11 New HSK word(s): 1 在 (located) at/ (to be) in/ to exist/ in the middle of doing sth/ (indicating an action in progress) 2 正在 in the process of (doing something or happening)/ while (doing) 3 办法 means/ method/ way (of doing sth)/ CL:條|条[tiao2];個|个[ge4] 3 一边 one side/ either side/ on the one hand/ on the other hand/ doing while 4 讨厌 disgusting/ troublesome/ nuisance/ nasty/ to hate doing sth 5 非 non-/ not-/ un-/ abbr. for Africa 非洲/ wrong/ evil-doing/ insist on/ simply must 6 不禁 can't help (doing sth)/ can't refrain from 6 争先恐后 striving to be first and fearing to be last (idiom)/ outdoing one another 6 随手 conveniently/ without extra trouble/ while doing it/ in passing 6 干劲 enthusiasm for doing sth 6 无从 not to have access/ beyond one's authority or capability/ sth one has no way of doing
4 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VA * *N * *VA * *
4 OLD_HSK German word(s): 1. laufen 2. entfliehen, entkommen 3. gehen, fahren 4. herumlaufen, um etw zu beschaffen Benehmen, Betragen, Handlung bedeuten, implizieren gute Aussichten, gute Aussichten haben / über einen großen Spielraum verfügen
17 synsets(s): undoing + undoing + wrongdoing + evildoing + doings + Aphidoidea + superfamily Aphidoidea + gadoid + gadoid fish + boudoir + doily + wrongdoing + Doing Business As + macedoine + DoI + Vaudois + Metasequoia glyptostrodoides +
4 OLD_HSK English word(s): run/ run away/ run about doing sth. action-doing/ act/ action/ behavior/ conduct mean-flavor-doing/ signify/ mean/ imply be well worth doing/ have bright prospects
4 OLD_HSK French word(s):
4 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
4 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
4 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):
4 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** DA4 groß
* ** YOU3 haben
* ** may, can, -able / possibly
*** WEI4 wegen/handeln

ไม่สามารถช่วยอะไรบางอย่าง 不禁 cannot help doing something
กำลัง (ทำ) 正在 in the middle of (doing something)
วิธีการ; วิธี (การทำบางสิ่งบางอย่าง) 办法 method; way (of doing something)
ไม่สามารถช่วยบางอย่าง, ไม่สามารถละเว้นจากการ 不禁 can't help (doing something), can't refrain from
รีบเร่ง go straight towards; approach; go about doing sth.
พฤติกรรม 行为 action-doing; act; action; behavior; conduct
วิธี 意味着 mean-flavor-doing; signify; mean; imply
จะมีมูลค่าการทำ; มีแนวโน้มสดใส 大有可为 be well worth doing; have bright prospects

Grade E word(s):

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:

08139000-n DoI +

DoI + +




2 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
61 我们做什么? เรากำลังทำอะไรอยู่? Mitä me teemme?
984 我在国外实习。 ผม♂ or ดิฉัน♀ ฝึกงานอยู่ต่างประเทศ Minulla on työharjoittelu ulkomailla.

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

109 什么
260 作业
527 数学
593 他们
1069 小朋友 什么
1194 深呼吸
1198 运动 减肥 效果
1432 运动员 努力 前冲
1435 她们 什么
1995 她们 进行 彻底 大扫除
2016 正在 仪器 实验
2116 拼图
2221 记帐
3315 挑剔
3587 推理 能力 适合 侦探
3616 报社 实习

Semantische Felder: