A 立刻 + + * * li4ke4 immediately/ at once/ right away sofort,unverzüglich + + +
B 成立 + + * * cheng2li4 establish/ found gründen, einrichten + + +
B 獨立 + + * * du2li4 stand alone/ independence Unabhängig + + +
B 建立 + + * * jian4li4 build/ establish gründen, etablieren,errichten + + +
B + + * * li4 stand 1. stehen 2. aufrichten, aufstellen 3. gründen, errichten 4.bestehen, existieren 5. aufrecht, senkrecht, gerade 6. sogleich, sofort + + +
B 立場 + + * * li4chang3 position/ stand/ standpoint Standpunkt + + +
B 立方 + + * * li4fang1 cube Würfel + + +
B 立即 + + * * li4ji2 immediately/ at once Sofort + + +
C 孤立 + + * * gu1li4 isolated/ isolate zusammenhangslos,isoliert,auf sich allein gestellt + + +
C 樹立 + + * * shu4li4 (of abstract good things) set up/ establish aufrichten,erstellen + + +
C 對立 + + * * dui4li4 oppose/ counter/ go against Opposition, sich widersetzen + + +
C 創立 + + * * chuang4li4 found/ establish/ initiate gründen, etw ins Leben rufen + + +
D 獨立自主 + + * * du2li4 zi4zhu3 paddle one's own canoe Selbstständigkeit, Unabhängigkeit + + +
D 確立 + + * * que4li4 establish errichten, etablieren, aufrichten + + +
D 立方米 + + * * li4fang1mi3 cubic meter Kubikmeter,Zählwort + + +
D 立交橋 + + * * li4jiao1qiao2 overpass Kreuzung mit Unter- oder Überführungen + + +
D 立體 + + * * li4ti3 stereo-scopic/ solid dreidimensional,kubisch, Stereo-, stereometrischer Körper + + +
D 挺立 + + * * ting3li4 stand firm aufrecht stehen + + +
D 設立 + + * * she4li4 set up/ establish errichten, einrichten, gründen + + +
D 中立 + + * * zhong1li4 neutrality neutral sein,neutral, Neutralität + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
central / center, middle / in the midst of / hit (target) / attain
stand / let stand / establish, set

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

立' + * * + surname Li/
立' + * * + to stand/ to set up to establi
立下' + 立下* * + to set up/ to establish
立交' + 立交* * + abbr. for 立體交叉|立体交叉/
立交橋' + 立交桥* * + overpas flyover/
立傳' + 立传* * + to record sb's achievements in writing/ to write a biography enhancing the subject's image
立像' + 立像* * + standing image (of a Buddha or saint)/
立克次體' + 立克次体* * + Rickettsia (genus of intracellular parasitic bacteria)/
立冬' + 立冬* * + Lidong or Start of Winter, 19th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 7th-21st Novembe/
立刀旁' + 立刀旁* * + name of "knife" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 18), occurring in 到,/ see also 刂
立刻' + 立刻* * + forthwi immediate/ prompt promptly
立即' + 立即* * + immediately/
立可白' + 立可白* * + correction fluid (loanword from "Liquid Paper") (Tw)/
立國' + 立国* * + to found a country/
立地成佛' + 立地成佛* * + to become a Buddha on the spot (idiom); instant rehabilitation/ to repent and be absolved of one's crimes
立場' + 立场* * + position/ standpoint CL:個|个
立夏' + 立夏* * + Lixia o /
立委' + 立委* * + abbr. for 立法委員會|立法委员会/
立委選舉' + 立委选举* * + legisla /
立定跳遠' + 立定跳远* * + standing long jump/
立山區' + 立山区* * + Lishan district of Anshan city 鞍山市/
立志' + 立志* * + to be d to be resolved/
立憲' + 立宪* * + to set up a constitution/
立方' + 立方* * + cube (math.)/ abbr. for 立方體|立方体
立方公尺' + 立方公尺* * + cubic m /
立方厘米' + 立方厘米* * + cubic centimeter/
立方根' + 立方根* * + cubic root (math)/
立方米' + 立方米* * + cubic meter (unit of volume)/
立方體' + 立方体* * + cube/ cubic
立春' + 立春* * + Lichun or Beginning of Spring, 1st of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气/
立時' + 立时* * + right a quickly/ immediately
立杆見影' + 立杆见影* * + lit. put up a pole and see the shadow (idiom); to expect instant results/
立案' + 立案* * + to register (to an official organism)/ to file a case (for investigation)
立案偵查' + 立案侦查* * + to file for investigation/ to prosecute (a case)
立正' + 立正* * + to stand straight/ attention! (order to troops)
立氏立克次體' + 立氏立克次体* * + Rickettsia rickettsii/
立法' + 立法* * + to enact laws/ to legislate legislatio
立法委員' + 立法委员* * + member of the Legislative Yuan (Taiwan)/
立法委員會' + 立法委员会* * + legislative committee/
立法會' + 立法会* * + legislative council/ LegCo (Hong Kong)
立法機關' + 立法机关* * + legislature/
立法院' + 立法院* * + Legislative Yuan, the legislative branch of government under the constitution of R/
立百病毒' + 立百病毒* * + Nipah virus/
立秋' + 立秋* * + Liqiu or Start of Autumn, 13th of the 24 solar terms 二十四節氣|二十四节气 7th-22nd August/
立竿見影' + 立竿见影* * + lit. set up a pole and see the shadow (idiom); fig. instant effect/ quick results
立約' + 立约* * + to make a contract/
立絨' + 立绒* * + velvet/
立論' + 立论* * + proposition/ argument
立足' + 立足* * + to stand/ to have a footing to be esta
立足點' + 立足点* * + foothold/
立身處世' + 立身处世* * + the way of one's conduct and interaction in society (idiom)/
立軸' + 立轴* * + vertical scroll (painting or calligraphy)/ vertical shaft (of a machine)
立陶宛' + 立陶宛* * + Lithuania/ the Lithuanian republic, former Baltic Soviet republic
立陶宛人' + 立陶宛人* * + Lithuanian (person)/
立面圖' + 立面图* * + elevation/ three dimensional drawing
立項' + 立项* * + to launch a project/
立頓' + 立顿* * + Lipton (name)/
立馬' + 立马* * + at once/ immediately promptly
立體' + 立体* * + three-dimensional/ solid stereoscop
立體交叉' + 立体交叉* * + three-dimensional road junction (i.e. involving fly-over bridges or underpass tunn/ overpass
立體圖' + 立体图* * + three-dimensional figure/ hologram stereogram
立體幾何' + 立体几何* * + solid geometry/
立體攝像機' + 立体摄像机* * + stereoscopic camera/ 3D camera
立體派' + 立体派* * + Cubism/
立體照片' + 立体照片* * + three-dimensional photo/
立體異構' + 立体异构* * + stereoisomerism (chemistry)/
立體異構體' + 立体异构体* * + stereoisomer (chemistry)/
立體聲' + 立体声* * + stereo sound/
立體角' + 立体角* * + solid angle/
立體電影院' + 立体电影院* * + stereoscopic cinema/ 3D cinema
立魚' + 立鱼* * + tilapia/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


432 站立 +
1010 七月 四日 美国 独立日 +
1156 我们 立即 出发 +
1162 立志 成为 建筑师 +
1409 身材 修长 亭亭玉立 +
1671 中国 美国 建立 邦交 +
2102 自由 女神 挺立 港口 +
2268 蒙古人 打败 宋朝 建立 元朝 +
2453 他们 之间 建立 深厚 友谊 +
2896 竖立 电线杆 +
3075 契约 成立 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +