VNEN đuôi tàu * stern * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Das liegt in Ostdeutschland. That is in eastern Germany. Đó là ở miền đông nước Đức.
Goethebuch VieEngDeu

Tây ba lô + Western backpacker
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 1-5 z. B. Ostbahnhof, Osteuropa, Ostseite, Ostwind, ... + Osten e. g. East Railway Station, Eastern Europe, East Side, East Wind,... e. g. Ga Đông, Đông Âu, Phía Đông, Đông Gió, ...
Exercise 1-5 Westeuropa, Westwind, Westküste, ... + Westen Western Europe, westerly wind, west coast,.... Tây Âu, gió Tây, bờ biển phía tây, ....
Exercise 30-5 Sie wohnen am westlichen Rand der Stadt.  + Rand They live on the western edge of town.  Họ sống ở rìa phía tây của thị trấn.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 The human body and health Skeleton Brustbein + breastbone (sternum) + B
+ + 103 Containers Barrels, buckets, tanks and tubs Spülkasten + cistern [of toilet] + C
+ + 103 Containers Barrels, buckets, tanks and tubs Zisterne + cistern + C
+ + 103 Tourism, travel and transport Shipping Heck + stern + C
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace Geographical names and peoples die westliche Sahara + the Western Sahara + A
+ + 103 Geography, history, war and peace History Ostblock + the Eastern Block + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
B 西餐 + 西* * xi1can1 Western-style food Westliche Küche, westliches Essen +
C 歌劇 + * * ge1ju4 (Western-style) opera Oper +
C 西服 + 西* * xi1fu2 Western-garment/ Western-style garment/ suit Anzug, Hosenanzug +
C 西醫 + 西* * xi1yi1 Western-medicine/ doctor trained in Western medicine westliche Medizin, Arzt der in westlicher Medizin ausgebildet ist +
C + * * yan2 strict/ stern/ tight/ close/ severe/ heavy/ extreme 1. dicht, fest 2. strikt, streng +
C 嚴厲 + * * yan2li4 strict-severe/ stern/ severe/ harsh/ austere/ stringent hart, streng +
C + * * yang2 vast/ multitudinous/ foreign/ Western/ modern 1. reichlich, unermeßlich, umfangreich, ausgedehnt 2. ausländisch, überseeisch, westlich 3.modern 4.Ozean +
D + * * jiao1 glue/ pastern 1. Leim, 2. Gummi,Kautschuk 3.leimen,zusammenkleben, 4. leimig, klebrig, zähflüssig +
D 嚴峻 + * * yan2jun4 stern/ serious/ harsh hart, streng +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
993 摇滚乐 西洋 音乐 + Rock 'n' Roll is one form of Western music. Rock&Roll ist eine Art von westlicher Musik.
Lesson 021. Seeing a Doctor in China.
Xi1yao4 + Western medicine
Lesson 031. How does it taste or smell?
Xi1can1 + Western food
Lesson 031. How does it taste or smell?
Ni3 xi3huan Zhong1can1 hai2shi Xi1can1? + Do you like Chinese food or Western food?
Lesson 037. Holidays and Vacations.
yang2li4 + solar calendar (Western style)
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
xi1fang1 + West / Western
Lesson 043. Chinese Traditional Art.
xi1fang1 wen2hua4 + Western culture
Lesson 048. Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.
Yi1ban1 lai2 shuo1 Sheng4dan4jie2 shi4 yi1 ge4 xi1fang1ren2 de jie2ri4. + Generally speaking Christmas is a festival of Western people
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

peut-on être moderne sans être occidental? + can one be modern and not Western?

je suis originaire d’Europe de l’Est + I come from Eastern Europe

15 séismes ont affecté le sud-est de la France + 15 earthquakes affected south-eastern France

un tremblement de terre secoue le nord- ouest de la Turquie + an earthquake shakes northwestern Turkey

le nord-est des Etats-Unis frappé par les pluies verglaçantes + northeastern U.S. hit by freezing rains
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 stern +
103 stern +
103 stern +
103 stern +
103 stern +
103 stern +
103 Stern +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie