A 集合 + + * * ji2he2 gather/ assemble/ muster sich sammeln,versammeln + + +
B + + * * ji2 market/ volume 1. versammeln, sammeln 2. Dorfmarkt, Markt(platz) 3. Sammlung, Werk, Anthologie 4. Band, Teil + + +
B 集體 + + * * ji2ti3 collective kollektiv, Kollektiv + + +
B 集中 + + * * ji2zhong1 focus/ concentrate/ amass/ centralized konzentrieren, zentralisieren + + +
C 集團 + + * * ji2tuan2 group/ clique/ circle/ bloc Gruppe, Block, Clique + + +
C 搜集 + + * * sou1ji2 seek-gather/ collect/ hunt high and low for (things) sammeln, einsammeln,zusammentragen + + +
C 召集 + + * * zhao4ji2 summon-gather/ call together/ convoke/ convene zusammenrufen + + +
C 聚集 + + * * ju4ji2 gather/ get together/ congregate/ convene/ collect zusammenziehen, versammeln + + +
C 收集 + + * * shou1ji2 collect/ gather sammeln, ansammeln + + +
D 採集 + + * * cai3ji2 gather/ collect sammeln + + +
D 彙集 + + * * hui4ji2 converge/ collect sammeln, sich versammeln + + +
D 選集 + + * * xuan3ji2 selected works anthology gesammelte Werke, Werkauswahl + + +
D 全集 + + * * quan2ji2 collected edition Gesamtausgabe, gesammelte Werke + + +
D 集會 + + * * ji2hui4 assemble/ meet sich versammeln, treffen + + +
D 集市 + + * * ji2shi4 bazaar/ market Dorfmarkt, Marktplatz + + +
D 集郵 + + * * ji2 you2 collecting stamps philately Briefmarken sammeln, Philatelie + + +
D 集資 + + * * ji2 zi1 raise funds Geld sammeln + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
assemble, collect together
property / wealth / capital

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

集' + * * + to gather/ to collect collected
集中' + 集中* * + to concentrate/ to centralize to focus
集中器' + 集中器* * + concentrator/
集中托運' + 集中托运* * + consolidated cargo (transportation)/
集中營' + 集中营* * + concentration camp/
集中的策略' + 集中的策略* * + focus strategy/
集刊' + 集刊* * + collection of papers (published as one volume)/
集合' + 集合* * + to gather/ to assemble set (mathe
集合名詞' + 集合名词* * + collective noun (linguistics)/
集合論' + 集合论* * + set theory (math.)/
集合體' + 集合体* * + aggregate/ ensemble bundle
集團' + 集团* * + group/ bloc corporatio
集團軍' + 集团军* * + army grouping/ collective army
集子' + 集子* * + anthology/ selected writing
集安' + 集安* * + Ji'an county level city in Tonghua 通化, Jilin/
集安市' + 集安市* * + Ji'an county level city in Tonghua 通化, Jilin/
集寧' + 集宁* * + Jining district or Zhining raion of Ulaanchab city 烏蘭察布市|乌兰察布市/
集寧區' + 集宁区* * + Jining /
集居' + 集居* * + communi living together/
集市' + 集市* * + market/ bazaar fair
集市貿易' + 集市贸易* * + market trade/
集思廣益' + 集思广益* * + collecting opinions is of wide benefit (idiom); to pool wisdom for mutual benefit/ to profit from widespread suggestions
集恩廣益' + 集恩广益* * + to pool knowledge and ideas to produce a better outcome/
集成' + 集成* * + integrated (as in integrated circuit)/
集成電路' + 集成电路* * + integrated circuit/ IC
集攏' + 集拢* * + to gather/ to assemble
集散' + 集散* * + to collect for distribution/
集散地' + 集散地* * + distribution center/
集料' + 集料* * + aggregate/ material gathered together conglomera
集會' + 集会* * + to gather/ assembly meeting
集材' + 集材* * + logging /
集束' + 集束* * + to cluster/
集束炸彈' + 集束炸弹* * + cluster bomb/
集權' + 集权* * + centralized power (history), e.g. under an Emperor or party/
集油箱' + 集油箱* * + oil sump/
集注' + 集注* * + to focus/ to concentrate on
集管' + 集管* * + header (of piping system)/
集約' + 集约* * + intensive/
集納' + 集纳* * + to collect/ to gather together
集結' + 集结* * + to accumulate/ to mass to assembl
集線器' + 集线器* * + hub (network)/
集美' + 集美* * + Jimei district of Xiamen city 廈門市|厦门市/
集美區' + 集美区* * + Jimei d /
集群' + 集群* * + clan to clan together/ to flock together
集聚' + 集聚* * + to assemble/ to gather
集腋成裘' + 集腋成裘* * + many hairs make a fur coat (idiom); many small contributions add up to sth big/ many a mickle makes a muckle
集萃' + 集萃* * + treasury/
集裝箱' + 集装箱* * + container (for shipping)/
集裝箱船' + 集装箱船* * + container ship/
集訓' + 集训* * + training/
集貿' + 集贸* * + market/ trade
集資' + 集资* * + to raise money/ to accumulate funds
集資額' + 集资额* * + sum of money raised (in a share subscription)/
集賢' + 集贤* * + Jixian county in Shuangyashan 雙鴨山|双鸭山/
集賢縣' + 集贤县* * + Jixian /
集運' + 集运* * + coopera concentrated freight/
集部' + 集部* * + non-canonical text/ Chinese literary work not included in official classics apocryphal
集郵' + 集邮* * + stamp collecting/ philately
集郵冊' + 集邮册* * + stamp album/ CL:本
集郵簿' + 集邮簿* * + stamp a CL:本/
集錦' + 集锦* * + best of collection of the best (of sth)/
集鎮' + 集镇* * + town/
集集' + 集集* * + Jiji or Chichi town in Nantou county 南投縣|南投县/
集集鎮' + 集集镇* * + Jiji or /
集電弓' + 集电弓* * + pantogr /
集電桿' + 集电杆* * + electric trolley pole/
集韻' + 集韵* * + Jiyun, Chinese rime dictionary with 53,525 single-character entries, published in /
集餐' + 集餐* * + to eat from a common pot/ communal cafeteria
集體' + 集体* * + collective/ social team
集體主義' + 集体主义* * + collect /
集體化' + 集体化* * + collectivization/ to collectivize
集體墳墓' + 集体坟墓* * + mass grave/
集體安全條約組織' + 集体安全条约组织* * + Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO)/
集體強姦' + 集体强奸* * + gang rape/
集體戶' + 集体户* * + collective/ joint household
集體行走' + 集体行走* * + pedestrian group (e.g. of tourists etc)/
集體防護' + 集体防护* * + collective protection/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


134 街上 聚集 很多 民众 +
476 爱好 收集 模型 +
848 集市 热闹 +
849 大家 聚集 在一起 +
887 大众 集聚 街上 +
1646 大家 召集 这里 开会 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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