10 New HSK word(s): 5 道德 virtue/ morality/ ethics/ moral/ CL:種|种[zhong3] 5 鼓舞 heartening (news)/ boost (morale)/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 教训 a lesson/ a moral/ to chide sb/ to lecture sb 5 节 festival/ holiday/ node/ joint/ section/ segment/ part/ to economize/ to save/ to abridge/ moral integrity/ classifier for segments; e.g. lessons; train wagons; biblical verses/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 发挥 to display/ to exhibit/ to bring out implicit or innate qualities/ to express (a thought or moral)/ to develop (an idea)/ to elaborate (on a theme) 6 流氓 rogue/ hoodlum/ gangster/ immoral behavior 6 泄气 discouraged/ dejected/ demoralized/ despairing/ to want to give up/ to deflate (air from a tyre) 6 堕落 to morally degenerate/ to become depraved/ a fall from grace/ a fall into sin or depravity 6 品德 moral character 6 品行 behavior/ moral conduct
5 Old HSK word(s): B N * dao4de2 Moral B N * qing2xu4 Stimmung, Gefühl C N * pin3de2 Moral,Tugend C N * yi4wu4 Pflicht, Verpflichtung,unentgeltlich D N * pin3xing2 Benehmen
5 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** PIN3 Ware
* ** XING2 Linie/gehen

ตัวอักษรศีลธรรม 品格 moral character
คุณธรรม จริยธรรม 道德 morals; ethics
ขวัญ; ความรู้สึก; อารมณ์ 情绪 morale; feeling; mood
ศีลธรรม 品德 moral character
ภาระหน้าที่ 义务 righteous-affair; duty; obligation; moral responsibility
ศีลธรรม 品行 morality
moralo คติธรรม 情绪 morale Moral moral moral morale

Grade E word(s):

233 anautiktā अनौतिक्ता immorality n.
321 artī अर्ती advice, counsel, lesson, instruction, precept, moral lesson, admonition n.
379 asala असल real, true, pure, unadulterated, morally good adj.
2219 nīti नीति policy, morality, manners n.
2235 naitikatā नैतिकता morals, morality, ethics n.
2678 badamāśa बदमाश wicked, immoral, mischievous adj.
2921 bhāḍnu भाड्नु to spoil, to ruin (morally) v.t.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [moral] relating to principles of right and wrong
(n.) [morale] team spirit
(n.) [morale] individual psychological well-being

01548193-a moral
01780596-a moral
06606044-n moral

0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

828 品德 问题
2721 队员 斗志 昂扬

Semantische Felder:

15.37 Keusch