B Die Gesundheit: Der Augenoptiker: Kontaktlinse + 隐形眼镜 +

Häufigkeit: 1.86

C 隱約 + * * yin3yue1 latent-sketchy/ indistinct/ faint (to the eye or ear) vage,unbestimmt, undeutlich + +
D 隱蔽 + * * yin3bi4 lie up/ take cover verheimlichen, vertuschen + +
D 隱藏 + * * yin3cang2 hide/ ensconce sich verstecken,sich verbergen + +
D 隱瞞 + * * yin3man2 keep in/ hush up/ hide verhehlen,verheimlichen + +

隐私* 6 yin3 si1 secrets/ sth one hopes to conceal
隐约* 6 yin3 yue1 vague/ faint/ indistinct
隐蔽* 6 yin3 bi4 to conceal/ to hide/ covert/ under cover
隐患* 6 yin3 huan4 a danger concealed within sth/ hidden damage/ misfortune not visible from the surface
隐瞒* 6 yin3 man2 to conceal/ to hide (a taboo subject)/ to cover up the truth

sich verborgen halten, untertauchen (S) [yin3 ni4] 隐匿
abstellbar [ke3 yin3 cang2] 可隐藏
Ahnung (S) [yin3 yue1 gan3 dao4] 隐约感到
anonym (Adj) [yin3 xing4 mai2 ming2] 隐姓埋名
Asyl (S) [yin3 cang2 suo3] 隐藏所
beschirmen, beschützenKaninchenbau (S)Schlupfwinkel (S) [yin3 cang2 chu4] 隐藏处
Beschmutzung (S) [jie1 fa1 yin3 si1] 揭发隐私
Briefgeheimnis (S) [tong1 xin4 yin3 si1] 通信隐私
Caenorhabditis elegans [xiu4 li4 yin3 gan3 xian4 chong2] 秀丽隐杆线虫
Datenkapselung (S) [xin4 xi1 yin3 cang2] 信息隐藏
Datenschutzrichtlinie (S) [hu4 lian2 wang3 yin3 si1 ce4 lüe4] 互联网隐私策略
Deckung (S) [yin3 bi4 chu4] 隐蔽处
Deckungskauf (S) [yin3 bi4 de5 mai3 ru4] 隐蔽地买入
Der Unsichtbare [yin3 shen1 ren2] 隐身人
Der Unsichtbare (Werk) [yin3 xing2 ren2] 隐形人
Dunkelheit, Unklarheit (S) [yin3 hui4] 隐晦
ein- oder ausblenden (V, EDV) [xian3 shi4 huo4 yin3 cang2] 显示或隐藏
Einsiedler (S) [yin3 ju1 zhe3] 隐居者
Einsiedler (S) [yin3 shi4] 隐士
Fingerzeig (S) [yin3 han2 de5 xin4 xi1] 隐含的信息
Geheimnis (S) [yin3 mi4] 隐秘
Geheimnis lüften (S) [kai1 qi3 yin3 mi4 zhi1 men5] 开启隐秘之们
Geheimnis lüften (S) [kai1 qi3 yin3 mi4 zhi1 men5] 开启隐秘之门
Graubrusteremit (Bio) [lü4 yin3 feng1 niao3] 绿隐蜂鸟
heimlich, verborgenYin (Eig, Fam) [yin3]
Heimliche Sorge (Eig) [yin3 you1] 隐忧
heimliche, versteckte Gefühle (S)nicht ausgrsprochene Gefühle, Gedanken (S) [yin3 qing2] 隐情
Hidden Markov Model, HMM (S, Math) [yin3 ma3 er3 ke3 fu1 mo2 xing2] 隐马尔可夫模型
Hikikomori [yin3 bi4 qing1 nian2] 隐蔽青年
Implikation (S) [yin3 han2] 隐含
implizite Funktion (S, Math) [yin3 han2 shu4] 隐函数
Impliziter Autor (S, Lit) [yin3 han2 zuo4 zhe3] 隐含作者
Implizites Wissen (S) [yin3 xing4 zhi1 shi5] 隐性知识
inkognito [yin3 ming2] 隐名
Jargon (S) [yin3 yu3] 隐语
Kain (Pers) [gai1 yin3] 该隐
Klausur (S) [you1 ju1 yin3 ju1] 幽居隐居
Kontaktlinse (S) [yin3 xing2 yan3 jing4] 隐形眼镜
Kontaktlinse (S) [yin3 xing4 yan3 jing4] 隐性眼镜
Kontaktlinsenflüssigkeit (S) [yin3 xing2 yan3 jing4 hu4 li3 ye4] 隐形眼镜护理液
Kontaktlinsenreinigungsmittel (S) [yin3 xing2 yan3 jing4 shui3] 隐形眼镜水
kryptisch (Adj, Lit) [yin3 mi4 de5] 隐秘的
Kryptogame [yin3 hua1 zhi2 wu4] 隐花植物
Kurzflügler [yin3 chi4 chong2] 隐翅虫
latent (Adj, Med)rezessiv (Adj, Bio) [yin3 xing4] 隐性
latente Gefahr (S) [yin3 huan4] 隐患
Li Shangyin (Eig, Pers, 813 - 858) [li3 shang1 yin3] 李商隐
Lingyin-Tempel, Temper der Seelenzuflucht, Tempel der Verborgenen Unsterblichen (Eig, Buddh) [ling2 yin3 si4] 灵隐寺
listig, schlau [yin3 mi4] 隐密
Luo Yin (Eig, Pers, 833 - 909) [luo2 yin3] 罗隐
Metapher (S) [yin3 yu4] 隐喻
mit Unterbrechungen [hu1 yin3 hu1 xian4] 忽隐忽现
Mönchskloster (Fam) [yin3 xiu1 yuan4] 隐修院
Oki-Inseln [yin3 qi2 dao3] 隐歧岛
Präkambrium [yin3 sheng1 zhou4] 隐生宙
Prieuré de Sion (Gesch) [xun2 shan1 yin3 xiu1 hui4] 郇山隐修会
PrivacyPrivatsphäre (S) [yin3 si1 quan2] 隐私权
private Lebenssphäre [yin3 yi4] 隐逸
Provinz Oki (Gesch) [yin3 qi2 guo2] 隐岐国
Refugium (S) [yin3 ni4 chu4] 隐匿处
Rezessiv [yin3 xing4 ji1 yin1] 隐性基因
Rezessivität (S, Bio)unsichtbar (Adj) [yin3 xing2] 隐形
Riesensalamander (Cryptobranchoidea) (S) [yin3 sai1 ni2] 隐鳃鲵
Rückzug aus der Gesellschaft (S)abgesondert leben, abgeschieden leben, zurückgezogen leben (V)in Abgeschiedenheit leben, sich von der Gesellschaft zurückziehen (V) [yin3 ju1] 隐居
schammig (Adj)undeutlich (Adj) [yin3 yue1] 隐约
schemenhaft, verschwommen, vage (Adj) [ruo4 yin3 ruo4 xian4] 若隐若现
schemenhaft, verschwommen, vage (Adj) [yin3 yin3] 隐隐
Schleich-Shooter [yin3 bi4 lei4 you2 xi4] 隐蔽类游戏
Schleichwerbung (S) [yin3 xing4 guang3 gao4] 隐性广告
sehr persönlich, intim [yin3 si1] 隐私
sich verbergen (V)verborgen, verholen (V) [yin3 cang2] 隐藏
Sicherheitslücke im Computersystem (S, EDV)Sicherheitslücke (S, EDV) [dian4 nao3 an1 quan2 yin3 huan4] 电脑安全隐患
Sicherheitslücke im Computersystem (S, EDV)Sicherheitslücke (S, EDV) [ji4 suan4 ji1 an1 quan2 yin3 huan4] 计算机安全隐患
Steganographie, Steganografie ('geheimes Schreiben', Kunst der verborgenen Speicherung bzw. Übermittlung von Informationen) (S) [yin3 xie3 shu4] 隐写术
stille Beteiligung (S) [yin3 ming2 gu3 dong1] 隐名股东
Subduktion (S, Geo) [yin3 mo4 dai4] 隐没带
Tarnkappe (S) [yin3 shen1 mao4] 隐身帽
ungewiss (Adj) [yin3 yin3 yue1 yue1] 隐隐约约
unterlassen [yin3 ren3] 隐忍
untertauchen (verschwinden), verschwinden (V) [yin3 mo4] 隐没
verbergen, verhehlen (V)verheimlichen, verbergen (V)verkleiden (V)totschweigen w. [yin3 man2] 隐瞒
verbergen, verhehlenverdecken (V)heimlich (Adj) [yin3 bi4] 隐蔽
verheimlichen (V) [yin3 fu2] 隐伏
verhelen, verheimlichen (V) [yin3 hui4] 隐讳
Verkleidung (S) [yin3 cang2 shen1 fen4 de5 zhuang1 shu4] 隐藏身份的装束
verstecken, verheimlichen, verbergen (V) [yin3 cang2 zhuo2] 隐藏着
versteckt; getarnt, Tarn- [yin3 shen1] 隐身
versteckte Arbeitslosigkeit (S, Wirtsch) [yin3 xing2 shi1 ye4] 隐形失业
zurückziehen (V) [gui1 yin3] 归隐

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
退* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

hide, conceal / hidden, secret
heart, from bottom of one's heart

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

隱' + * * + secret hidden/ concealed (prefix) c
隱' + * * + to lean upon/
隱事' + 隐事* * + a secret/
隱伏' + 隐伏* * + to hide/ to lie low
隱位' + 隐位* * + cryptic epitope (immunology, a protein component that becomes effective when activ/
隱修' + 隐修* * + monasticism/
隱修士' + 隐修士* * + monk (Christian)/
隱修院' + 隐修院* * + monastery (Christian)/ abbey
隱函數' + 隐函数* * + implicit function/
隱匿' + 隐匿* * + to cover up/ to hide to conceal
隱名埋姓' + 隐名埋姓* * + to conceal one's identity/ living incognito
隱君子' + 隐君子* * + recluse/ hermit used for h
隱含' + 隐含* * + to contain in a concealed form/ to keep covered up implicit
隱喻' + 隐喻* * + metaphor/
隱土' + 隐土* * + legendary land of hermits/ secret land the back o
隱士' + 隐士* * + hermit/
隱姓埋名' + 隐姓埋名* * + to conceal one's identity/ living incognito
隱密' + 隐密* * + secret/ hidden
隱寫術' + 隐写术* * + steganography/
隱射' + 隐射* * + (to fire) innuendo/ to insinuate
隱居' + 隐居* * + to live in seclusion/
隱居隆中' + 隐居隆中* * + to live in seclusion/
隱形' + 隐形* * + invisible/
隱形眼鏡' + 隐形眼镜* * + contact lens/ CL:隻|只
隱忍' + 隐忍* * + to bear to endure silently/ to forbear
隱忍不發' + 隐忍不发* * + to keep one's emotions inside oneself/ to restrain one's emotions
隱忍不言' + 隐忍不言* * + to keep one's emotions inside oneself/ to restrain one's emotions
隱性' + 隐性* * + hidden/ crypto- recessive
隱性基因' + 隐性基因* * + recessive gene/
隱患' + 隐患* * + a danger concealed within sth/ hidden damage misfortune
隱情' + 隐情* * + sth one wishes to keep secret/ ulterior motive a subject
隱情不報' + 隐情不报* * + not to report sth/ to keep sth secret
隱惡揚善' + 隐恶扬善* * + to praise the virtue of sb or sth while concealing their faults/
隱意' + 隐意* * + implied meaning/
隱憂' + 隐忧* * + secret concern/ private worry
隱映' + 隐映* * + to set off one another/
隱晦' + 隐晦* * + obscurity/
隱棲動物學' + 隐栖动物学* * + cryptozoology/
隱沒' + 隐没* * + to vanish gradually/ to disappear to fade ou
隱滅' + 隐灭* * + to fade away/ to vanish to disappe
隱潭' + 隐潭* * + hidden pond or pool/
隱然' + 隐然* * + a feint/ a hidden way of doing sth
隱燃' + 隐燃* * + burning with no flame/ fire beneath the surface hidden com
隱現' + 隐现* * + glimpse (of something hidden)/
隱生宙' + 隐生宙* * + Cryptozoic/ geological eon before the appearance of abundant fossils hidden lif
隱疾' + 隐疾* * + an unmentionable illness (e.g. venereal disease)/
隱病不報' + 隐病不报* * + not to tell others of one's illness/
隱痛' + 隐痛* * + hidden anguish/ secret suffering (medicine)
隱睾' + 隐睾* * + cryptorchidism/ undescended testis
隱瞞' + 隐瞒* * + to conceal/ to hide (a taboo subject) to cover u
隱私' + 隐私* * + secrets/ private business privacy
隱私政策' + 隐私政策* * + privacy policy/
隱私權' + 隐私权* * + privacy right/
隱秘' + 隐秘* * + secret/ hidden
隱秘難言' + 隐秘难言* * + too embarrassing to mention/
隱約' + 隐约* * + vague/ faint indistinct
隱約其辭' + 隐约其辞* * + equivocal speech/ to use vague or ambiguous language
隱翅蟲' + 隐翅虫* * + rove beetle/
隱色' + 隐色* * + protective coloration (esp. of insects)/ camouflage
隱花植物' + 隐花植物* * + Cryptogamae/ cryptogamous plant (botany) plants suc
隱蔽' + 隐蔽* * + to conc to hide/ covert under cove
隱蔽強迫下載' + 隐蔽强迫下载* * + drive-by download (a form of malware booby-trap)/ silent drive-by download
隱藏' + 隐藏* * + to hide/ to conceal to mask
隱藏處' + 隐藏处* * + shelter/ hiding place
隱血' + 隐血* * + occult blood (in medicine, fecal blood from internal bleeding)/
隱衷' + 隐衷* * + a secret/ sth best not told to anyone confidenti
隱語' + 隐语* * + secret language/ codeword
隱諱' + 隐讳* * + a taboo subject/ sth best kept secret
隱跡' + 隐迹* * + hidden tracks/
隱跡埋名' + 隐迹埋名* * + to live incognito/
隱身' + 隐身* * + to hide oneself/ invisible (person or online status)
隱身草' + 隐身草* * + legendary grass conferring invisibility/ fig. to conceal oneself or one's plans
隱身草兒' + 隐身草儿* * + erhua variant of 隱身草|隐身草/
隱退' + 隐退* * + to reti to vanish/
隱逸' + 隐逸* * + privacy/
隱遁' + 隐遁* * + to hide (from the world)/
隱避' + 隐避* * + to hide/ to conceal and avoid (contact) to keep st
隱隱' + 隐隐* * + faint/ indistinct
隱隱作痛' + 隐隐作痛* * + to ache dully/
隱隱約約' + 隐隐约约* * + faint/ distant barely aud
隱隱綽綽' + 隐隐绰绰* * + faint/ distant indistinct
隱顯' + 隐显* * + appearing and disappearing/ dimly visible intermitte
隱顯目標' + 隐显目标* * + intermittent target/
隱顴' + 隐颧* * + a skull with sunken cheek bone/ cryptozygous
隱飾' + 隐饰* * + a cover-up/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1206 阳光 若隐若现 +
1664 自己 隐藏 箱子 +
2486 盗取 别人 隐私 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

隐蔽 은폐하다. 가리다. + + 隐患 잠복해 있는 병〔화(禍)·위험〕. 겉에 드러나지 않은 폐해〔재난·재앙〕. + + 隐瞒 (진상을) 숨기다. 속이다. + + 隐私 사적인 비밀. 개인의 사생활〔사적인 일〕. 프라이버시. + + 隐约 희미하다. 흐릿하다. 어렴풋하다. + +

+ + + + + + + +