Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Phonetic KEY:
Branch zhī
Hsk Characters: * * * * * *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
+ + + chirping, squeaking, hissing Mouth 支 (ZWEIG) 【◎Fix:◎zi1;◎zhi1】 +
+ + + fermented beans Bean 支 (ZWEIG) chi3 +
+ + + wings / fin Wings 支 (ZWEIG) chi4 +
+ + + a cupboard or pantry to store 广 Shelter 支 (ZWEIG) gui3 +
+ + + wooden shoes, clogs Corpse 支 (ZWEIG) ji1 +
+ + + skill, ability, talent, ingenuity 手, 扌 Hand1 支 (ZWEIG) ji4 +
+ + + talent, skill, ability Man 支 (ZWEIG) ji4 +
+ + + prostitute Woman 支 (ZWEIG) ji4 +
+ + + water caltrop 艸, 艹 Grass 支 (ZWEIG) ji4 +
+ + + fork of road / branching off Stop 支 (ZWEIG) qi2 +
+ + + high / majestic / fork in road Mountain 支 (ZWEIG) qi2 +
+ + + disperse, pay / support / branch Branch 支 (ZWEIG) zhi1 +
+ + + branches, limbs / branch off Tree 支 (ZWEIG) zhi1 +
+ + + human limbs / animal feet Flesh 支 (ZWEIG) zhi1 +
+ + + stubborn / perverse / aggressive 心, 忄 Heart 支 (ZWEIG) zhi4 +