Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

丁丁' + 丁丁* * + sound of chopping wood, chess pieces hitting the board etc/
動靜' + 动静* * + sound of activity or people talking/ news of activity
吸聲' + 吸声* * + sound absorption/
吸音' + 吸音* * + sound-absorbing/
吽' + * * + sound of a Buddhist incantation/
吽牙' + 吽牙* * + sound of dogs fighting, also written 吽呀/
咕咕叫' + 咕咕叫* * + sound made by an empty stomach/
咪' + * * + sound for calling a cat/
哧' + * * + sound of giggling/ see 呼哧
哭聲' + 哭声* * + sound of weeping/
嗿' + * * + sound of many people eating/
嘓' + * * + sound of swallowing/ croak
嘣' + * * + sound o sound of sth throbbing or bursting/
嘩嘩' + 哗哗* * + sound of gurgling water/
噌' + * * + sound of bells etc/
噗' + * * + sound of escaping laughter/ water
嚆' + * * + sound/ noise
嚦' + * * + sound of splitting/ cracking
天籟' + 天籁* * + sounds of nature/
影音' + 影音* * + recorde sound and movies/
心音' + 心音* * + sound of the heart/ heartbeat
泠' + * * + sound of water flowing/
浤' + * * + sound of water surging/
消聲' + 消声* * + sound dissipation/ noise reduction
淺' + * * + sound of moving water/
澎' + * * + sound of waves/
瀺' + * * + sound of water/
發聲器' + 发声器* * + sound device/
發音體' + 发音体* * + sound producing object (soundboard, vibrating string, membrane etc)/
砉' + * * + sound of a thing flying fast by/ whoosh cracking s
砲響' + 炮响* * + sound of gunfire/ fig. news of momentous events
礗' + * * + sound of crushed stone/
空谷足音' + 空谷足音* * + sound of footsteps in an empty valley (idiom); a rare occurrence/ That's sth you don't often hear!
聲' + * * + sound/ voice tone
聲卡' + 声卡* * + sound card/
聲息' + 声息* * + sound (often with negative, not a sound)/ whisper
聲波' + 声波* * + sound wave/
聲道' + 声道* * + sound track/ audio channel
聲響' + 声响* * + sound/ noise
背景音樂' + 背景音乐* * + backgro soundtrack/ musical setting
訇' + * * + sound of a crash/
謋' + * * + sound of flesh being separated from the bone/
跫' + * * + sound of footsteps/
錄音' + 录音* * + to reco sound recording/ CL:個|个
鍠' + * * + sound of drums and bells/ trident
鎤' + * * + sound of a bell/ small bell
隔音' + 隔音* * + sound-proofing/
雷轟' + 雷轰* * + sound of thunder/
雷霆' + 雷霆* * + sound of thunder/
音' + * * + sound/ noise note (of m
音效' + 音效* * + sound effect/
音波' + 音波* * + sound wave/
音義' + 音义* * + sound and meaning/
音視' + 音视* * + sound and video/
音視頻' + 音视频* * + sound and video/
音軌' + 音轨* * + sound track/ track number (e.g. on a CD)
音量' + 音量* * + sound volume/
音長' + 音长* * + sound duration/ length of a musical note
音響' + 音响* * + sound/ acoustics audio
音響設備' + 音响设备* * + sound equipment/ stereo
音頻設備' + 音频设备* * + sound card/ audio card (computer)
風聲' + 风声* * + sound of the wind/ rumor talk
颯' + * * + sound of wind/ valiant melancholy
颼颼' + 飕飕* * + sound of the wind blowing or rain falling/
鼓聲' + 鼓声* * + sound of a drum/ drumbeat
鼚' + * * + sound of drum/
鼾聲' + 鼾声* * + sound of snoring/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[loud] characterized by sound of great volume
[echo] reverberation, sound reflection
[integrity] moral soundness
[noise] sound
[pitch] property of sound
[ring] characteristic sound
[roll] drum roll, sound of a drum
[bark] make barking sounds
[hear] perceive sound
[pop] burst open with a sharp, explosive sound
[snap] click, flick, make a snapping sound

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

âm thanh + + sound

+ + + + + + + +