14 New HSK word(s): 4 深 close/ deep/ late/ profound/ dark (of color; water etc) 4 汤 soup/ broth/ hot water 5 冲 (of water) to dash against/ to mix with water/ to infuse/ to rinse/ to flush/ to develop (a film)/ to rise in the air/ to clash/ to collide with 5 资源 natural resource (such as water or minerals)/ resource (such as manpower or tourism) 5 浇 to pour liquid/ to irrigate (using waterwheel)/ to water/ to cast (molten metal)/ to mold 5 漏 to leak/ to divulge/ to leave out by mistake/ waterclock or hourglass (old) 5 矿泉水 mineral spring water/ CL:瓶[ping2];杯[bei1] 5 片 thin piece/ flake/ a slice/ film/ TV play/ to slice/ to carve thin/ partial/ incomplete/ one-sided/ classifier for slices; tablets; tract of land; area of water/ classifier for CDs; movies; DVDs etc/ used with numeral 一[yi1]: classifier for scenario; scen 5 成立 to establish/ to set up/ to be tenable/ to hold water 6 开水 boiled water/ boiling water 6 潜水 to dive/ to go under water/ lurker (Internet slang for sb who reads forum posts but never replies) 6 源泉 fountainhead/ well-spring/ water source/ fig. origin 6 高潮 high tide/ high water/ upsurge/ climax/ orgasm/ chorus (part of a song) 6 淡水 potable water (water with low salt content)/ fresh water
15 Old HSK word(s): A N * qi4shui3 Limonade B vi, vt * chong1 1.mit kochendem Wasser übergießen, aufbrühen2.spülen,waschen, 3.stürmen, vorstoßen 4. Krach, Zusammenstoß, Kollision 5. Verkehrsader , Hauptverkehrsstraße, wichtiger Platz 6. entwickeln siehe chong4 C N * liang2shui3 kaltes Wasser, ungekochtes Wasser C VS * han4 1. Trockenheit, Dürre 2.trocken 3. Land- C N * gou1 1. Graben, Schützengraben 2. Furche, Rinne, Rille 3. Felsenschlucht C N * zheng1qi4 Dampf C N * kai1shui3 abgekochtes Wasser C N * liu2shui3 fließendes Wasser,laufend, fließend C N * shui3li4 Wasserwirtschaft,Bewässerungsanlagen C VS * xi1 1. selten, rar 2. dünn, spärlich, licht 3. dünn, flüssig, wässrig C ono * hua1hua1 onomat. für laut laufendes Wasser C N * zi4lai2shui3 Leitungswasser D N * shui3yuan2 Quelle D N * wang1yang2 endloses Meer D N * dan4shui3 Süßwasser

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** DAN4 TAN2 YAN3 YAN4 fade/blaß/flau
* ** SHUI3 Wasser

ขัน a bowl or basin used for dipping water
คลอง [of water] a canal
ควาย [general] water buffalo
ธาตุ one of the four ancient elements: earth, water, air, or fire
น้ำเดือด boiling water
น้ำ water
เหยือกน้ำ pitcher of water
น้ำ water
น้ำตก waterfall
155 antardēśīya jalapatha अंतर्देशीय जलपथ inland waterways antardeshiya n.
1266 gāgrī गाग्री a metal water-vessel n.
1267 gāgrō गाग्रो a large earthenware or metal jar for water n.
1337 ghaṭṭa घट्ट corn mill, water mill n.
1357 ghailō घैलो a large water-vessel, a huge pitcher n.
1445 cisō pānī चिसो पानी cold water n.
1855 tātō pānī तातो पानी hot water, warm water n.
2090 dhārā धारा water tap, torrent, current of water n.
2091 dhārō धारो spring of water, current of water, stream of people n.
3342 rōṭī रोटी bread [made of flour and water without yeast] n.
3423 lōhōṭhā लोहोठा a small metal water-pot n.
4001 susēlō सुसेलो whistling, sighing, whistling sound made by the wind, sound produced by water while flowing n.
4064 srōta स्रोत current, stream, channel, water course, source of income n.
4117 haluvā हलुवा flour boiled in water and mixed with butter and sugar n.

15 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
201 我喝矿泉水。
204 你喝不喝加冰的水?
313 奶奶 / 姥姥浇花。 祖母 / 外祖母
488 没热水出来。
509 我要一个矿泉水。
558 请再来一杯水。
855 我想滑水。
858 能租用滑水板吗?
891 你会跳水吗?
895 水深吗?
896 水干净吗?
897 水暖和 / 温暖吗?
899 水太凉了。
900 我现在从水里出来。
1549 我们当时必须得浇花。

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

8 西瓜 好吃
217 喝水
1211 海绵 吸收 水分
1284 河水 水位 大概
1468 园丁 正在 浇花
1598 结冰
1721 瀑布 壮观
1838 这里 特别 缺乏 资源
2192 象群 迁徙 地方
2219 蜗牛
2280 矿泉水 味道 甘甜
2302 男孩 水面
2313 工厂 排放 汙水
2350 孩子们 西瓜
2352 这里
2360 凝结成
2555 泼水
2651 机器 正在 浇灌 农田
2658 水清
2735 水管 漏水
2884 水缸 盛满
2905 耕田
2917 水壶 没有
2935 溶化成
2985 河水 浑浊
3262 河水 污浊
3303 硫磺
3366 淹没
3379 水库 屯满
3451 流水 形成 漩涡
3555 树枝 水面
3562 含有
3636 蒸汽 不同 形态
3639 夏天 西瓜 经常 供不应求

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