B 異常 + + * * yi4chang2 unusual/ abnormal ungewöhnlich,abnorm,äußerst,sehr, besonders + + +
C 驚異 + + * * jing1yi4 surprised/ astonished/ astounded/ amazed erstaunt, verblüfft + + +
D 優異 + + * * you1yi4 excellent ausgezeichnet, hervorragend, besonders gut + + +
D 奇花異草 + + * * qi2 hua1 yi4 cao3 exotic flowers and rare herbs exotische Blumen und seltene Pflanzen + + +
D 差異 + + * * cha1yi4 difference Unterschied, Differenzierung + + +
D 大同小異 + + * * da4 tong2 xiao3 yi4 largely identical but with minor difference weitesgehend identisch + + +
D 詫異 + + * * cha4yi4 astonished sich wundern, überrascht, erstaunt + + +
D + + * * yi4 different 1. verschieden 2. ungewöhnlich, außerordentlich 3.sich erstaunen, überrascht sein 4.andere, anders + + +

6 vô cùng kinh ngạc 诧异 6 biến chuyển từng ngày 日新月异 6 dị thường 异常 6 xuất sắc nhất 优异

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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different, unusual, strange
a family clan, ethnic group, tribe

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

異' + * * + different/ other hetero-
異丁烷' + 异丁烷* * + isobutane/
異丁苯丙酸' + 异丁苯丙酸* * + Ibuprofen or Nurofen/ nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), trade names Advil, Motrin, Nuprin etc, used as analgesic and antipyretic, e.g. for art also calle
異丙醇' + 异丙醇* * + isopropanol/ isopropyl alcohol C3H8O
異乎尋常' + 异乎寻常* * + unusual/ extraordinary
異事' + 异事* * + sth else/ a separate matter not the sa
異亮氨酸' + 异亮氨酸* * + isoleucine (Ile), an essential amino acid/
異人' + 异人* * + eccentric/ unusual person talented i
異像' + 异像* * + extraordinary image/
異化' + 异化* * + alienation (philosophy)/ (of speech) dissimilation
異化作用' + 异化作用* * + catabolism (biology)/ metabolic breaking down and waste disposal dissimilat
異卵' + 异卵* * + (of twins) fraternal/ dizygotic
異卵雙胞胎' + 异卵双胞胎* * + fraternal twins/
異口同聲' + 异口同声* * + different mouths, same voice/ to speak in unison (idiom)
異同' + 异同* * + comparison/ differences and similarities
異咯嗪' + 异咯嗪* * + isoalloxazine (name of organic chemical)/
異國' + 异国* * + exotic/ foreign
異國他鄉' + 异国他乡* * + foreign lands and places (idiom); living as expatriate/
異國情調' + 异国情调* * + exoticism/ local color exotic
異地' + 异地* * + different place/ abroad
異地戀' + 异地恋* * + long-distance romance/ long-distance relationship
異域' + 异域* * + foreign country/ alien land
異己' + 异己* * + dissident/ alien outsider
異常' + 异常* * + exceptional/ abnormal an anomaly
異形' + 异形* * + not the usual type/ atypical heterotype
異形詞' + 异形词* * + variant spelling of the same Chinese word, e.g. 筆劃|笔划/
異彩' + 异彩* * + extraor /
異心' + 异心* * + disloyalty/ infidelity
異性' + 异性* * + the opposite sex/ of the opposite sex heterosexu
異性性接觸' + 异性性接触* * + heterosexual sex/
異性戀' + 异性恋* * + heterosexuality/ heterosexual love
異性戀主義' + 异性恋主义* * + heterosexism/
異性相吸' + 异性相吸* * + opposite polarities attract/ (fig.) opposite sexes attract opposites
異想天開' + 异想天开* * + to imagine the wildest thing/ to indulge in fantasy
異戊二烯' + 异戊二烯* * + isoprene/
異戊巴比妥' + 异戊巴比妥* * + amobarbital (drug) (loanword)/
異戊橡膠' + 异戊橡胶* * + isoprene rubber/
異才' + 异才* * + extraordinary talent/
異教' + 异教* * + heresy/ heathenism
異教徒' + 异教徒* * + member of another religion/ heathen pagan
異文' + 异文* * + variant character/ loan word variant wr
異族' + 异族* * + different tribe/
異曲同工' + 异曲同工* * + different tunes played with equal skill (idiom)/ different methods leading to the same result different
異構' + 异构* * + isomeric (chemistry)/
異構體' + 异构体* * + isomer (chemistry)/
異樣' + 异样* * + difference/ peculiar
異步' + 异步* * + asynchronous/
異步傳輸模式' + 异步传输模式* * + asynchronous transfer mode/ ATM
異母' + 异母* * + (of siblings) having the same father but different mothers/
異源多倍體' + 异源多倍体* * + allopolyploid (polyploid with chromosomes of different species)/
異焉' + 异焉* * + feeling surprised at sth/
異父' + 异父* * + with different father (e.g. of half-brother)/
異物' + 异物* * + rarity/ rare delicacy foreign ma
異特龍' + 异特龙* * + allosaurus/
異狀' + 异状* * + unusual condition/ something odd strange sh
異病同治' + 异病同治* * + to use the same method to treat different diseases (TCM)/
異種' + 异种* * + hetero-/ variety
異端' + 异端* * + heresy/
異端者' + 异端者* * + a heretic/
異維A酸' + 异维A酸* * + isotretinoin (used in acne treatment)/
異義' + 异义* * + differing opinion/
異能' + 异能* * + different function/
異腈' + 异腈* * + carbylamine/ isocyanide
異色樹鶯' + 异色树莺* * + (Chinese bird species) aberrant bush warbler (Horornis flavolivaceus)/
異裝癖' + 异装癖* * + transvestism/
異見' + 异见* * + dissident/ dissenting dissent
異見者' + 异见者* * + dissident/
異言' + 异言* * + dissenting words/
異說' + 异说* * + different opinion/ dissident view absurd rem
異議' + 异议* * + objection/ dissent
異議人士' + 异议人士* * + dissident/
異議份子' + 异议分子* * + dissidents/ dissenting faction
異議者' + 异议者* * + dissenter/ dissident
異讀' + 异读* * + variant pronunciation (when the same character has more than one reading)/
異讀詞' + 异读词* * + word having alternative pronunciations/
異質' + 异质* * + heterogeneous/
異質網路' + 异质网路* * + heterogeneous network/
異質體' + 异质体* * + variant/
異軍突起' + 异军突起* * + to emerge as a new force to be reckoned with (idiom)/
異邦' + 异邦* * + foreign country/
異鄉' + 异乡* * + foreign land/ a place far from home
異鄉人' + 异乡人* * + from another land/ alien
異頻雷達收發機' + 异频雷达收发机* * + transponder/ electronic device that responds to a radio code
異食癖' + 异食癖* * + pica (medicine)/
異香' + 异香* * + rare perfume/
異香撲鼻' + 异香扑鼻* * + exotic odors assail the nostrils (idiom)/
異體' + 异体* * + variant form (of a Chinese character)/
異體字' + 异体字* * + variant Chinese character/
異龍' + 异龙* * + allosaurus/ also written 異特龍|异特龙

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1263 有点 怪异 +
1264 这里 没有 异常 事故 发生 +
3737 这只 猴子 树间 上蹿下跳 异常 活跃 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

诧异 의아해하다. 이상해하다. + + 日新月异 나날이 새로워지다. + + 异常 심상치 않다. 예사롭지 않다. 정상이 아니다. 보통이 아니다. + + 优异 특히 우수하다. 특출하다. + +

+ + + + + + + +