10 Old HSK word(s): ** B ** B ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** D ** D

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body / group, class, body, unit / inferior
test, examine, inspect / verify

Phonetic KEY:
Taste cháng
Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:
5C1D + + + taste / experience, experiment Small 尝 (SCHMECKEN) chang2 +
5473 + + + taste, smell, odor / delicacy Mouth 未 (GESCHMACK_GERUCH) wei4 +


9 NHSK word(s): * 4 chang2to taste/ flavor/ (past tense marker)/ already/ formerly/ ever/ once/ test * 5 zheng4upright/ centrally located/ (of time or figure) exactly/ correct/ (of taste) pure 口味* 5 kou3 wei4a person's preferences/ tastes (in food)/ flavor * 5 dan4insipid/ diluted/ weak/ mild/ light in color/ tasteless/ fresh/ indifferent/ nitrogen 滋味* 6 zi1 wei4taste/ flavor/ feeling 可口* 6 ke3 kou3tasty/ to taste good 审美* 6 shen3 mei3esthetics/ appreciating the arts/ taste 趣味* 6 qu4 wei4fun/ interest/ delight/ taste/ liking/ preference 品尝* 6 pin3 chang2to taste a small amount/ to sample
10 KOREAN6000 word(s):
C 맛보다 [masboda] Taste

C 취향 [chwihyang] Taste, liking, one’s inclinations

C [gan] A salty taste or saltiness

C 입맛 [ibmas] Appetite, taste, palate

C 기호 [giho] Taste or likes

B 멋있다 [meos-issda] stylish,tasteful

C 고소하다 [gosohada] Taste of sesame oil or taste of a nut

B 싱겁다 [sing-geobda] Taste flat, have no flavor

B 단맛 [danmas] A sweet taste

B 싫어지다 [silh-eojida] To become distasteful

KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
KOREAN Sentence(s):