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一類' + 一类* * + same ty category 1 (i.e. class A)/
催化' + 催化* * + catalysis/ to catalyze (a reaction)
催化作用' + 催化作用* * + catalysis/
催化劑' + 催化剂* * + catalyst/
僵住症' + 僵住症* * + catalepsy/
冬蟲夏草' + 冬虫夏草* * + caterpillar fungus (Cordyceps sinensis)/
凱瑟琳' + 凯瑟琳* * + Catherine (name)/ Katherine
凱茜·弗里曼' + 凯茜·弗里曼* * + Cathy Freeman (1973-), Australian sprinter/
出其不意攻其不備' + 出其不意攻其不备* * + catch an enemy off guard with a surprise attack (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of W/
分解代謝' + 分解代谢* * + catabolism (biology)/ metabolic breaking down and waste disposal dissimilat
加泰羅尼亞' + 加泰罗尼亚* * + Catalonia/
卡塔尼亞' + 卡塔尼亚* * + Catania, Sicily/
卡特彼勒公司' + 卡特彼勒公司* * + Caterpillar Inc./
品類' + 品类* * + category/ kind
喵星人' + 喵星人* * + cat (Internet slang)/
嘩' + * * + cat-calling sound/ clamor noise
國泰' + 国泰* * + Cathay Pacific (Hong Kong airline)/
國泰航空' + 国泰航空* * + Cathay Pacific, a Hong Kong based airline/
圖錄' + 图录* * + catalog/
大教堂' + 大教堂* * + cathedral/
天主教徒' + 天主教徒* * + Catholic/ follower of Catholicism
天災地孽' + 天灾地孽* * + catastrophes and unnatural phenomena/ Heaven-sent warnings
孌童' + 娈童* * + catamite (boy as homosexual partner)/ kept man gigolo
履帶' + 履带* * + caterpillar track/ shoes and belt
弩砲' + 弩炮* * + catapult/ ballista (siege catapult firing stone blocks)
彈弓' + 弹弓* * + catapult/ slingshot
捕手' + 捕手* * + catcher/
料斗' + 料斗* * + cattle feeder/ hopper (wicker basket)
斜對' + 斜对* * + catty-corner/ to be diagonally opposite to
斤' + * * + catty/ weight equal to 0.5 kg (Tw) weigh
星雲表' + 星云表* * + catalog of stars and nebulae/
梓' + * * + Catalpa kaempferi/ printing blocks
楸' + * * + Catalpa/ Mallotus japonicus
楸樹' + 楸树* * + Catalpa bungei or Manchurian Catalpa, a tea plant/
毛毛蟲' + 毛毛虫* * + caterpillar/
毛蟲' + 毛虫* * + caterpillar/
災變' + 灾变* * + catastrophe/ cataclysmic change
災變說' + 灾变说* * + catastrophism (theory that geological changes are brought about by catastrophes su/
災變論' + 灾变论* * + catastrophism/ the theory that geological change is caused by catastrophic events such as the Biblical flood
災難性' + 灾难性* * + catastrophic/
煙花簿' + 烟花簿* * + catalog of prostitutes (esp. in Yuan theater)/
牛欄' + 牛栏* * + cattle pen/
牛羊' + 牛羊* * + cattle and sheep/ livestock
異化作用' + 异化作用* * + catabolism (biology)/ metabolic breaking down and waste disposal dissimilat
白內障' + 白内障* * + cataract/
白翳' + 白翳* * + opacity cataract/
目錄' + 目录* * + catalog/ table of contents directory
直言命題' + 直言命题* * + categorical proposition (logic)/
眚' + * * + cataract of the eye/ error
石弩' + 石弩* * + catapult/ ballista (siege catapult firing stone blocks)
第五類' + 第五类* * + category 5/ CAT 5 (cable)
範疇' + 范畴* * + category/
範疇論' + 范畴论* * + category theory/ general nonsense (math.)
紅衣主教' + 红衣主教* * + Catholic Cardinal/
翳眼' + 翳眼* * + cataract/
華夏' + 华夏* * + old nam Cathay/
蠋' + * * + caterpillar/
觸媒' + 触媒* * + catalyst/ to catalyze
觸媒作用' + 触媒作用* * + catalysis/
觸酶' + 触酶* * + catalase (enzyme)/
詞項邏輯' + 词项逻辑* * + categorical logic/
貓' + * * + cat/ CL:隻|只
貓抓病' + 猫抓病* * + cat scratch disease/ cat scratch fever
貓沙' + 猫沙* * + cat litter/ kitty litter
貓聲鳥' + 猫声鸟* * + catbird/
貓鼠遊戲' + 猫鼠游戏* * + cat and mouse game/
過氧化氫酶' + 过氧化氢酶* * + catalase (enzyme)/ hydrogen peroxidase
配餐' + 配餐* * + catering/
鎖掣' + 锁掣* * + catch (of a lock)/
陰極' + 阴极* * + cathode/ negative electrode (i.e. emitting electrons)
陰極射線管' + 阴极射线管* * + cathode ray tube/
電腦斷層掃描' + 电脑断层扫描* * + CAT scan/ CT scan
鞅牛' + 鞅牛* * + cattle harnessed for plowing/
飛賊' + 飞贼* * + cat burglar/ burglar who gains entrance by scaling walls intruding
魸' + * * + catfish/
鮀' + * * + catfish/ a kind of small fish Chinese al

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[complex] complicated
[general] applying to most members of a category
[ignorant] lacking basic knowledge, naive, unsophisticated
[revolutionary] advocating or engaged in revolution
[application] practical application
[arrow] pointer, indicator
[article] nonfictional prose forming an independent part of a publication
[assembly] fabrication, construction
[bracket] category
[budget] sum of money allocated
[calf] young cattle
[career] calling, vocation
[catalogue] catalog
[center] building dedicated to a particular activity
[change] alteration, modification
[check] confirmation, verification
[college] institution of higher education
[commitment] allegiance, loyalty, dedication
[communication] something communicated between people
[copyright] right of publication
[correction] rectification
[court] tribunal, judicature
[disaster] calamity, catastrophe, tragedy
[edition] publication
[excuse] alibi, exculpation, self-justification
[herd] group of cattle
[holiday] vacation
[implication] logical implication
[introduction] first section of a communication
[lace] delicate fabric
[language] linguistic communication
[lie] prevarication
[limit] demarcation, demarcation line
[line] dividing line, demarcation
[magazine] periodic publication
[manufacture] fabrication
[mark] scratch, scrape, scar, indication of damage
[match] catch, a good matrimonial prospect
[meaning] significance, signification
[medicine] medication, medicament, medicinal drug
[message] written, spoken, or signaled communication
[move] relocation, changing your residence or business
[needle] indicator for readings
[network] communication system with a group of broadcasting stations
[notice] advance notification
[pigeon] wild and domesticated bird
[pin] personal identification number, PIN, PIN number
[position] placement, location
[prayer] supplication
[product] mathematical product obtained by multiplication
[radio] radiocommunication, wireless, medium
[rehabilitation] vindication of character, exoneration
[reproduction] replica, replication, copy
[return] act of returning to a prior location
[school] educational institution
[series] serial, serial publication
[sign] augury, foretoken, preindication
[simplicity] simpleness, uncomplicatedness
[slogan] motto, catchword
[ranch] cattle ranch, cattle farm
[television] television system, telecommunication system
[trap] snare, device for catching
[turkey] bird domesticated for food
[volume] publication
[impound] confiscate, seize
[predict] call, foretell, prognosticate, forebode
[capture] catch
[chew] masticate
[choke] gag, suffocate
[construct] manufacture, fabricate
[copy] re-create, replicate
[cultivate] domesticate, naturalize, naturalise, tame
[train] prepare, educate
[devote] dedicate, commit to a specific cause or function
[double] increase twofold, duplicate
[drug] dose, medicate
[explain] explicate
[infect] communicate a disease
[locate] situate, determine the location
[nap] catnap, take a nap
[repeat] duplicate, reduplicate, double, replicate
[rest] breathe, catch one's breath, take a breather
[show] indicate, point
[spray] scatter
[try] judge, adjudicate
[write] communicate or express by writing

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

con mèo + + cat

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