B + * * ding3 top Spitze + +
B + * * ding3 carry on the head auf dem Kopf tragen + +
C + * * ding3 very, most, extremely meistens, + +
C + * * ding3 measure word for caps; hats; tents; etc. Zählwort für Mützen, Hüte, Zelte etc. + +
D 頂點 + * * ding3dian3 peak/ apex Spitze, Gipfel, Höhepunkt + +
D 頂端 + * * ding3duan1 top/ peak/ apex Gipfel, Spitze + +

Abdeckplatte (S) [ding3 gai4 ban3] 顶盖板
abgehängte Decke (S, Arch) [diao4 ding3] 吊顶
Abstreifer (S) [ding3 chu1 qi4] 顶出器
Abstreifer (S) [ding3 liao4 qi4] 顶料器
Akrosom (S, Bio) [ding3 ti3] 顶体
Anadiplose (Wiederholung, Verdoppelung) (S, Sprachw) [ding3 zhen1] 顶真
Ansicht von oben (S, Tech)Aufsichtszeichnung von oben (S, Tech)Dachaufsicht, Dachansicht (S, Arch)Dachaufsichtszeichnung, Dachansichtszeichnung (S, Arch)Draufsicht, Draufsichtszeichnung (S, Tech) [ding3 shi4 tu2] 顶视图
Atombombenkuppel [yuan2 zi3 dan4 bao4 zha4 yuan2 ding3 wu1] 原子弹爆炸圆顶屋
Attikawohnung (S) [ding3 ceng2 gong1 yu4] 顶层公寓
Attikawohnung (S) [ding3 lou2 gong1 yu4] 顶楼公寓
Berggipfel (S) [shan1 tou2 ta3 ding3] 山头塔顶
Blocksatz (S) [ding3 ge2 pai2] 顶格排
Blütezeit (S) [ding3 sheng4 shi2] 顶盛时
Bodenkammer (S)Dachgeschoss (S)Dachstube (S) [ding3 lou2] 顶楼
Bruchschlag, Bruchschlagen (S) [fang4 ding3] 放顶
Bungalow (S) [ping2 ding3 xiao3 bie2 shu4] 平顶小别墅
Camarasaurus (Bio) [yuan2 ding3 long2] 圆顶龙
Dach (S) [fang2 ding3] 房顶
Dach (S) [wu1 ding3] 屋顶
Dach (S)Dachs (S) [ding3 gai4] 顶盖
Dach, Schuppendach [peng2 ding3] 棚顶
Dachbegrünung (S) [lü4 hua4 wu1 ding3] 绿化屋顶
Dachgarten (S) [wu1 ding3 hua1 yuan2] 屋顶花园
Dachgarten (S, Arch) [hua1 yuan2 ceng2 ding3] 花园层顶
Dachgebirge (S) [ding3 ban3 yan2 shi2] 顶板岩石
Dachsenkung (S) [ding3 ban3 xia4 chen2] 顶板下沉
Dampfdom (S) [qiong2 ding3] 穹顶
Dampfdom, Dom (S)Kuppel (S) [yuan2 wu1 ding3] 圆屋顶
Denkhüte von De Bono (engl. Six Thinking Hats, eine Kreativitätstechnik) (Eig, Psych) [liu4 ding3 si1 kao3 mao4] 六顶思考帽
Dreizack (S) [huo2 dong4 ding3 jian1] 活动顶尖
Einbeulung (S) [ding3 ya1] 顶压
einen Handstand machen [na2 da4 ding3] 拿大顶
Feuerraumdecke, Ofengicht (S, Phys) [lu2 ding3] 炉顶
Fixkamm [ding3 shu1] 顶梳
Frauen können die Hälfte des Himmels tragen (S) [fu4 nü3 neng2 ding3 ban4 bian1 tian1] 妇女能顶半边天
gefälschtes Silber (S, Chem) [ding3 yin2] 顶银
Gegenwind (S) [ding3 feng1] 顶风
Gegenwind (S) [ding3 tou2 feng1] 顶头风
Genting Highlands [yun2 ding3 gao1 yuan2] 云顶高原
Gipfel, Bergspitze (S) [shan1 ding3] 山顶
Gipfel, Höchstpunkt, absolute Spitze, Spitzenklasse (S)spitzmäßig, erstklassig (Adj) [jue2 ding3] 绝顶
Gipfelpunkt (S)Höchststand (S)Spitze (S)Superlativ (S) [ding3 feng1] 顶峰
Glatze (S) [tu1 ding3] 秃顶
Groppe (S)Koppe (S) [xiao3 shan1 ding3] 小山顶
Haltegriff (S) [ding3 peng2 fu2 shou3] 顶蓬扶手
Handstand (S) [na2 ding3] 拿顶
Hangende, Dach, First [ding3 ban3] 顶板
himmelhoch (S) [gao1 de5 ding3 tian1] 高得顶天
Höhepunkt (S) [ding3 ji2] 顶极
im höchsten Grad, äußerst, durch und durch [tou4 ding3] 透顶
in Streit geraten, aneinander geraten (V) [ding3 niu2] 顶牛
Jurte (S) [yuan2 ding3 zhang4 peng5] 圆顶帐篷
Kahlkopf (S) [tuo1 ding3] 脱顶
Kanting (Dorf in Taiwan) (Eig, Geo) [kan3 ding3 xiang1] 崁顶乡
Kapitalband [shu1 ji2 ding3 dai4] 书籍顶带
Kirchenturm (S) [jiao4 tang2 jian1 ding3] 教堂尖顶
Kirchenturm, Kirchturm (S) [jian1 ding3] 尖顶
Klauenhammer (S) [ba2 ding3 chui2] 拔顶锤
Königsklasse (S)Spitzenklasse (S)Superlativ (S) [ding3 ji2] 顶级
Kopfbalance mit einem Stapel Schüsseln (oder Schalen), Schalenpagodenbalanceakt auf dem Kopf [ding3 wan3] 顶碗
köpfen (V) [xiu1 jian3 ding3 zhi1] 修剪顶枝
köpfen (V) [yong4 tou2 ding3 qiu2] 用头顶球
Kopflinie [ding3 xian4] 顶线
Körnerspitze (S) [huo2 ding3 jian1] 活顶尖
Krisengipfel (S) [wei1 ji1 ding3 feng1 hui4] 危机顶峰会
Krisengipfel (S) [wei1 ji1 ding3 feng1 hui4 yi4] 危机顶峰会议
Kuppel (S) [qiu2 xing2 wu1 ding3] 球形屋顶
Kuppel (S) [yuan2 ding3] 圆顶
Kurpfuscher (S) [mao4 ming2 ding3 ti4 zhe3] 冒名顶替者
Laufkreis (Tech) [gui3 ding3 jie1 chu4 chu4] 轨顶接触处
Limit (S)Limite (S) [feng1 ding3] 封顶
Mandschurenkranich [dan1 ding3 he4] 丹顶鹤
Masttop (die Spitze eines Segelmastes) (S) [gan1 ding3] 杆顶
maximale Auszahlung (S, Wirtsch) [feng1 ding3 xian4] 封顶线
Melone (Hut) (S) [yuan2 ding3 ying4 li3 mao4] 圆顶硬礼帽
niedlich (Adj) [ding3 ke4 zu2] 顶客族
oben, toll [ding3 jian1 ji2] 顶尖级
Obenliegende Nockenwelle [ding3 zhi4 tu1 lun2 zhou2] 顶置凸轮轴
Obergeschoss (S) [ding3 ceng2] 顶层
Oberkante (Dach) (S) [ding3 bu4] 顶部
Oberlinie (西文字母) [zi4 mu3 ding3 xian4] 字母顶线
Oberseite (S) [ding3 mian4] 顶面
oberste Grenze [dong4 ding3] 洞顶
Peak Tram [shan1 ding3 lan3 che1] 山顶缆车
Peak-Oil [ha1 bo2 te4 ding3 dian3] 哈伯特顶点
Pingdingshan (Stadt in der Provinz Henan, China) (Eig, Geo) [ping2 ding3 shan1 shi4] 平顶山市
Pingdingshan (Stadt in Henan, China) (Eig, Geo) [ping2 ding3 shan1] 平顶山
Postillion (S) [ping2 ding3 nü3 mao4] 平顶女帽
Reitstock (S) [chuang2 wei3 hou4 ding3 jian1 zuo4] 床尾后顶尖座
Reitstock (Tech) [ding3 zhen1 zuo4] 顶针座
Rittersterne [zhu1 ding3 hong2] 朱顶红
Royal Pavilion [huang2 jia1 qiong2 ding3 gong1] 皇家穹顶宫
Sapporo Dome [zha2 huang3 yuan2 ding3 qiu2 chang3] 札幌圆顶球场
Sapporo Dome (Sport) [zha2 huang3 yuan2 ding3 qiu2 chang3] 札幌圆顶球场
Scheitel (S) [tou2 ding3] 头顶
Scheitelbein [ding3 gu3] 顶骨
Scheitellappen (S, Med)tips (Tabakblätter) [ding3 ye4] 顶叶
Scheitelpunkt (S) [tian1 ding3] 天顶
Schiebedach (?) (S) [huo2 dong4 che1 ding3] 活动车顶
selbstanpressender Presseur (S) [zi4 dong4 ya1 jin3 de5 ding3 ya1 gun3] 自动压紧的顶压辊
Set-Top-Box (S) [ji1 ding3 he2] 机顶盒
Seven Summits [qi1 ding3 feng1] 七顶峰
Spitze; Körnerspitze, Fräsdorn (S) [ding3 jian1] 顶尖
Spitzenforschung (S) [jing1 ying1 yan2 jiu1 ding3 jian1 yan2 jiu1] 精英研究顶尖研究
Top Level Domain [ding3 ji2 yu4] 顶级域
Top Level Domain [guo2 jia1 ji2 di4 qu1 ding3 ji2 yu4] 国家及地区顶级域
Top-Quark (S, Phys) [ding3 kua1 ke4] 顶夸克
Toplader (S) [ding3 zhi4 shi4 xi3 yi1 ji1] 顶置式洗衣机
Toppen (S) [zheng1 ding3] 蒸顶
Tropopause [dui4 liu2 ceng2 ding3] 对流层顶
überdenken (V) [you3 wu1 ding3] 有屋顶
Verderben (S) [mie4 ding3 zhi1 zai1] 灭顶之灾
Vorreiter (S) [ding3 ma3 de5] 顶马的
Wagendach, Verdeck (S) [che1 ding3] 车顶
Wagenheber (S) [qi4 che1 qian1 jin1 ding3] 汽车千斤顶
Wölbung (S) [gong3 ding3] 拱顶
Xuebaoding (Berg in Sichuan, China) (Eig, Geo) [xue3 bao3 ding3] 雪宝顶
Zenitteleskop (S, Astron) [tian1 ding3 tong3] 天顶筒
Zenitwinkel (S, Astron) [tian1 ding3 ju4] 天顶距
Ziegeldach (S) [wa3 ding3] 瓦顶
Zimmerdecke (S, Arch) [ding3 peng2] 顶棚

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

頂' + * * + apex/ crown of the head top
頂上' + 顶上* * + on top of/ at the summit
頂事' + 顶事* * + useful/ fitting
頂住' + 顶住* * + to withstand/ to stand up to
頂冒' + 顶冒* * + abbr. for 頂名冒姓|顶名冒姓/
頂包' + 顶包* * + to chan /
頂名冒姓' + 顶名冒姓* * + to pretend to be sb else/
頂呱呱' + 顶呱呱* * + tip-top/ excellent first-rate
頂嘴' + 顶嘴* * + to talk back/ to answer back
頂多' + 顶多* * + at most/ at best
頂天立地' + 顶天立地* * + lit. able to support both heaven and earth/ of indomitable spirit (idiom)
頂夸克' + 顶夸克* * + top quark (particle physics)/
頂客' + 顶客* * + see 丁克/
頂尖' + 顶尖* * + peak apex/ world best number one
頂尖兒' + 顶尖儿* * + erhua variant of 頂尖|顶尖/
頂尖級' + 顶尖级* * + first c top/ world best
頂層' + 顶层* * + top floor/ the top of a building
頂峰' + 顶峰* * + peak/ summit fig. high
頂崗' + 顶岗* * + to replace sb on a workshift/ to substitute for
頂戴' + 顶戴* * + cap badge (official sign of rank in Qing dynasty)/
頂拜' + 顶拜* * + to prostrate oneself/ to kneel and bow the head (in submission, supplication, worship etc)
頂撞' + 顶撞* * + to contradict (elders or superiors)/
頂擋' + 顶挡* * + to resist/ to obstruct to bear re
頂替' + 顶替* * + to replace/
頂板' + 顶板* * + roof/ roof plate rock layer
頂架' + 顶架* * + cabin/
頂格' + 顶格* * + (typesetting) to not indent/ to set the text flush with the left (or top) margin
頂桿' + 顶杆* * + top bar/ crown bar
頂梁柱' + 顶梁柱* * + pillar/ backbone
頂棒' + 顶棒* * + bucking bar (metal bar fixing the tail of a rivet as it is driven)/
頂棚' + 顶棚* * + ceiling/ awning (under ceiling)
頂樓' + 顶楼* * + top floor/ attic loft
頂燈' + 顶灯* * + top light (on mast, dome etc)/ roof lamp
頂牛兒' + 顶牛儿* * + to push with the forehead/ to lock horns to be at l
頂班' + 顶班* * + to take over sb else's job/ to substitute for
頂用' + 顶用* * + to be of use/
頂目' + 顶目* * + item/ event project
頂端' + 顶端* * + summit/ peak
頂級' + 顶级* * + top-notch/ first-rate
頂缸' + 顶缸* * + to take the blame/ to be a scapegoat to carry t
頂罪' + 顶罪* * + to take the blame for sb else/ to compensate for one's crime to get cha
頂芽' + 顶芽* * + terminal bud (growing at the tip of a plant)/
頂葉' + 顶叶* * + parietal lobe/
頂蓋' + 顶盖* * + roof/ lid
頂補' + 顶补* * + to fill a vacancy/ to substitute for
頂角' + 顶角* * + angle at apex/ summit angle cusp
頂謝' + 顶谢* * + to bow in thanks/
頂讓' + 顶让* * + to sell (a business)/ to replace (sb)
頂輪' + 顶轮* * + sahasrāra or sahasrara, the crown or fontanel chakra 查克拉, residing at the top of t/
頂部' + 顶部* * + roof/ topmost part top (of tr
頂針' + 顶针* * + thimble/
頂門壯戶' + 顶门壮户* * + to support the family business (idiom)/
頂閥' + 顶阀* * + top valve/ head valve
頂面' + 顶面* * + top/ top side top surfac
頂頭' + 顶头* * + to come directly towards one/ top immediate
頂頭上司' + 顶头上司* * + one's immediate superior/
頂風' + 顶风* * + to face into the wind/ against the wind fig. again
頂風停止' + 顶风停止* * + to lie to (facing the wind)/
頂颳颳' + 顶刮刮* * + variant of 頂呱呱|顶呱呱/
頂骨' + 顶骨* * + parieta /
頂點' + 顶点* * + summit/ peak (math.) ve

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


79 终于 到达 山顶 +
813 小路 通往 山顶 +
1244 礼物 头顶 +
1349 山顶 风景 +
1350 顶级 酒店 +
1849 我们 终于 爬到 顶峰 +
1970 黄色 帽子 +
2228 屋顶 瓦片 +
2429 屋顶 大雪 掩盖 +
3059 篮子 +
3374 山顶 光秃秃 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +