A + + * * bai3 hundred 1. hundert, Hundert 2. hunderste 3. viel, zahlreich, alle + + +
B 老百姓 + + * * lao3bai3xing4 always gewöhnliche Leute + + +
C 百貨 + + * * bai3huo4 general merchandise verschiedene Waren + + +
C 千方百計 + + * * qian1 fang1 bai3 ji4 by every possible means/ by hook or crook nichts unversucht lassen, auf jede erdenkliche W. + + +
D 百倍 + + * * bai3bei4 a hundredfold hundertfach + + +
D 百分比 + + * * bai3fen1bi3 percentage Prozentsatz, Prozent + + +
D 百花齊放 + + * * bai3 hua1 qi2 fang4 let a hundred flowers blossom laßt hundert Blumen blühen + + +
D 百家爭鳴 + + * * bai3 jia1 zheng1 ming2 a hundred schools of thought contend hundert Schulen wettstreiten mit einander + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
one hundred / numerous, many
house, home, residence / family
dispute, fight, contend, strive
cry of bird or animal / make sound

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

百' + * * + surname Bai/
百' + * * + hundred/ numerous all kinds
百不咋' + 百不咋* * + of no consequence (idiom)/
百不雜' + 百不杂* * + variant of 百不咋/
百事俱廢' + 百事俱废* * + to go t /
百事可樂' + 百事可乐* * + Pepsi/
百事無成' + 百事无成* * + to have accomplished nothing (idiom)/
百事輕怡' + 百事轻怡* * + Diet Pepsi/ Pepsi Light
百事通' + 百事通* * + knowledgeable person/ know all
百位' + 百位* * + the hundreds place (or column) in the decimal system/
百依百順' + 百依百顺* * + docile and obedient/ all obedience
百倍' + 百倍* * + a hundredfold/ a hundred times
百兒八十' + 百儿八十* * + about a hundred/ a hundred or so
百分' + 百分* * + percent/ percentage
百分之' + 百分之* * + percent/
百分之一百' + 百分之一百* * + one hundred percent/ totally (effective)
百分之百' + 百分之百* * + a hundred percent/ out and out absolutely
百分制' + 百分制* * + hundred mark system/
百分數' + 百分数* * + percentage/
百分比' + 百分比* * + percentage/
百分率' + 百分率* * + percentage/ percent
百分百' + 百分百* * + one hundred percent/ totally (effective)
百分號' + 百分号* * + percent sign % (punct.)/
百分點' + 百分点* * + percentage point/
百利甜' + 百利甜* * + Baileys Irish Cream (brand of alcoholic drink)/ see also 百利甜酒
百利甜酒' + 百利甜酒* * + Baileys /
百勝' + 百胜* * + BaiSheng, common name for Chinese company/ PakSing, common Hong Kong company name
百勝餐飲' + 百胜餐饮* * + Tricon Global Restaurants (incl. Pizza Hut and KFC)/
百勝餐飲集團' + 百胜餐饮集团* * + Tricon Global Restaurants (incl. Pizza Hut and KFC)/
百匯' + 百汇* * + parfait (loanword)/
百十' + 百十* * + a hundred or so/
百卉千葩' + 百卉千葩* * + myriad plants and flowers (idiom); rich and colorful/
百合' + 百合* * + lily/
百合子' + 百合子* * + Yuriko, Japanese female given name, translates Christian name Lily/
百合科' + 百合科* * + Liliaceae/ the lily family
百合花' + 百合花* * + lily/ fig. pure and spotless person virgin
百合花飾' + 百合花饰* * + fleur-de-lis (armorial symbol)/
百善孝為先' + 百善孝为先* * + of all virtues filial piety is most important (idiom)/
百團大戰' + 百团大战* * + Hundred Regiments offensive of August-December 1940, a large scale offensive again/
百姓' + 百姓* * + common people/
百姿千態' + 百姿千态* * + in different poses and with different expressions/ in thousands of postures (idiom)
百威' + 百威* * + Budweiser (beer)/
百威啤酒' + 百威啤酒* * + Budweiser beer/
百孔千瘡' + 百孔千疮* * + riddled with gaping wounds/ afflicted with all ills
百家' + 百家* * + many schools of thought/ many people or households
百家姓' + 百家姓* * + The Book of Family Names, anonymous Song dynasty reading primer listing 438 surnam/
百家樂' + 百家乐* * + Baccarat (loanword)/
百家爭鳴' + 百家争鸣* * + a hundred schools of thought contend (idiom); refers to the classical philosophic /
百寶箱' + 百宝箱* * + treasure chest/
百尺竿頭' + 百尺竿头* * + to be at the highest level of enlightenment (Buddhist expression)/
百尺竿頭,更盡一步' + 百尺竿头,更尽一步* * + lit. hundred foot pole, progress still further (idiom); fig. much accomplished, st/ to continue to further successes not to res
百川' + 百川* * + rivers/
百川歸海' + 百川归海* * + all things tend in one direction (idiom)/
百帕' + 百帕* * + hecto-Pascal (hpa), unit of atmospheric pressure/
百年' + 百年* * + hundred years/ century lifetime
百年不遇' + 百年不遇* * + only met with once every hundred years (drought, flood etc)/
百年大計' + 百年大计* * + a project of vital and lasting importance/
百年好合' + 百年好合* * + may you live a long and happy life together (wedding greeting)/
百年樹人' + 百年树人* * + It takes ten years to nurture a tree, but a hundred years to train a man (idiom)/ fig. a good education program takes a long time to develop cf. 十年樹木,百
百幾' + 百几* * + more than a hundred/
百度' + 百度* * + Baidu, Internet portal and search engine, www.baidu.com, listed as BIDU on NASDAQ /
百度幣' + 百度币* * + virtual currency created by Baidu for use on its websites (coin.baidu.com)/
百度百科' + 百度百科* * + Baidu online encyclopedia/
百度知道' + 百度知道* * + Baidu’s online Q & A forum, zhidao.baidu.com/
百廢俱興' + 百废俱兴* * + all neglected tasks are being undertaken (idiom)/ work is now underway
百廢具興' + 百废具兴* * + variant of 百廢俱興|百废俱兴/
百廢待興' + 百废待兴* * + many th a thousand things to do/
百廢待舉' + 百废待举* * + many things waiting to be done (idiom)/ a thousand things to do
百弊叢生' + 百弊丛生* * + All the ill effects appear. (idiom)/
百強' + 百强* * + top 100 (e.g. top 100 towns)/
百忙' + 百忙* * + busy schedule/
百思不得其解' + 百思不得其解* * + see 百思不解/
百思不解' + 百思不解* * + to rema to remain perplexed despite much thought/
百思莫解' + 百思莫解* * + see 百思不解/
百思買' + 百思买* * + Best Bu /
百感交集' + 百感交集* * + all sorts of feelings well up in one's heart/
百慕大' + 百慕大* * + Bermuda/
百慕大三角' + 百慕大三角* * + Bermuda Triangle/
百慕達' + 百慕达* * + Bermuda (Tw)/
百戰不殆' + 百战不殆* * + to come unscathed through a hundred battles (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War" /
百戰百勝' + 百战百胜* * + to emer to be ever-victorious/
百折不回' + 百折不回* * + see 百折不撓|百折不挠/
百折不撓' + 百折不挠* * + to keep to be undaunted by repeated setbacks/ to be indomitable
百日咳' + 百日咳* * + whooping cough/ pertussis
百日維新' + 百日维新* * + Hundred Days Reform (1898), failed attempt to reform the Qing dynasty/
百果' + 百果* * + all kinds of fruits/
百樂餐' + 百乐餐* * + potluck meal/
百步穿楊' + 百步穿杨* * + to shoot with great precision (idiom)/
百歲老人' + 百岁老人* * + centenarian/
百濟' + 百济* * + Paekche or Baekje (18 BC-660 AD), one of the Korean Three Kingdoms/
百無一失' + 百无一失* * + no danger of anything going wrong/ no risk at all
百無禁忌' + 百无禁忌* * + all taboos are off (idiom); anything goes/ nothing is taboo
百無聊賴' + 百无聊赖* * + bored to death (idiom)/ bored stiff overcome w
百煉成鋼' + 百炼成钢* * + to be tempered into a steel/
百煉鋼' + 百炼钢* * + high-grade well-tempered steel/
百物' + 百物* * + all things/
百獸' + 百兽* * + all creatures/ every kind of animal
百病' + 百病* * + every illness/
百發百中' + 百发百中* * + lit. one hundred shots, one hundred hits/ to carry out a task with great precision to shoot w
百眼巨人' + 百眼巨人* * + hundred-eyed monster/
百科' + 百科* * + universal/ encyclopedic abbr. for
百科事典' + 百科事典* * + encyclo /
百科全書' + 百科全书* * + encyclopedia/ CL:本
百科詞典' + 百科词典* * + encyclo /
百穀' + 百谷* * + all the grains/ every kind of cereal crop
百端待舉' + 百端待举* * + a thousand things remain to be done (idiom)/ numerous tasks remain to be undertaken
百米賽跑' + 百米赛跑* * + 100-meter dash/
百粵' + 百粤* * + Baiyue, generic term for southern ethnic groups/ also written 百越
百總' + 百总* * + see 把總|把总/
百老匯' + 百老汇* * + Broadwa /
百聞不如一見' + 百闻不如一见* * + seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times (idiom); seeing for oneself is / seeing is believing
百聽不厭' + 百听不厌* * + worth hearing a hundred times/
百腳' + 百脚* * + centipede/
百般' + 百般* * + in hundred and one ways/ in every possible way by every m
百般刁難' + 百般刁难* * + to put up innumerable obstacles/ to create all kinds of difficulties (idiom)
百般奉承' + 百般奉承* * + to fawn upon sb in every possible way/
百般巴結' + 百般巴结* * + to flatter someone in a hundred different ways/ assiduous fawning (idiom)
百色' + 百色* * + Baise prefecture level city in Guangxi/ former pr.
百色' + 百色* * + Bose or /
百色地區' + 百色地区* * + Baise prefecture in Guangxi/ former pr.
百色市' + 百色市* * + Baise p former pr. /
百花園' + 百花园* * + Garden Baihua garden in Hongmiao village 洪廟村|洪庙村/
百花獎' + 百花奖* * + Hundred /
百花運動' + 百花运动* * + Hundred Flowers Campaign (PRC, 1956-57), in which Mao called for the taboo on disc/
百花齊放' + 百花齐放* * + a hundred flowers bloom (idiom); let the arts have free expression/
百花齊放,百家爭鳴' + 百花齐放,百家争鸣* * + a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend (idiom); refers to t/
百草' + 百草* * + all kinds of grass/ all kinds of flora
百草枯' + 百草枯* * + paraquat/
百萬' + 百万* * + million/ millions
百萬位' + 百万位* * + the millions place (or column) in the decimal system/
百萬噸' + 百万吨* * + megaton/ million tons
百萬噸級核武器' + 百万吨级核武器* * + megaton weapon/
百萬富翁' + 百万富翁* * + millionaire/
百萬赫茲' + 百万赫兹* * + megahertz (physics, electronics)/
百葉窗' + 百叶窗* * + shutter/ blind
百葉箱' + 百叶箱* * + Stevenson screen (white box with ventilated sides, housing meteorological instrume/ thermometer screen instrument
百裡挑一' + 百里挑一* * + one in a hundred/ cream of the crop
百褶裙' + 百褶裙* * + pleated skirt/
百計千方' + 百计千方* * + to exhaust every means to achieve sth (idiom)/
百讀不厭' + 百读不厌* * + to be worth reading a hundred times (idiom)/
百貨' + 百货* * + general merchandise/
百貨公司' + 百货公司* * + department store/
百貨商店' + 百货商店* * + department store/
百貨大樓' + 百货大楼* * + department store/
百貨店' + 百货店* * + bazaar/ department store general st
百越' + 百越* * + Baiyue, generic term for southern ethnic groups/
百足之蟲死而不僵' + 百足之虫死而不僵* * + a centipede dies but never falls down/ old institutions die hard
百里' + 百里* * + two-character surname Baili/
百里香' + 百里香* * + thyme (Thymus vulgaris)/
百金花' + 百金花* * + Centaurium pulchellum var. altaicum/
百靈' + 百灵* * + lark/ Eremophila alpestris
百靈鳥' + 百灵鸟* * + skylark/
百頁窗' + 百页窗* * + variant of 百葉窗|百叶窗/
百餘' + 百余* * + a hundr /
百香' + 百香* * + passion fruit/
百香果' + 百香果* * + passion fruit/
百鳥朝鳳' + 百鸟朝凤* * + lit. all birds paying looking up to the phoenix; fig. peace under a wise ruler/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


250 一百 +
455 钱袋 几百 +
618 一百 +
707 中国 古代 周朝 秦朝 几百年 +
2191 经过 百年 变迁 香港 成为 国际化 都市 +
3055 狮子 百兽 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +