18 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** A ** A ** A ** B ** B ** C ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

under, underneath, below / down / inferior / bring down
country / rural / village

Phonetic KEY:
Country guó
Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

vilaĝ'an' paysan countryman Bauer крестьянинъ wieśniak

kampara bluso + + country blues + +
kampara domo + + country house + +
kamparanido + + country lad + +
kamparano + + countryman + + peasant farmer
kamparo + + country + + countryside
kampodomo + + country house + +
kampulino + + country-woman + +
kampulo + + country dweller + + peasant farmer
kermeso + + country fair + + fair kermis village fair
kontreo + + country music + + country and western
landkodo + + country code + +
lando + + country + + land
landokodo + + country code + +
loĝlando + + country of residence + +
somerloĝejo + + country house + +
somerloĝo + + country seat + +
tutlanda + + countrywide + + national nationwide
vilaĝanino + + countrywoman + +
vilao + + country cottage + + seaside cottage summer residence villa

#kampara bluso #country blues #kampara domo #country house #kamparanido #country lad #kamparano #countryman #kamparo #country #kampodomo #country house #kampulino #country-woman #kampulo #country dweller #kermeso #country fair #kontreo #country music #landkodo #country code #lando #country #landokodo #country code #loĝlando #country of residence #somerloĝejo #country house #somerloĝo #country seat #tutlanda #countrywide #vilaĝanino #countrywoman #vilao #country cottage

+ + + country / rural / village Thread 乡 (LÄNDLICHES_GEBIET) xiang1 +

1.14 Festland Land + Country + 国家 +
14.18 Unterhaltungsmusik Country + Country + 国家 +