44 New HSK word(s): 1 能 to be able to/ to be capable of/ ability/ capability/ able/ capable/ can possibly/ (usually used in the negative) to have the possibility of 1 做 to do/ to make/ to produce/ to write/ to compose/ to act as/ to engage in/ to hold (a party)/ to be/ to become/ to function (in some capacity)/ to serve as/ to be used for/ to form (a bond or relationship)/ to pretend/ to feign/ to act a part/ to put on a 1 北京 Beijing; capital of People's Republic of China/ Peking/ PRC government 3 帽子 hat/ cap/ CL:頂|顶[ding3] 4 首都 capital (city)/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 能力 capability/ capable/ able/ ability/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 风景 scenery/ landscape/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 脱 to shed/ to take off/ to escape/ to get away from 4 说明 to explain/ to illustrate/ explanation/ directions/ caption/ CL:個|个[ge4] 4 行 to walk/ to go/ to travel/ a visit/ temporary/ makeshift/ current/ in circulation/ to do/ to perform/ capable/ competent/ effective/ all right/ OK!/ will do 4 破 broken/ damaged/ worn out/ to break; split or cleave/ to get rid of/ to destroy/ to break with/ to defeat/ to capture (a city etc)/ to expose the truth of 5 功能 function/ capability 5 资金 funds/ funding/ capital 5 脑袋 head/ skull/ brains/ mental capability/ CL:顆|颗[ke1];個|个[ge4] 5 字幕 caption/ subtitle 5 能干 capable/ competent 5 棒 a stick/ club or cudgel/ smart/ capable/ strong/ wonderful/ classifier for legs of a relay race 5 舌头 tongue/ CL:個|个[ge4]/ enemy soldier captured for the purpose of extracting information 5 残疾 disabled/ handicapped/ deformity on a person or animal 5 身份 identity/ status/ capacity/ dignity/ position/ rank 5 作为 one's conduct/ deed/ activity/ accomplishment/ achievement/ to act as/ as (in the capacity of)/ qua/ to view as/ to look upon (sth as)/ to take sth to be 5 本领 skill/ ability/ capability/ CL:項|项[xiang4];個|个[ge4] 5 逃 to escape/ to run away/ to flee 5 逃避 to escape/ to evade/ to avoid/ to shirk 5 景色 scenery/ scene/ landscape/ view 6 力所能及 as far as one's capabilities extend (idiom)/ to the best of one's ability/ within one's powers 6 得力 able/ capable/ competent/ efficient 6 攻克 to capture/ to take 6 捕捉 to catch/ to seize/ to capture 6 资本 capital (as in capitalism) 6 难免 hard to avoid/ difficult to escape from 6 潜力 potential/ capacity 6 能量 energy/ capabilities 6 溜 to slip away/ to escape in stealth/ to skate 6 风光 scene/ view/ sight/ landscape/ to be well-regarded/ to be well-off/ grand (topolect)/ impressive (topolect) 6 俘虏 captive 6 园林 gardens/ park/ landscape garden 6 查获 to investigate and capture (a criminal)/ to ferret out/ to hunt down and arrest 6 省会 provincial capital 6 本钱 capital 6 没辙 (idiom) unable to solve/ no way to escape a problem 6 标题 title/ heading/ headline/ caption/ subject 6 无从 not to have access/ beyond one's authority or capability/ sth one has no way of doing 6 着迷 to be fascinated/ to be captivated
53 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VS * *N * *n;m * *N * *aux * *aux * *VA * *VA * *N * *N * *VS * *N * *VA * *N * *N * *VA * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VS * *VA * *N * *VA * *N * *VA * * * *VA * *VA * *VA * *N * *VA * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *m. * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *N * * * *N * *N * *N * *N * *v;n * *VA * *VA * *N
53 OLD_HSK German word(s): 1. Benehmen, Betragen 2. es geht, in Ordnung 3. fähig, tüchtig, geeignet Hut,Mütze 1. Wurzel, Stamm, Stengel, Stiel 2. Grundlage, Basis 3. Kapital 4.Buch, Heft 5.Ausgabe 6. Zählwort für Bücher Hauptstadt können können, imstande sein 1.(VC) (VB)nehmen, fassen ergreifen, halten 2. festhalten, überwältigen, überwinden 3. beherrschen, fähig zu etw sein 4. absichtlich Schwierigkeiten bereiten 5.(P08) mit (Instrument oder Ziel) 1. umkehren, umdrehen 2. übersteigen 3. durchwühlen, stöbern 4. übersetzen, übertragen Fähigkeit Fähigkeit, Können tüchtig, fähig Fähigkeit,Vermögen, Können 1. fliehen, flüchten, die Flucht ergreifen, ausreißen 2.entgehen, entkommen, entschlüpfen Kontingent,Truppen Landschaft 1. etwas in der Hand halten, fassen, ergreifen 2. festnehmen,fangen Hirn, Kopf,Gedächtnis,Gedanke 1. messen, schätzen, taxieren 2. Quantität, Menge 3.Fassungsvermögen, Kapazität Funktion, Leistung Deckel, Verschluß, Decke, Schild, Panzer können sich ergeben, kapitulieren, die Waffen strecken Energie Traglast, Tragvermögen, belasten, beladen Fähigkeit, Talent ausweichen, jd aus dem Weg gehen unfähig etwas zu tun erobern,ergreifen, gewinnen 1. schließen, verschließen, siegeln 2. jn belehnen 3. Umschlag , Hülle, 4. ein Zählwort für Briefe erobern, besetzen Anblick, Landschaft, Landschaftsbild, Szenerie inhaftieren Kapital Kapitalist Kapitalismus Bürgertum, Bourgeoisie Fonds, Geldmittel, Investitionskapital einnehmen, erobern Zählwort für Mützen, Hüte, Zelte etc. Identität, Status Kapital Kapazität, Fassungsvermögen,Aufnahmefähigkeit davonlaufen,entfliehen Provinzhauptstadt hilflos Landschaft ausländisches Kapital gefangen nehmen, Kriegsgefangene Vermögen, Reichtum, Kapital, Kapitalvermögen, Aktiva Phantasie, Tagtraum 1. zahlen, bezahlen, etw. abliefern 2. jmd die Waffe abnehmen, erbeuten, entwaffnen bezahlen , zusteuern, beitragen Intelligenz, geistige Fähigkeiten
1057 synsets(s): capable + incapable + captive + captivating + capitalistic + capitalist + capable + incapable + capable + incapable + madcap + inescapable + caparisoned + per capita + capable + captious + capped + capped + uncapped + capricious + captivated + handicapped + escaped + captive + incapacitating + decapitated + landscaped + capacious + captivated + capital + capsulate + capsulated + scapose + incapacitated + capricious + capital + capitate + scaphoid + a cappella + capital + capable + incapable + capillary + acapnic + acapnial + acapnotic + bicapsular + capacitive + Capetian + capitular + capitulary + Cappadocian + caprine + capsular + capsular + large-capitalization + large-capitalisation + large-cap + scapular + scapulohumeral + snow-capped + capillary + capitalist + capitalistic + small-capitalization + small-capitalisation + small-cap + closed-captioned + a cappella + capably + inescapably + cap-a-pie + captivatingly + capriciously + capriciously + captiously + per capita + caponize + caponise + incapacitate + handicap + capitalize + capitalise + overcapitalize + overcapitalise + cap + encapsulate + capsule + capsulize + capsulise + capacitate + cap off + incapacitate + capacitate + escape + overcapitalize + overcapitalise + capitalize + capitalise + capitalize + capitalise + overcapitalize + overcapitalise + escape + escape + capacitate + recapitulate + recap + handicap + handicap + capitulate + kneecap + capture + recapture + capture + decapitate + capsule + capsulate + capsulize + capsulise + encapsulate + caparison + capture + recapture + capitalize + capitalise + recapitulate + recapitulate + landscape + landscape + recapture + capture + captivate + capsize + capriole + capriole + caper + escape from + escape + escape + capture + capitalize + capitalise + recapture + capture + caption + capitalize + capitalise + captain + escape + cap + escape + escape + narrow escape + capitulation + capture + capitalization + capitalisation + overcapitalization + overcapitalisation + recapture + recapture + capture + escape + escape + Babylonian Captivity + decapitation + caper + escapade + escape + escapism + nightcap + sexcapade + caper + caper + capriole + capriole + a cappella singing + a capella singing + captainship + captaincy + intracapsular surgery + extracapsular surgery + capacity + escape + escape mechanism + capital offense + capture + caper + escapade + capacity + landscaping + landscape gardening + recapitulation + capitalization + capitalisation + capitalization + capitalisation + market capitalization + market capitalisation + capital punishment + decapitation + Caporetto + battle of Caporetto + Cape Passero + capsid + Caproidae + family Caproidae + Capros + genus Capros + Capros aper + Muscicapidae + family Muscicapidae + Muscicapa + genus Muscicapa + Muscicapa striata + Muscicapa grisola + blackcap + Silvia atricapilla + Wilson's blackcap + Cape May warbler + Seiurus aurocapillus + Perisoreus canadensis capitalis + black-capped chickadee + blackcap + Parus atricapillus + Ascaphidae + family Ascaphidae + Ascaphus + genus Ascaphus + Ascaphus trui + Bufo microscaphus + Scaphiopus + genus Scaphiopus + Scaphiopus hammondii + Scaphiopus multiplicatus + Scaphiopus bombifrons + Ixodes scapularis + capon + capercaillie + capercailzie + Caprimulgiformes + order Caprimulgiformes + caprimulgiform bird + Caprimulgidae + family Caprimulgidae + caprimulgid + Caprimulgus + genus Caprimulgus + Caprimulgus europaeus + Caprimulgus carolinensis + Caprimulgus vociferus + Colaptes caper collaris + Capitonidae + family Capitonidae + Scaphopoda + class Scaphopoda + scaphopod + capiz + Decapoda + order Decapoda + decapod + Decapoda + order Decapoda + decapod crustacean + decapod + Cape lobster + Homarus capensis + Caprella + genus Caprella + Capella + genus Capella + blackcap + Cape hunting dog + Pteropus capestratus + Pediculus capitis + Ceratitis capitata + Capsidae + family Capsidae + capsid + Poecilocapsus + genus Poecilocapsus + Poecilocapsus lineatus + Carpocapsa + genus Carpocapsa + Carpocapsa pomonella + capybara + capibara + Capromyidae + family Capromyidae + Procavia capensis + Cape buffalo + Capra + genus Capra + caprine animal + Capra hircus + Capra aegagrus + Capra falconeri + Capra ibex + Capricornis + genus Capricornis + Rupicapra + genus Rupicapra + Rupicapra rupicapra + Antilope cervicapra + Antilocapridae + family Antilocapridae + Antilocapra + genus Antilocapra + Antilocapra americana + Capreolus + genus Capreolus + Capreolus capreolus + Mellivora capensis + scapular + capped macaque + capuchin + Cebus capucinus + capelin + capelan + caplin + Decapterus + genus Decapterus + Decapterus macarellus + Decapterus punctatus + Acapulco gold + baseball cap + jockey cap + golf cap + bathing cap + swimming cap + bathyscaphe + bathyscaph + bathyscape + blasting cap + bottlecap + bypass capacitor + cap + cap + cap + capacitor + capacitance + caparison + cape + capeline bandage + capillary + capillary tube + capillary tubing + capital + cap + capital ship + Capitol + Capitol Building + capitol + cap opener + capote + capote + cap screw + capstan + capstone + capsule + capsule + captain's chair + captopril + Capoten + capuchin + cervical cap + cityscape + cloth cap + flat cap + capacitor microphone + coonskin cap + cap + cap + distributor cap + dunce cap + dunce's cap + fool's cap + capsule + electrolytic capacitor + escape hatch + escapement + escape wheel + fire escape + garrison cap + overseas cap + hubcap + peaked cap + service cap + yachting cap + landscape + landscape painting + landscape + landscaping + lens cap + liberty cap + mercaptopurine + mobcap + nightcap + percussion cap + radiator cap + recap + escape valve + escape cock + escape + sailor cap + scapular + scapulary + seascape + waterscape + scape + shower cap + ski cap + stocking cap + toboggan cap + skullcap + sleeping capsule + space capsule + capsule + ballistic capsule + time capsule + toecap + trimming capacitor + watch cap + wishing cap + capriciousness + capriciousness + capacity + capaciousness + seating capacity + handicap + capability + capableness + capacity + military capability + operating capability + performance capability + incapability + incapableness + incapacity + Bowman's capsule + glomerular capsule + capsula glomeruli + capillary bed + scaphoid bone + os scaphoideum + capitate + capitate bone + os capitatum + kneecap + scapula + capsule + lens capsule + capillary artery + circumflex scapular artery + arteria circumflexa scapulae + dorsal scapular vein + vena scapularis dorsalis + intercapitular vein + vena intercapitalis + capillary + capillary vessel + capillary vein + caput + skullcap + mental capacity + capaciousness + capacity + capability + capableness + capstone + incapability + incapableness + incapacity + handicap + landscape architecture + cityscape + landscape + escapology + foolscap + caption + caption + capitalization + capitalisation + capitulation + capsule + recapitulation + recap + capitulation + Netscape + cap + capital + capital letter + small capital + small cap + block capital + Attacapa + Attacapan + recapitulation + caption + capriccio + Capital + whitecap + capsizing + escape + caprice + captivation + capon + cappelletti + capulin + chincapin + caper + caper sauce + nightcap + cappuccino + cappuccino coffee + coffee cappuccino + handicapped + large cap + small cap + Capetian dynasty + Capital + capitalism + capitalist economy + venture capitalism + state capitalism + captive finance company + capital + capital + Capitol Reef National Park + landscape + seascape + Tropic of Capricorn + Capricorn + Capricorn the Goat + national capital + provincial capital + state capital + Cappadocia + capital of Afghanistan + Albanian capital + Algerian capital + Angolan capital + capital of Antigua and Barbuda + capital of Argentina + Bulgarian capital + capital of Burundi + Cambodian capital + capital of Cameroon + Cape Verde Islands + Cape Verde + Republic of Cape Verde + capital of Cape Verde + capital of Central Africa + capital of Sri Lanka + capital of Chad + capital of Chile + Cape Horn + capital of Red China + capital of Taiwan + capital of Colombia + capital of Costa Rica + capital of Guatemala + Honduran capital + Salvadoran capital + capital of Nicaragua + Nicaraguan capital + capital of Panama + Panamanian capital + Acapulco + Acapulco de Juarez + Mexican capital + capital of Mexico + capital of Cuba + Cuban capital + Haitian capital + capital of the Dominican Republic + capital of Jamaica + Jamaican capital + capital of Barbados + capital of Trinidad and Tobago + capital of Cyprus + Czech capital + capital of Slovakia + capital of Benin + capital of Togo + Danish capital + capital of Djibouti + capital of Norway + capital of Sweden + German capital + capital of Ecuador + capital of Ethiopia + capital of Finland + Finnish capital + capital of Greece + Greek capital + capital of Israel + Capri + Italian capital + capital of Italy + Cape Passero + Passero Cape + capital of Romania + capital of Rwanda + capital of Serbia and Montenegro + Cape Breton Island + Canadian capital + capital of Canada + Australian capital + capital of Australia + capital of Papua New Guinea + Austrian capital + capital of Austria + capital of the Bahamas + capital of Bahrain + capital of Bangladesh + Belgian capital + capital of Belgium + capital of Botswana + capital of Bolivia + Brazilian capital + capital of Brazil + British capital + capital of the United Kingdom + capital of Northern Ireland + Irish capital + capital of Ireland + Egyptian capital + capital of Egypt + Indian capital + capital of India + capital of Nepal + capital of Tibet + capital of Indonesia + capital of Iran + Iranian capital + capital of Iraq + Japanese capital + capital of Japan + capital of Jordan + capital of Kenya + capital of Kuwait + French capital + capital of France + capital of Gabon + capital of Gambia + capital of Ghana + capital of Grenada + capital of Guinea + capital of Guinea-Bissau + Dutch capital + capital of The Netherlands + Hungarian capital + capital of Hungary + capital of Iceland + capital of North Korea + capital of South Korea + Laotian capital + capital of Laos + capital of Lebanon + capital of Lesotho + Liberian capital + capital of Liberia + capital of Libya + capital of Liechtenstein + capital of Luxembourg + capital of Madagascar + capital of Malawi + capital of Malaysia + capital of Malta + capital of Mongolia + capital of Morocco + capital of Mozambique + capital of New Zealand + capital of Niger + capital of Nigeria + Nigerian capital + capital of Oman + capital of Pakistan + capital of Paraguay + capital of Peru + capital of the Philippines + capital of Poland + capital of Portugal + capital of Qatar + capital of Western Samoa + capital of San Marino + capital of Saudi Arabia + capital of Senegal + capital of Seychelles + capital of Sierra Leone + capital of Singapore + capital of Somalia + capital of South Africa + Cape Town + Cape Province + Cape of Good Hope Province + Cape Colony + Cape of Good Hope + Cape of Good Hope + capital of the Russian Federation + Russian capital + capital of Belarus + capital of Estonia + capital of Latvia + capital of Lithuania + capital of Moldova + capital of the Ukraine + capital of Armenia + capital of Azerbaijan + capital of Georgia + capital of Kazakhstan + capital of Kyrgyzstan + capital of Tajikistan + capital of Turkmenistan + capital of Uzbek + capital of Spain + Spanish capital + capital of Sudan + capital of Suriname + capital of Swaziland + capital of Switzerland + capital of Syria + capital of Tanzania + capital of Thailand + capital of Tunisia + Turkish capital + capital of Turkey + capital of Uganda + United Arab Emirates's capital + capital of Alabama + capital of Alaska + capital of Arizona + capital of Arkansas + capital of California + capital of Colorado + capital of Connecticut + capital of Delaware + American capital + capital of the United States + Capitol Hill + capital of Florida + capital of Georgia + capital of Hawaii + Hawaiian capital + capital of Idaho + capital of Illinois + capital of Indiana + capital of Iowa + capital of Kansas + capital of Kentucky + capital of Louisiana + capital of Maine + capital of Maryland + capital of Massachusetts + Cape Ann + Cape Cod + Cape Cod Canal + capital of Michigan + capital of Minnesota + capital of Mississippi + Cape Girardeau + capital of Missouri + capital of Montana + capital of Nebraska + capital of Nevada + capital of New Hampshire + capital of New Jersey + Cape May + capital of New Mexico + capital of New York + Cape Fear + Cape Flattery + Cape Froward + Cape Hatteras + capital of North Carolina + capital of North Dakota + capital of Ohio + capital of Oklahoma + capital of Oregon + capital of Pennsylvania + capital of Rhode Island + capital of South Carolina + capital of South Dakota + capital of Tennessee + capital of Texas + capital of Utah + capital of Vermont + capital of Virginia + capital of Washington + capital of West Virginia + capital of Wisconsin + capital of Wyoming + capital of Uruguay + capital of Vanuatu + capital of Venezuela + capital of Vietnam + capital of Zambia + capital of Zimbabwe + cape + Cape Canaveral + Cape Kennedy + Cape Cod Bay + Cape Fear River + Capella + Cape Sable + Cape Sable + Cape Trafalgar + Cape York + Cape York Peninsula + Capricornus + Capricorn + cap + icecap + ice cap + snowcap + Captain Horatio Hornblower + capitalist + captor + capturer + Attacapan + Capricorn + bell captain + Capetian + capitalist + capo + captain + captain + captain + captain + police captain + captain + captain + captive + captive + madcap + escapee + escapist + escapologist + escape expert + flag captain + group captain + handicapped person + Huayna Capac + landscape architect + landscape gardener + landscaper + landscapist + landscapist + captain + sea captain + handicapper + captive + redcap + redcap + scapegoat + scapegrace + skycap + venture capitalist + Captain Bob + Captain Bligh + Capek + Karel Capek + Capone + Al Capone + Alphonse Capone + Capra + Frank Capra + Capet + Hugh Capet + Captain Cook + Captain James Cook + Bartolomeo Alberto Capillari + Captain Kidd + Captain John Smith + capacitance + electrical capacity + capacity + capillarity + capillary action + cap + escape + cape yellowwood + capsule + bilocular capsule + Cape periwinkle + Chenopodium capitatum + Nyctaginia capitata + Capparidaceae + family Capparidaceae + caper family + Capparis + genus Capparis + caper + Capparis arborea + caper tree + Jamaica caper tree + Capparis cynophallophora + caper tree + bay-leaved caper + Capparis flexuosa + Capparis mitchellii + common caper + Capparis spinosa + Brassica oleracea capitata + Capsella + genus Capsella + Capsella bursa-pastoris + cape marigold + Eupatorium capillifolium + capeweed + Lactuca sativa capitata + Townsendia Exscapa + Scaphosepalum + genus Scaphosepalum + Elymus caput-medusae + Panicum capillare + caprifig + Cape tulip + Turk's-cap + Turk's-cap + Turk's cap-lily + cape aloe + cape hyacinth + Caesalpinia decapetala + Cape kafferboom + Virgilia capensis + capulin + capulin tree + Prunus capuli + Prunus cerasus caproniana + blackcap + blackcap raspberry + cape jasmine + cape jessamine + Psychotria capensis + Caprifoliaceae + family Caprifoliaceae + Lonicera caprifolium + Impatiens capensis + Oxalis pes-caprae + Oxalis caprina + bean-caper family + bean caper + Syrian bean caper + Salix caprea + bishop's cap + five-point bishop's cap + Bignonia capreolata + cape forget-me-not + Anchusa capensis + cape forget-me-not + Ipomoea pes-caprae + Cape primrose + Cape dagga + skullcap + blue skullcap + mad-dog skullcap + Solanum pseudocapsicum + genus Capsicum + Capsicum + capsicum + capsicum pepper plant + Capsicum annuum conoides + Capsicum annuum longum + Capsicum annuum grossum + Capsicum annuum cerasiforme + Capsicum frutescens baccatum + Capsicum baccatum + Capsicum frutescens + cape gooseberry + dwarf cape gooseberry + caper spurge + Euphorbia caput-medusae + false deathcap + death cap + inky cap + inky-cap mushroom + shaggy cap + milkcap + waxycap + conic waxycap + root cap + capitulum + scape + capitulum + capitulum + Adiantum capillus-veneris + per capita income + capital expenditure + cost of capital + capital cost + capital gain + capital loss + capital gains tax + capital levy + capitation + capital stock + capital stock + capital + venture capital + risk capital + capital + working capital + operating capital + capital account + capital account + capture + capture + encapsulation + recapitulation + capacity unit + capacity measure + British capacity unit + Imperial capacity unit + metric capacity unit + field capacity + capacitance unit + Cape Verde monetary unit + Cape Verde escudo + Captain Hicks + capacity + formatted capacity + unformatted capacity + capful + capacity + vital capacity + caput + captivity + encapsulation + captivity + thinking cap + hypercapnia + hypocapnia + acapnia + alcaptonuria + tinea capitis + cradle cap + posterior subcapsular cataract + capillary fracture + captivation + pediculosis capitis + scaphocephaly + capability + capacity + handicap + alcapton + capric acid + caproic acid + caprylic acid + balsam capivi + oleoresin capiscum + capsaicin + return on invested capital + escape velocity + channel capacity +
53 OLD_HSK English word(s): all right/ O.K./ capable/ competent hat/ cap book/ root/ capital capital can/ be able to/ be capable of can/ be able to/ be capable of take/ hold/ seize/ capture/ with/ at turn over/ rummage/ capsize skill/ ability/ capability skill/ ability/ capability able/ capable/ competent capability/ ability/ capacity escape team leader/ captain scenery/ landscape catch/ capture brains/ mind/ thinking capacities/ ideas/ concepts quantity/ amount/ volume/ capacity property-capability/ performance/ capability/ property lid/ cover/ cap/ top/ shell capable/ able join-surrender/ surrender/ capitulate/ give up resistance energy/ ability/ capacity/ capability carry-load/ carrying capacity/ load talent/ ability/ capacity escape-avoid/ evade/ shirk no-way/ have no way/ be incapable/ be unable seize/ capture/ wrest/ strive for seal/ cap/ close down/ blockade occupy-administer/ seize/ occupy/ capture/ possess scenery/ view/ prospect/ landscape arrest/ apprehend/ capture/ nab money-principal/ capital/ asset money-principal-person/ capitalist money-principal-main-meaning/ capitalism money-asset-rank-level/ capitalist class/ bourgeoisie money-fund/ funds/ money for business use/ capital capture/ take/ seize/ overcome measure word for caps; hats; tents; etc. identity/ status/ capacity/ honorable position/ dignity capital volume/ capacity escape/ flee the capital of province incapable of action/ powerless landscape foreign capital captive capital/ asset escapism/ dream/ phantasm scar/ capture/ hand in capture/ hand over aptitude/ capacity
53 OLD_HSK French word(s): rêverie
53 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s): ensueño, ilusión, sueño, utopía
53 OLD_HSK Italian word(s): castello in aria , fantasticheria, sogno a occhi aperti
53 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): หมวก เล่ม เมืองหลวง สามารถ , (neg.: ไม่ได้) ถือ , รับ การฝันหวาน, การฝันกลางวัน
53 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s): haaveilu, unelmointi, toiveuni. unelma

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** ZHI4 Klugheit/Weisheit
* ** NENG2 fähig/können

ไทเป (เมืองหลวงของไต้หวัน) 台北 Taipei (capital of Taiwan)
โตเกียว (เมืองหลวงของญี่ปุ่น) 东京 Tokyo (capital of Japan)
เมืองหลวง, ปักกิ่ง capital, Beijing (abbrev.)
ปักกิ่ง (เมืองหลวงของสาธารณรัฐประชาชนจีน) 北京 Beijing (capital of People's Republic of China)
โซล (ชื่อเดิมเมืองหลวงของเกาหลีใต้) 汉城 Seoul (old name for capital of South Korea)
โซล (ชื่อใหม่สำหรับเมืองหลวงของเกาหลีใต้) 首尔 Seoul (new name for capital of South Korea)
หมวก 帽子 hat , cap
สวนสาธารณะสวนภูมิทัศน์ 园林 gardens, park, landscape garden
ภูมิประเทศ 山水 landscape
ฉาก; วิว; ภูมิทัศน์ 景色 scene; scenery; landscape
ครูผู้สอนไม่จำเป็นต้องมีความสามารถมากกว่าสาวก 师不必贤于弟子 teachers are not necessarily more capable than disciples
เกาะภูมิทัศน์ที่จุดตัดของช่องทาง 街心花园 a landscaped island at an intersection of avenues
เงินทุนต่างประเทศ 外资 foreign capital
เงินทุน 首都 capital
จิตรกรรมภูมิทัศน์ 山水画 landscape painting
ความสามารถ 能力 ability; capability
เข้าร่วม; ทุนสระว่ายน้ำ 合资 enter into partnership; pool capital
พริก 辣椒 hot pepper; capsicum; chilli
人均 per capita
หมวก 帽(子) cap; hat
ความรัก, ติดสโมสรหรือตะบอง, สมาร์ท, สามารถ, strong (coll) fantastic, a stick, club or cudgel, smart, capable, strong
ทิวทัศน์, ภูมิทัศน์ 风景 scenery, landscape
สนามบินในปักกิ่ง 首都机场 Capital Airport (Beijing)
สนามบิน (ในปักกิ่ง) 首都机场 the Capital Airport (in Beijing)
ทุนท่าอากาศยานนานาชาติกรุงปักกิ่ง 首都国际机场 the Capital International Airport, Beijing
สวมใส่ (เช่นหมวก, แว่นตา, ถุงมือ) to wear (e.g. cap, glasses, gloves)
ซีอาน (เมือง) เมืองหลวงของมณฑลส่านซีจังหวัด 西安 Xi'an (city), the capital city of Shaanxi Province
ทั้งหมดขวาสามารถ, มีอำนาจ all right, capable, competent
ในการอธิบายเพื่อแสดงให้เห็นถึงคำอธิบาย, เส้นทาง, คำอธิบายภาพ 说明 to explain, to illustrate, explanation, directions, caption
หนังสือ; ราก; ทุน book; root; capital
พลิก; คุ้ยหา; พลิกคว่ำ turn over; rummage; capsize
สามารถ 能够 can; be able to; be capable of
ได้; สามารถ; อำนาจ all right; O.K.; capable; competent
ทักษะความสามารถ; ความสามารถ 本领 skill; ability; capability
ทักษะความสามารถ; ความสามารถ 本事 skill; ability; capability
ผู้นำทีม กัปตัน 队伍 team leader; captain
สามารถ; อำนาจ 能干 able; capable; competent
หลบหนี escape
จับ catch; capture
เมื่อต้องการ 才能 talent; ability; capacity
การจับกุม 逮捕 arrest; apprehend; capture; nab
ยึด 夺取 seize; capture; wrest; strive for
ตราประทับ seal; cap; close down; blockade
攻克 capture; take; seize; overcome
景色 scenery; view; prospect; landscape
สมอง 脑筋 brains; mind; thinking capacities; ideas; concepts
พลังงาน 能量 energy; ability; capacity; capability
身分(身份) identity; status; capacity; honorable position; dignity
หลบหนี 逃避 escape-avoid; evade; shirk
ยอมแพ้ 投降 join-surrender; surrender; capitulate; give up resistance
ไม่สามารถ 无法 no-way; have no way; be incapable; be unable
ประสิทธิภาพ 性能 property-capability; performance; capability; property
ภาระ 载重 carry-load; carrying capacity; load
อาชีพ 占领 occupy-administer; seize; occupy; capture; possess
เงินทุน 资本 money-principal; capital; asset
นายทุน 资本家 money-principal-person; capitalist
ลัทธิทุนนิยม 资本主义 money-principal-main-meaning; capitalism
เกี่ยวกับชนชั้นกลาง 资产阶级 money-asset-rank-level; capitalist class; bourgeoisie
กองทุนรวม 资金 money-fund; funds; money for business use; capital
เงินทุน 本钱 capital
ผู้ถูกกักขัง 俘虏 captive
แผลเป็น; จับ scar; capture; hand in
จับ; มือกว่า 缴纳 capture; hand over
หนีจากชีวิต; ฝัน; ภาพหลอน 空想 escapism; dream; phantasm
ปริมาตรความจุ 容量 volume; capacity
เมืองหลวงของจังหวัด 省会 the capital of province
หลบหนี; หนี 逃走 escape; flee
ยังไม่สามารถดำเนินการ; ไม่มีอำนาจ 无能为力 incapable of action; powerless
ความถนัด; ความจุ 智能 aptitude; capacity
ทุน สินทรัพย์ 资产 capital; asset
คาปูชิโน่ 瓶盖 cap der Kronkorken, - la capsule el tapón
คาปูชิโน่ 卡布奇诺咖啡 cappuccino der Cappuccino, s le cappuccino el capuchino
ภูมิทัศน์ 风景 landscape die Landschaft, en le paysage el paisaje
หมวกแก็ป 帽子 cap die Mütze, n le capuchon el gorro
หมวกแก็ป 帽子 cap die Kappe, n la casquette la gorra
เมืองหลวง 首都 capital die Hauptstadt, "e la capitale la capital
ĉapo ฝาครอบ Cap Mütze Chapeau Tapa Berretto
eskapi หลบหนี 逃生 escape Flucht évasion escape fuga
kapitano กัปตัน 队长 Captain Kapitän Capitaine Capitán Capitano
kapitelo เมืองหลวง 资本 capital Hauptstadt capital capital capitale
kapitulaci ยอมจำนน 投降 capitulate kapitulieren capituler capitular capitolare
kapono ไก่ตอน 阉鸡 capon Kapaun chapon capón cappone
kapsulo แคปซูล 胶囊 capsule Kapsel capsule cápsula capsula
kapuceno คาปูชิน 嘉布遣会 Capuchin Kapuziner Capucin Capuchinos Cappuccino
kaskedo ฝาครอบ cap Mütze chapeau tapa berretto
kufo ฝาครอบ cap Mütze chapeau tapa berretto
pejzaĝo ภูมิประเทศ 景观 landscape Landschaft paysage paisaje paesaggio
pelerino แหลม 披肩 cape Umhang cap capa capo

Grade E word(s):

727 umkanu उम्कनु to escape, to get free, to slip out v.i.
1061 kaidī कैदी prisoner, captive, convict n.
1097 kṣamatā क्षमता ability, capacity, might, power n.
1830 taraṅga तरङ्ग wave, whim, caprice, emotion, vibration n.
2250 pakranu पक्रनु to catch, to hold, to arrest, to capture, to seize, to catch on, to understand v.t.
2251 pakrā'u पक्राउ capture, arrest, seizure n.
3277 rājadhānī राजधानी capital n.
3563 śakta शक्त able, capable, strong, vigorous, energetic, hard, firm adj.
3564 śakti शक्ति strength, power, prowess, capability, calibre, vigour, energy n.
3566 śaktimāna शक्तिमान powerful, capable, mighty, vigorous adj.
3641 sakṣama सक्षम capable, competent adj.
3735 samarthatā समर्थता capability, competence n.
4109 habbā हब्बा might, power, capacity, strength n.
4110 habbē हब्बे might, power, capacity, strength n.
4179 haisiyata हैसियत ability, status, merit, capacity n.
千字文: 都邑华夏 东西二京 Ancient capitals, gorgeous and grand; East, Luoyang, and West, Chang'an.
Plants: Brassica oleracea L. ssp. oleracea convar. capitata (L.) Alef. var. capitata L. f. alba (Brassicaceae) Weißkohl; Weißkraut; Kappes; Kraut; White Cabbage
Plants: Brassica oleracea L. ssp. oleracea convar. capitata (L.) Alef. var. capitata L. f. rubra (Brassicaceae) Rotkohl; Rotkraut; Blaukraut; Roter Kappes
Plants: Brassica oleracea L. ssp. oleracea convar. capitata (L.) Alef. var. sabauda L. (Brassicaceae) Wirsing; Welschkohl; Savoyerkohl
Plants: Capparis spinosa L. (Capparidaceae) Kapernstrauch; Caper Bush
Plants: Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Med. (Brassicaceae) Hirtentäschelkraut; Sheperd's Purse; Herzelkraut; Säckelkraut; Bauernsenf; Gänsekresse
Plants: Capsicum annuum L. var. annuum (Solanaceae) Spanischer Pfeffer; Gewürzpaprika; Red Pepper; Rosenpaprika; Peperoni; Chili
Plants: Capsicum annuum L. var. grossum (L.) Sendtn. (Solanaceae) Gemüsepaprika; Sweet Pepper
Plants: Capsicum frutescens L. (Solanaceae) Chili; Cayennepfeffer; Peperoni; Sambal
Plants: Corchorus capsularis L. (Malvaceae; früher Tiliaceae) Rundkapsel-Jute; Jute Plant; Weiße Jute
Plants: Dipsacus sativus (L.) Honck. (Caprifoliaceae; Dipsacaceae) Weber-Karde; Weberkarde; Kardendistel; Rauhdistel; Kardätsche; Tuchkarde
Plants: Salix caprea L. (Salicaceae) Sal-Weide; Goat Willow; Great Sallow
Plants: Sambucus nigra L. (Adoxaceae; Caprifoliaceae) Gewöhnlicher Holunder; Gemeiner Holunder; Schwarzer Holunder; Elder; Elderberry; Deutscher Flieder; Fliederbusch; Holderbusch; Hollerbusch
Plants: Valerianella locusta (L.) Latterade em. Betcke (Caprifoliaceae; Valerianaceae) Feldsalat; Rapunzel; Nüsschen; Ackersalat; Rapünzchen; Nissel-Salat; Cornsalad; Lamb's Lettuce;

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [capable]
(a.) [incapable] incompetent
(n.) [cap] headdress
(n.) [cap] bottle top
(n.) [capital] capital letter, upper case
(n.) [capital] seat of government
(n.) [capital] wealth in the form of money or property
(n.) [capitalism]
(n.) [captain] skipper, naval officer
(n.) [landscape] scenery
(v.) [captivate] beguile, charm, bewitch, entrance, enchant
(v.) [capture] take possession of by force, seize, conquer
(v.) [capture] catch
(v.) [escape] get away, break loose, run away from confinement
(v.) [handicap] hinder, hamper
(v.) [escape] run, run away, flee

00236104-v cap +
02693168-v cap +
02954340-n cap +
02954938-n cap +
02955065-n cap +
02956247-n cap +
03139089-n cap +
03182232-n cap +
06657646-n cap +
09305358-n cap +
11532351-n cap +

Cap + +




4 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1777 瑞士的首都叫什么名字? เมืองหลวงของสวิตเซอร์แลนด์ชื่ออะไร? Minkä niminen on Sveitsin pääkaupunki?
82 伦敦是一个首都。 ลอนดอนเป็นเมืองหลวง Lontoo on pääkaupunki.
83 马德里和柏林也都是首都。 แมดริดและเบอร์ลินก็เป็นเมืองหลวง Madrid ja Berliini ovat myös pääkaupunkeja.
84 首都都是又大又吵的。 เมืองหลวง ใหญ่และเสียงดัง Pääkaupungit ovat suuria ja meluisia.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

281 北京 中国 首都
301 伦敦 英国 首都
543 广州 广东省 首府
1526 试图 逃亡
1632 警察 搜索 逃犯
1658 罪犯 逃走
2231 ' 南京 曾经 南宋 首都
2408 布宜诺斯艾利斯 阿根廷 首都
2906 药物 胶囊
3046 双方 防御 能力
3411 枉法
3415 女佣 能干

Semantische Felder:

19.7 Kleidung
19.7 Kleidung
19.7 Kleidung
22.17 Geistliche Tracht