अर्थशास्त्र economics, political economy n.
466 ādaravācī आदरवाची polite adj.
742 uhā उहा he, she [very polite] pron.
774 ēkalauṭī एकलौटी monopolistic adj.
837 aupacārika ādaravācī औपचारिक आदरवाची formally polite [linguistics] adj.
1120 khambā खम्बा pillar, pole, post n.
1377 camkā'unu चम्काउनु to polish, to cause to shine v.t.
1577 janavāda जनवाद a political principle in which the supreme administrator must be elected by n.
1762 ṭhānā ठाना police station. police post n.
1783 ḍāḍā डाडा hill, hillock, pole of a roof n.
1784 ḍāḍī डाडी pole, staff (of a palanquin) n.
1786 ḍāḍō डाडो hill, hillock, the pole of a roof n.
1898 tēsrō dhrava तेस्रो ध्रव third pole n.
1930 thānā थाना police station. police post n.
1973 dalabandī दलबन्दी party politics, group politics n.
2032 dūsti दूस्ति defective, corrupted, defiled, contaminated, polluted adj.
2097 dhērai lōgnē hunu धेरै लोग्ने हुनु to practice polyandry dherai comp.
2098 dhērai vivāha धेरै विवाह polgamy n.
2099 dhērai vivāha garnu धेरै विवाह गर्नु to practice polygamy comp.
2136 nāgarika नागरिक civil, urban, metropolitan nagarik adj.
2219 nīti नीति policy, morality, manners n.
2305 paduṣaṇa पदुषण pollution n.
2495 pōkharī पोखरी pond, lake, reservoir poleko n.
2587 praharī प्रहरी police n.
2998 bhraṣṭa भ्रष्ट fallen, spoilt, polluted, defiled adj.
3098 mānavaśāstra मानवशास्त्र anthropology n.
3278 rājanīti राजनीति politics, political science n.
3279 rājanītika राजनीतिक political adj.
3280 rājanītika lābha राजनीतिक लाभ political importance n.
3281 rājanītijña राजनीतिज्ञ politician n.
3282 rājanaitika राजनैतिक political adj.
3283 rājanaitika gatividhi राजनैतिक गतिविधि political movement
3598 śāsanapad'dhati शासनपद्धति polity, system of government n.
3608 śiṣṭa शिष्ट gentle, polite, mannerly, civil, wellbred, refined, trained adj.
3693 sadaśyaharūprati damana-nīti सदश्यहरूप्रति दमन-नीति politics of oppression towards members n.
3726 sabhyatā सभ्यता civilization, civility, politeness, courtesy, good manner n.
Plants: Coccoloba uvifera L. (Polygonaceae) Sea Grape; Meertraube
Plants: Fagopyrum esculentum Moench (Polygonaceae) Buchweizen; Heide(n)korn; Buckwheat
Plants: Fagopyrum tataricum (L.) Gaertn. (Polygonaceae) Siberian Buckweed; Kangra Buckweed; Tartary Buckweed; Tartarischer Buchweizen
Plants: Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill. (Polygonaceae) Mountain Sorrel
Plants: Polymnia edulis Wedd. (Asteraceae) Erdbirne; Yacon; Aricoma; Leafcup; Mexican Potato; Potato Bean; Yam Bean
Plants: Rheum rhabarbarum L. (Polygonaceae) Rhabarber; Rhubarb
Plants: Rumex acetosa L. (Polygonaceae) Großer Sauerampfer; Wiesen-Sauerampfer
Plants: Rumex acetosa L. var. hortensis Dierb. (Polygonaceae) Garten-Sauerampfer; Garden Sorrel; Oseille

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [polite] courteous
(a.) [political]
(n.) [apology] expression of regret
(n.) [monopoly] exclusive control
(n.) [policeman] cop
(n.) [pole] long rod
(n.) [pole] Earth's antipodal point
(n.) [policy] insurance policy
(n.) [politician]
(n.) [politics]
(n.) [poll] counting of votes
(n.) [poll] opinion poll
(n.) [pollution] contamination
(v.) [apologize]
(v.) [polish] refine
(v.) [polish] shine

10450303-n pol +

pol + +




6 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1400 有礼貌的人 คนสุภาพ (หลายคน) kohteliaita ihmisiä
1418 我们的客人是有礼貌的人。 แขกของเราเป็นคนสุภาพ Vieraamme olivat kohteliasta väkeä.
1461 你得要找警察吗? แล้วคุณต้องเรียกตำรวจไหม? Pitikö sinun soittaa poliisi?
1614 不要没礼貌! อย่าหยาบคายนะ! Älä ole ikinä epäystävällinen!
1617 对人总要有礼貌! สุภาพเสมอนะ! Ole aina kohtelias!
699 您叫警察来! เรียกตำรวจให้ที ครับ or คะ! Soittakaa poliisi!

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

14 谢绝 鲜花
282 香港 国际 都市
445 警察 分界线
482 喜欢 政治 新闻
497 警方 控告 犯罪
549 北极熊 生活 北极
779 要求 道歉
787 政府 即将 推出 政策
788 华盛顿 美国 政治 中心
810 拿破仑 著名 历史 人物
936 警察 维持 社会 治安
1243 警方 街上 设置 路障
1308 那里 警察
1558 警方 投降
1632 警察 搜索 逃犯
1736 丈夫 妻子 道歉
1797 城市里 废气 污染 严重
1809 空气 汙染
1942 警察 举起 盾牌
2094 警察 询问
2191 经过 百年 变迁 香港 成为 国际化 都市
2210 花粉 过敏 症状
2313 工厂 排放 汙水
2400 石油 污染 海岸 造成 环境 浩劫
2463 警察 附近 巡逻
2524 丈夫 妻子 道歉
2526 警察 歹徒
2710 警察 搜查 罪犯
2743 警方 现场 展开 侦查
2836 警察 缉拿 罪犯
2871 花粉 过敏 症状
2896 竖立 电线杆
2974 他们 参加 探险队 南极
3021 警官 犯人
3024 警察 认为 嫌疑
3034 警察 拘留
3049 警察 现场 维护 秩序
3134 警察 逮捕 小偷
3218 警方 暴徒 展开 对峙
3227 他们 只有 钓鱼 竿
3228 竹竿
3251 警察 辖区 巡视
3277 警官 训练 警犬
3330 政客 受贿 弄得 臭名 昭著
3372 公司 垄断 世界 电脑 市场
3410 警察 击毙 歹徒
3458 抨击 时政
3521 蝌蚪 蜕变成 青蛙
3705 当众 饱嗝儿 礼貌
3746 对不起 错怪

Semantische Felder:

1.12 Geographischer Ort