36 New HSK word(s): 1 去 to go/ to go to (a place)/ to cause to go or send (sb)/ to remove/ to get rid of/ (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth/ to be apart from in space or time/ (after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker)/ (us 2 走 to walk/ to go/ to run/ to move (of vehicle)/ to visit/ to leave/ to go away/ to die (euph.)/ from/ through/ away (in compound verbs; such as 撤走)/ to change (shape; form; meaning) 2 运动 movement/ campaign/ CL: 場|场[chang3]/ sports 2 就 at once/ right away/ only/ just (emphasis)/ as early as/ already/ as soon as/ then/ in that case/ as many as/ even if/ to approach/ to move towards/ to undertake/ to engage in/ to suffer/ subjected to/ to accomplish/ to take advantage of/ to go with (of f 3 搬 to move/ to shift/ to remove/ to transport/ to apply indiscriminately/ to copy mechanically 4 动作 movement/ motion/ action/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 活动 to exercise/ to move about/ to operate/ activity/ loose/ shaky/ active/ movable/ maneuver/ to use connections/ CL:項|项[xiang4];個|个[ge4] 4 感动 to move (sb)/ to touch (sb emotionally)/ moving 5 起来 beginning or continuing an action/ upward movement/ stand up 5 摆 to arrange/ to exhibit/ to move to and fro/ a pendulum 5 除 to get rid of/ to remove/ to exclude/ to eliminate/ to wipe out/ to divide/ except/ not including 5 步骤 step/ move/ measure 5 退 retreat/ to decline/ to move back/ to withdraw 5 感激 to express thanks/ grateful/ moved to gratitude 5 移动 to move/ movement/ migration/ mobile/ portable 5 绕 to wind/ to coil (thread)/ to rotate around/ to spiral/ to move around/ to go round (an obstacle)/ to by-pass/ to make a detour/ to confuse/ to perplex 5 摘 to take/ to borrow/ to pick (flowers; fruit etc)/ to pluck/ to select/ to remove/ to take off (glasses; hat etc) 5 行动 operation/ action/ to move/ mobile/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 倒 to move backwards/ converse 6 举动 act/ action/ activity/ move/ movement 6 举足轻重 a foot's move sways the balance (idiom)/ to hold the balance of power/ to play the decisive role 6 起伏 to move up and down/ to undulate/ ups and downs 6 迁徙 to migrate/ to move 6 纵横 lit. warp and weft in weaving/ vertically and horizontal/ length and breadth/ criss-crossed/ able to move unhindered/ abbr. for 合縱連橫|合纵连横[He2 zong4 Lian2 heng2]; School of Diplomacy during the Warring States Period (475 - 221 BC) 6 挪 to shift/ to move 6 动态 development/ trend/ dynamic state/ movement/ moving 6 排斥 to reject/ to exclude/ to eliminate/ to remove/ to repel 6 兜 pocket/ bag/ to wrap up or hold in a bag/ to move in a circle/ to canvas or solicit/ to take responsibility for/ to disclose in detail/ combat armor (old) 6 排除 to eliminate/ to get rid of/ to remove 6 解除 to remove/ to sack/ to get rid of/ to relieve (sb of their duties)/ to free/ to lift (an embargo)/ to rescind (an agreement) 6 消除 to eliminate/ to remove 6 奔驰 to run quickly/ to travel quickly/ to move fast/ Mercedes-Benz; German car make 6 运行 be in motion/ to move/ to run 6 一举两得 one move; two gains (idiom)/ two birds with one stone 6 畅通 unimpeded/ free-flowing/ straight path/ unclogged/ move without obstruction 6 热泪盈眶 eyes brimming with tears of excitement (idiom)/ extremely moved
44 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VA * *v;n * *v;n * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *v;n * *N * *VA * *VS * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *N * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *N * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * * * *v;n * *N * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *N * *VA * *VA * *VA * * * *VA
44 OLD_HSK German word(s): 1. sich rühren, sich bewegen,in Bewegung setzen 2. Aktion, Handlung 3. ändern, verändern 4. gebrauchen, verwenden 5. anregen, erregen , rühren Sport treiben,Sport Aktivität,Tätigkeit 1. fortschaffen, befördern, umlegen, umstellen 2. umziehen, den Wohnsitz wechseln 3. mechanisch nachahmen, (oder übernehmen) 1. aufstehen, sich aufrichten ,sich erheben 2. sich entwickeln, entstehen 3. wachsen, sich bilden 4. anfangen, beginnen 5. entfernen, herausziehen 6. entwerfen, abfassen 7. bauen 8. Fall 9. Gruppe, Schub 1. gehen, fortgehen 2. abschaffen, beseitigen 3. vom vergangenen Jahr, letztjährig 1.einen Punkt setzen 2. kurz berühren 3. nicken, kurz bewegen 4. tröpfeln 5. eines nach dem anderen prüfen 6. auswählen 7. anzünden, entzünden 1. Tropfen 2. Fleck, Tupfen 3. Stelle, Grad, Punkt 4. Aspekt, Gesichtspunkt 5. Stunde 6. Gebäck, Erfrischung 7. tropfen etc Bewegung, handeln, agieren Tätigkeit, Bewegung bewegt sein, berührt sein, fühlen, empfinden, denken (daß) 1. weich, geschmeidig,nachgebend 2.mild,sanft 3.schwach, kraftlos 4. leicht beeinflußbar, schwankend 1. etw hin und her schwingen, schwenken 2. werfen, schleudern 3. abwerfen, wegwerfen 1. bewegen, wegrücken, versetzen 2. ändern, verändern fortbewegen / versetzen / verrücken 1. entfernen, fortnehmen, wegschaffen 2. sich zurückziehen, räumen der Klang von Unruhe, Lärm verkehren, fahren erschüttern,beben Schwingung, Vibration sich drehen, billig kaufen und teuer verkaufen Schritt,Maßnahme 1. sammeln, zusammentun, 2. zufällig, gerade, bei Gelegenheit 3. sich nähern, an etw heranrücken beseitigen,wegschaffen,ausmerzen/ausrotten etwas in Bewegung setzen, abmarschieren fließen, strömen,wandern, mobil Demonstration, demonstrieren beseitigen,entfernen,überwinden desinfizieren vorschlagen, einen Vorschlag machen, Vorschlag, Antrag Tanz einen anderen Ort wählen, ablenken, ändern 1. um etw kreisen, schrauben, sich winden 2. einer Sache auf den Grund gehen 3. überprüfen 1. ausladen, entladen, ablegen 2. demontieren, auseinandernehmen 3. jn von etw freimachen, sich vor etw drücken, abwälzen steigen, ansteigen,aufsteigen 1. rühren, drehen, bewegen 2. zuteilen, zuweisen 1. fahren 2. schnell fahren, rasen sich auf und ab bewegen, schlagen, pulsieren verlegen, bewegen, Tat, Aktion 1. verschwinden, sich verlieren 2. zerstreuen, vertreiben, entfernen 3. seine Zeit auf geruhsame Weise verbringen verrücken, verlegen, rücken, verschieben entfernen,fortschaffen,sich js/etw. entledigen zum Singen verleiten und zu Tränen rühren, mitreißend 1. seinen Wohnsitz wechseln, verlegen, versetzen,umziehen 2. sich wandeln, sich verändern
130 synsets(s): unmoved + removed + removed + moveable + immoveable + moved + unmoved + move involuntarily + move reflexively + move + move + remove + remove + move + remove + move + move + commove + move + commove + move + move + move + move + move over + move + move + move in + move in + move out + move back and forth + move around + move through + move up + move up + move on + move back + move in + move into + move in on + remove + move around + remove + move + move + move + remove + move out + remove + move in on + remove + move + move + move + chess move + move + opening move + movement + move + movement + troop movement + movement + move + fetal movement + foetal movement + eye movement + movement + anti-war movement + feminist movement + women's liberation movement + gay liberation movement + youth movement + countermove + cartridge remover + movement + remove + sense of movement + feeling of movement + Romantic Movement + movement + Salafi movement + movement + movement + crustal movement + tectonic movement + periodic movement + Black September Movement + East Turkistan Islamic Movement + East Turkestan Islamic Movement + Islamic Resistance Movement + Movement of Holy Warriors + Lautaro Youth Movement + Lautaro Faction of the United Popular Action Movement + World Tamil Movement + Movement for Revenge + Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement + movement + social movement + artistic movement + art movement + Civil Rights movement + cultural movement + political movement + labor movement + trade union movement + reform movement + religious movement + ecumenical movement + Lubavitch movement + Oxford movement + mover + public mover + Zionist movement + prime mover + mover + mover + mover + remover + mover and shaker + apparent movement + movement + Brownian movement + bowel movement + movement + nonrapid eye movement sleep + nonrapid eye movement + rapid eye movement sleep + rapid eye movement + remover + moveable feast +
44 OLD_HSK English word(s): move/ stir/ use be in motion/ move about/ sport move about/ relax/ activity/ shaky move/ carry remove/ pull/ appear/ rise/ raise go/ leave/ send/ remove/ get rid of 1.put a dot 2.touch on very briefly, skim 3.nod, move very briefly 4. drip 5. check one by one 6. select, choose 7. light, burn move/ act/ action motion/ movement be moved 1. soft, pliable 2. weak, feeble 3. easily moved or influenced move back and forth/ throw move move/ remove/ shift evacuate/ withdraw/ remove/ dismiss sound and movement/ activity/ happening move-drive/ (of a boat; vehicle; etc.) go/ travel/ drive shock-move/ quiver/ vibrate/ quake/ shock/ astonish vibrate-move/ vibrate/ tremble/ flutter/ oscillate move around/ rummage/ buy low and sell high step/ move/ measure move close to/ gather together/ collect/ pool clear away/ eliminate/ get rid of/ purge/ remove start/ set in motion/ move/ march flow/ run/ circulate/ move move-go/ parade/ march/ procession/ rove about eliminate-remove/ clear up/ get rid of/ dispel remove-poison/ disinfect/ sterilize/ sanitize raise-idea/ propose/ move/ proposal/ motion move-step/ move and step rhythmically/ dance transferring-move/ transfer/ divert/ displace/ change coil/ twist/ wind/ examine/ look into/ move/ transfer unload/ discharge/ remove/ take off/ unhitch/ get rid of rise/ go up/ ascend/ move upward move sth. with hand; foot; or stick/ turn/ dial/ assign drive/ sail/ speed/ move or pass quickly jump-move/ jump up and down/ beat/ pulsate transfer/ move/ redeploy/ mobilize/ arouse/ actuate act/ move disappear/ remove move/ shift eliminate/ remove/ debar move one to praises and tears move
44 OLD_HSK French word(s):
44 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
44 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
44 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): การเคลื่อนไหว ไป / ไปเที่ยว สั่ง
44 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)


เดิน to walk, to go, to move
ย้าย move
เอาออก move; take away
เกี่ยวกับกิจกรรม 活动 move about/activity
การเคลื่อนไหว การกระทำ 动作 movement, action
ย้าย move
โอนย้าย to transfer, to move
เพื่อย้ายไป; เพื่อที่จะเปลี่ยน to move; to shift
退 to move back; to return
ที่จะรับผลกระทบที่จะย้าย 感动 to be affected; to be moved
เพื่อรื้อ; เพื่อลบ to dismantle; to remove
ย้ายรอบ; วงกลม to move round; to circle
กีฬา 运动 movement, campaign, sports
ไหลกระจาย, หมุนเวียน ย้าย to flow, to spread, to circulate, to move
เพื่อย้าย, ลบ, การขนส่ง to move, to remove, to transport
ย้าย (บ้าน) 搬家 move (house)
ย้ายออกจาก 搬出去 to move out of
起来 beginning or continuing an action, upward movement, stand up
ย้าย เปลี่ยนแปลงแก้ไข to move, to use, to act, to change
เพื่อย้าย to move
ย้าย to move
เพื่อย้ายที่จะออกไป to move, to take away
เพื่อย้ายไปโดนย้าย 感动 to move, to touch, moving
การเคลื่อนไหวการเคลื่อนไหว,, การกระทำ 动作 movement, motion, action
เพื่อย้ายไป, เอาออก to move, to remove, to shift
เพื่อย้ายที่จะเปลี่ยน 移动 to move, to shift
ย้าย; ดำเนินการ move; carry
คน; ใช้ move; stir; use
ย้ายเกี่ยวกับ; พักผ่อน; กิจกรรม; สั่นคลอน 活动 move about; relax; activity; shaky
ลบ; ดึง; เพิ่มขึ้น; ปรากฏขึ้น remove; pull; appear; rise; raise
การเคลื่อนที่ ย้าย; กีฬา 运动 be in motion; move about; sport
การเคลื่อนที่ เคลื่อนไหว 动作 motion; movement
ถูกย้าย 感动 be moved
ย้ายไปมา; โยน move back and forth; throw
การกระทำ 行动 move; act; action
เปลี่ยน 移到 move; shift
ลบ; เปลี่ยน 移动 move; remove; shift
หมุน move sth. with hand, foot, or stick; turn; dial; assign
ขั้นตอนการ 步骤 step; move; measure
ถอน evacuate; withdraw; remove; dismiss
move close to; gather together; collect; pool
倒腾 move around; rummage; buy low and sell high
การชุมนุม 调动 transfer; move; redeploy; mobilize; arouse; actuate
การเคลื่อนไหว 动静 sound and movement; activity; happening
เริ่ม 开动 start; set in motion; move; march
流动 flow; run; circulate; move
ชัดเจน 清除 clear away; eliminate; get rid of; purge; remove
ลุกขึ้น 上升 rise; go up; ascend; move upward
ขับ drive; sail; speed; move or pass quickly
ที่เสนอ 提议 raise-idea; propose; move; proposal; motion
ตี 跳动 jump-move; jump up and down; beat; pulsate
เต้นรำ 舞蹈 move-step; move and step rhythmically; dance
การขจัด 消除 eliminate-remove; clear up; get rid of; dispel
การฆ่าเชื้อโรค 消毒 remove-poison; disinfect; sterilize; sanitize
ปล่อย unload; discharge; remove; take off; unhitch; get rid of
การออกกำลังกาย 行使 move-drive; (of a boat, vehicle, etc.) go; travel; drive
ขบวนแห่ 游行 move-go; parade; march; procession; rove about
ช็อก 震动 shock-move; quiver; vibrate; quake; shock; astonish
การสั่นสะเทือน 振动 vibrate-move; vibrate; tremble; flutter; oscillate
เลี้ยว 转动 turn-move; turn; move; turn around; change direction
การโอน 转移 transferring-move; transfer; divert; displace; change
可歌可泣 move one to praises and tears
เปลี่ยน move; shift
กำจัด; ลบ; ขัดขวาง 排除 eliminate; remove; debar
ย้าย move
หายไป disappear; remove
ย้าย 行径 act; move
movi ย้าย move Umzug mouvement movimiento mossa
viŝi เอาออก 拆除 remove entfernen supprimer quitar rimuovere

Grade E word(s):

50 agāḍi baḍhnu अगाडि बढ्नु to advance, to move forward v.i.
490 āndōlana आन्दोलन agitation, riot, movement n.
612 ukhēlnu उखेल्नु to uproot, to remove v.t.
828 ōsārinu ओसारिनु to be moved from one place to another v.i.
829 ōsārnu ओसार्नु to move something from one place to another v.t.
1049 kēlā'unu केलाउनु to sift, to remove impurities v.t.
1092 krānti क्रान्ति revolution, pace, movement, declination, invading, surpassing n.
1189 gati गति speed, motion, movement, condition, circumstance, position n.
1190 gatimāna गतिमान speed, movement, full motion n.
1191 gatividhi गतिविधि activity, movements, frequentation, state of things, position of progress n.
1192 gatiśīla गतिशील speed, movement, full motion n.
1310 gōḍnu गोड्नु to weed, to remove weeds v.t.
1355 ghumnu घुम्नु to move about, to roam, to turn round, to go around v.i.
1394 calā'unu चलाउनु to cause to move, to put to use, to move, to despatch v.t.
1399 calnu चल्नु to move, to be current, to be in use, to work, to flirt v.i.
1419 cāla चाल movement n.
1564 jana-āndōlana जन-आंदोलन popular movement, people's movement n.
2521 pracalana प्रचलन prevalence, custom, usage, currency, movement n.
3001 makala मकल a small moveable earthenware stove used for heating n.
3283 rājanaitika gatividhi राजनैतिक गतिविधि political movement
3385 lānu लानु to take away, to remove v.t.
3484 vidyārthī gatividhi विद्यार्थी गतिविधि student movement n.
3668 sañcaraṇa सञ्चरण movement, motion n.
3669 sañcalana सञ्चलन movement n.
3670 sañcāra सञ्चार movement, motion n.
3746 samādhāna समाधान solving the problem, cracking the nuts, removel of doubts n.
3800 sarnu सर्नु to move, to spread v.i.
3811 salabalā'unu सलबलाउनु to move restlessly v.i.
3914 sārnu सार्नु to move, to remove, to shift, to copy, to infect v.t.
4161 hiṇḍnu हिंड्नु to walk, to go, to move, to start, to set off v.i.
千字文: 殆辱近耻 林皋幸即 Lurking scandal, looming shame; in joy move up to wood and stream.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(n.) [move] relocation, changing your residence or business
(n.) [move] player's turn to move a piece or act
(n.) [movement] motion, move, change of position
(n.) [movement] social movement, front, people with a common ideology
(v.) [move] be active
(v.) [move] arouse sympathy or compassion
(v.) [move] change position
(v.) [move] change residence, affiliation, or employment

00014549-v move +
00124442-v move +
00539110-v move +
00879356-v move +
01076615-v move +
01649999-v move +
01767949-v move +
01771390-v move +
01831531-v move +
01835496-v move +
01850315-v move +
01855606-v move +
02355959-v move +
02367363-v move +
02372605-v move +
02598863-v move +
00165942-n move +
00166172-n move +
00168658-n move +
00279835-n move +
00331950-n move +

MOVE + +




1 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1021 请您露出上身! ถอดเสื้อออก ครับ or ค่ะ! Riisukaa ylävartalonne paljaaksi.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

477 老鼠 搬家 狂躁 可能 地震 噩兆
506 她们 感动 流下 眼泪
842 体操 动作 标准
1197 大家 仿效 老师 动作 练习
1280 货物 仓库
1299 舞蹈 动作 标准
2001 搬进 学生 宿舍
2161 大家 模仿 老师 动作
2189 妈妈 花苗 挪到 花盆
2207 房间 家俱 撤掉
2211 踢球 动作 敏捷
2510 电影 排行榜
2947 我们 搬进 公寓
3132 他们 不畏 艰难 前走
3233 裂缝 地壳 运动 形成
3614 无动于衷

Semantische Felder:

3.4 Abwesenheit
5.24 Veränderung
8.3 Fortbewegung
8.3 Fortbewegung
8.3 Fortbewegung
8.19 Schnell
8.21 Antrieb, Stoß
9.15 Plan