Old HSK word(s):

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

Hsk Characters: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
554A + + + exclamatory particle Mouth 阿 (PHON.A) 【◎Fix:◎a;◎a1;◎a4;◎a3;◎a2】 +
5509 + + + alas, exclamation of surprise or pain Mouth 矣 (ENDE_PARTIKEL) 【◎Fix:◎ai4;◎ai1】 +
53ED + + + trumpet Mouth 八 (ACHT) 【◎Fix:◎ba;◎ba1】 +
5427 + + + emphatic final particle Mouth 巴 (BOA) 【◎Fix:◎ba;◎ba1】 +
5693 + + + a cracking or snapping sound Mouth 察 【◎Fix:◎cha1;◎ca1】 +
53E8 + + + talkative / quarrelous Mouth 刀 (MESSER) 【◎Fix:◎dao1;◎tao1】 +
5600 + + + backbite Mouth 谪 (OBS_WURZEL) 【◎Fix:◎di2;◎di1】 +
558B + + + nag / chatter, babble, twitter Mouth 谍 (AF_BLATT) 【◎Fix:◎die2;◎zha2】 +
560F + + + felicity, prosperity / large and strong Mouth 古 (ALTERTUM) 【◎Fix:◎gu3;◎jia3】 +
54B3 + + + cough Mouth 亥 (STERNZEICHEN SCHWEIN) 【◎Fix:◎hai1;◎ke2】 +
53F7 + + + mark, sign / symbol / number Mouth 号 (ZEICHEN) 【◎Fix:◎hao4;◎hao2】 +
559D + + + drink / shout, call out Mouth 曷 (WIE_WAS_WARUM) 【◎Fix:◎he1;◎he4】 +
5408 + + + combine, unite, join / gather Mouth 合 (SCHLIESSEN) 【◎Fix:◎he2;◎ge3】 +
54FC + + + hum / sing softly / groan, moan / (Cant.) an interjecting indicating disapproval Mouth 亨 (REIBUNGSLOS) 【◎Fix:◎heng1;◎hng】 +
54C4 + + + coax / beguile, cheat, deceive Mouth 共 (GEMEINSAM) 【◎Fix:◎hong3;◎hong1】 +
54DC + + + sip Mouth 齐 (ORDENTLICH_GLEICHMÄSSIG) 【◎Fix:◎ji4;◎ji】 +
5671 + + + laugh heartily, laugh aloud Mouth 噱 (WILDER_BÄR) 【◎Fix:◎jue2;◎xue2】 +
5496 + + + coffee / a phonetic Mouth 加 (ADDIEREN) 【◎Fix:◎ka1;◎ga1】 +
5494 + + + used in translation Mouth 卡 (KARTE) 【◎Fix:◎ka1;◎ka3】 +
5587 + + + horn, bugle / lama / final particle Mouth 剌 (AUFSCHLITZEN) 【◎Fix:◎la3;◎la1;◎la2】 +
54A7 + + + stretch mouth, grimace, grin Mouth 【◎Fix:◎lie;◎lie3】 +
54AF + + + final particle Mouth 【◎Fix:◎lo;◎ka3】 +
561B + + + final exclamatory particle Mouth 麻 (HANF_JUTE_SISAL) 【◎Fix:◎ma;◎ma2】 +
54EA + + + which? where? how? Mouth 那 (DAS_JENER) 【◎Fix:◎na3;◎na;◎nei3】 +
5462 + + + interrogative or emphatic final / (Cant.) this Mouth 尼 (BUDDHISTISCHE_NONNE) 【◎Fix:◎ne;◎ni2】 +
55EF + + + final particle Mouth 恩 (FREUNDLICHKEIT) 【◎Fix:◎ǹg;◎n3g;◎n2g】 +
54E6 + + + oh? really? is that so? Mouth 我 (ICH) 【◎Fix:◎o4;◎e2;◎o2】 +
55B7 + + + spurt, blow out, puff out Mouth 贲 (SCHÖN_GESCHMÜCKT) 【◎Fix:◎pen1;◎pen4】 +
545B + + + choke by smoke / irritates nose Mouth 仓 (SPEICHER) 【◎Fix:◎qiang1;◎qiang4】 +
55FD + + + cough, gargle, clear throat Mouth 欶 (LUFT_EINSAUGEN) 【◎Fix:◎sou4;◎sou】 +
5410 + + + vomit, spew out, cough up Mouth 土 (ERDE) 【◎Fix:◎tu3;◎tu4】 +
54C7 + + + vomit / cry of an infant Mouth 圭 (JADETABLETT) 【◎Fix:◎wa;◎wa1】 +
5413 + + + scare, frighten / intimidate Mouth 下 (UNTEN) 【◎Fix:◎xia4;◎he4】 +
5618 + + + exhale / blow out / deep sigh / hiss / praise Mouth 虚 (NICHTIG) 【◎Fix:◎xu1;◎shi1】 +
5440 + + + particle used to express surprise or mild emphasis / (Cant.) slurred form of the number ten Mouth 牙 (ZAHN) 【◎Fix:◎ya;◎ya1】 +
54DF + + + ah, final particle Mouth 约 (SICH_VERABREDEN) 【◎Fix:◎yo;◎yo1】 +
548B + + + question-forming particle, why? how? what? / to bite / loud Mouth 乍 (ANFÄNGLICH) 【◎Fix:◎za3;◎zha1】 +
5541 + + + chirp, twitter, twittering Mouth 周 (UMKREIS) 【◎Fix:◎zhao1;◎zhou1】 +
53EA + 【◎Fix:◎隻;◎只】 + + only, just, simply Mouth 只 (NUR) 【◎Fix:◎zhi3;◎zhi1】 +
5431 + + + chirping, squeaking, hissing Mouth 支 (ZWEIG) 【◎Fix:◎zi1;◎zhi1】 +
54CE + + + interjection of surprise Mouth 艾 (BEIFUSS) ai1 +
54C0 + + + sad, mournful, pitiful / pity Mouth 哀 (TRAURIG) ai1 +
55F3 + + + interjection / exclamation Mouth 爱 (LIEBE) ai3 +
55F7 + + + loud clamor / sound of wailing Mouth 敖 (AF_BUMMELN) ao2 +
5457 + + + final particle of assertion Mouth 贝 (MUSCHEL) bei +
5623 + + + syllable Mouth 崩 (EINSTÜRZEN) beng1 +
5421 + + + blame Mouth 比 (VERGLEICHEN) bi3 +
54D4 + + + used in transliterations Mouth 毕 (SCHLUSS) bi4 +
5575 + + + phonetic Mouth 波 (WELLEN) bo +
54FA + + + chew food / feed Mouth bu3 +
5608 + + + noisy Mouth 曹 (Name_CAO2) cao2 +
564C + + + scold, shout at Mouth 曾 (SCHON_BEREITS) ceng1 +
5531 + + + sing, chant, call / ditty, song Mouth 昌 (BLÜHEND) chang4 +
5632 + + + ridicule, deride, scorn, jeer at Mouth 朝 (KAISERHOF) chao2 +
5435 + + + argue, dispute / disturb, annoy Mouth 少 (WENIG) chao3 +
55D4 + + + be angry at, scold, rebuke Mouth 真 (WIRKLICH) chen1 +
5448 + + + submit, show / appear / petition Mouth 呈 (SICH_DARBIETEN) cheng2 +
55E4 + + + laugh at, ridicule, sneer / snort Mouth 蚩 (WURM) chi1 +
5403 + + + eat / drink / suffer, endure, bear Mouth 乞 (BETTELN) chi1 +
54E7 + + + sound of ripping or giggling Mouth 赤 (ROT) chi1 +
557B + + + only, merely / just like / stop at Mouth 帝 (HÖCHSTES_WESEN) chi4 +
53F1 + + + scold, shout at, bawl out Mouth 七 (SIEBEN) chi4 +
5598 + + + pant, gasp, breathe heavily 揣/耑 Mouth 揣/耑 (AF_EXTREM) chuan3 +
5439 + + + blow / puff / brag, boast Mouth 欠 (SCHULDEN) chui1 +
5507 + + + lips Mouth 辰 (5.PERIODE) chun2 +
555C + + + sip, suck up / sob, weep Mouth 掇 (AF_SCHMÜCKEN) chuo4 +
5472 + + + give a talking-to Mouth 此 (DIES) ci1 +
5550 + + + to taste, to sip / to spit / the sound of sipping / to surprise Mouth 卒 (FUSSOLDAT) cui4 +
54D2 + + + a sound made to get a horse to move forward Mouth 达 (ERREICHEN) da1 +
55D2 + + + absent-minded Mouth 塔 (OBS_PFLANZENART) da1 +
5446 + + + dull / dull-minded, simple, stupid Mouth 呆 (EINFÄLTIG) dai1 +
5454 + + + (Cant.) a necktie, a tire Mouth dai1 +
5556 + + + eat, feed / chew, bite / entice Mouth 炎 (ENTZÜNDUNG) dan4 +
5654 + + + syllable / (Cant.) for (a recipient of pity or sympathy) Mouth 登 deng1 +
55F2 + + + (Cant.) saliva / intensifying particle / inviting, coquettish / 嗲哋. 'daddy' Mouth 爹 dia3 +
53FC + + + holding in mouth Mouth 刁 (SCHLAU) diao1 +
540A + + + condole, mourn, pity / hang Mouth 吊 (HÄNGEN) diao4 +
53EE + + + exhort or enjoin repeatedly Mouth 丁 (ERWACHSENER) ding1 +
5576 + + + phonetic used in pyridine and pyrimidine Mouth ding4 +
549A + + + onomatopoetic, a thumping sound Mouth 冬 (WINTER) dong1 +
561F + + + sound of horn tooting Mouth 都 (ALLE) du1 +
5428 + + + metric ton / (Cant.) to babble, gibberish Mouth 屯 (EINLAGERN) dun1 +
54C6 + + + tremble, shiver, shudder, quiver Mouth 多 (VIELE) duo1 +
5484 + + + noise of rage, cry out in anger Mouth 出 (HINAUSGEHEN) duo1 +
54DA + + + chemical element / (Cant.) backing, support of someone powerful / a little Mouth 朵 duo3 +
5669 + + + bad, ill-omened, unlucky Mouth 王 (KÖNIG) e4 +
5443 + + + belch / hiccup Mouth 厄 (SCHLÜSSELPUNKT) e4 +
5561 + + + morphine / coffee Mouth 非 (FEHLER) fei1 +
5420 + + + bark Mouth 犬 (HUND) fei4 +
5429 + + + order, command, instruct Mouth 分 (TRENNEN) fen1 +
552A + + + to recite, to intone or chant Mouth 奉 (HÖFLICH_ÜBERGEBEN) feng3 +
5426 + + + not, no, negative / final particle Mouth 否 (NEIN) fou3 +
544B + + + Mouth 夫 (EHEMANN) fu1 +
5490 + + + instruct, order Mouth 付 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) fu4 +
55C4 + + + hoarse of voice Mouth 夏 (SOMMER) ga1 +
560E + + + sound of laughter / bad, malevolent Mouth 戛 (LEICHT_KLOPFEN) ga1 +
5676 + + + used in transliterations Mouth 谒 (KUDZU_VINE) ga2 +
544A + + + tell, announce, inform / accuse Mouth 告 (MITTEILEN) gao4 +
54E5 + + + elder brother Mouth 哥 (ÄLTERER_BRUDER2) ge1 +
55DD + + + cackling of fowls to gag, to vomit Mouth 鬲 (DREIFUSS) ge2 +
5404 + + + each, individually, every, all Mouth 各 (LANGSAM_GEHEN) ge4 +
54CF + + + Mouth 艮 (STILLHALTEN) gen2 +
54FD + + + choke (with grief) Mouth 更 (NOCH_MEHR) geng3 +
5495 + + + mumble, mutter, murmur / rumble Mouth 古 (ALTERTUM) gu1 +
53E4 + + + old, classic, ancient Mouth 古 (ALTERTUM) gu3 +
5471 + + + wail, crying of child / swear at Mouth gua1 +
54A3 + + + the sound of large door closing Mouth 光 (LICHT) guang1 +
5459 + + + chat, jaw, gossip, talk / mouth Mouth 呙 (REDEN) guo1 +
54C8 + + + sound of laughter Mouth 合 (SCHLIESSEN) ha1 +
55E8 + + + hi Mouth 海 hai1 +
542B + + + hold in mouth / cherish / contain Mouth 含 (IM_MUND_HALTEN) han2 +
558A + + + shout, call out, yell / howl / cry Mouth 咸 (SALZIG) han3 +
5686 + + + give forth sound, make noise Mouth 蒿 (SCHARFGARBE) hao1 +
55E5 + + + roar, call out, wail / bark, yelp Mouth 皋 (UFERLAND) hao2 +
568E + + + cry loudly, yell, scream Mouth 豪 (AUSSERGEWÖHNLICH) hao2 +
5475 + + + scold / laughing sound / yawn Mouth 可 (GUTHEISSEN) he1 +
55EC + + + (Cant.) interrogative particle Mouth 荷 (LOTUS) he1 +
548C + + + harmony, peace / peaceful, calm Mouth 禾 (GETREIDE) he2 +
563F + + + be silent, be quiet Mouth 黑 (SCHWARZ) hei1 +
5589 + + + throat, gullet, larynx / guttural Mouth 侯 (MARQUIS) hou2 +
543C + + + roar, shout / bark, howl Mouth 孔 (LOCH) hou3 +
540E + 【◎Fix:◎後;◎后】 + + queen, empress, sovereign / (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after Mouth 后 (HINTER) hou4 +
547C + + + breathe sigh, exhale / call, shout Mouth 乎 (RHETOR.FRAGE) hu1 +
553F + + + sad / (Cant.) a bit, part Mouth hu1 +
552C + + + to intimidate / to scare Mouth 虎 (TIGER) hu3 +
54D7 + + + rushing sound / gush forward Mouth 华 (PRÄCHTIG) hua1 +
5524 + + + call Mouth 奂 (AUSGEZEICHNET) huan4 +
54B4 + + + Mouth 灰 (ASCHE) hui1 +
54D5 + + + belch / vomit Mouth 岁 (LEBENSJAHR) hui4 +
5599 + + + beak, bill, snout / pant Mouth 彖 (WILDSCHWEIN) hui4 +
56AF + + + Mouth 霍 (PLÖTZLICH) huo4 +
53FD + + + sigh in disapproval / take small Mouth ji1 +
5527 + + + chirping of insects / pump / (Cant.) a final particle Mouth 即 (SICH_NÄHERN) ji1 +
54AD + + + (Cant.) to guard (from Engl. 'guard') / a card (from Engl. 'card') / young and pretty (from Engl. 'kid') Mouth 吉 (GLÜCKVERHEISSEND) ji1 +
5409 + + + lucky, propitious, good Mouth 吉 (GLÜCKVERHEISSEND) ji2 +
5609 + + + excellent / joyful / auspicious Mouth 加 (ADDIEREN) jia1 +
56BC + + + prattle, be glib Mouth 爵 (ADELSTITEL) jiao2 +
564D + + + chew / eat / munch Mouth 焦 (VERBRANNT) jiao4 +
53EB + + + cry, shout / hail, greet, call Mouth 叫 (C_HAKEN) jiao4 +
5588 + + + music / melody Mouth 皆 (ALLE_JEDER_ALLGEMEIN) jie1 +
55DF + + + sigh, alas Mouth 差 (NICHT GLEICHEN) jie1 +
5664 + + + close / be silent, be unable speak Mouth 禁 (VERBIETEN) jin4 +
557E + + + wailing of child / chirp Mouth 秋 (HERBST) jiu1 +
548E + + + fault, defect / error, mistake Mouth 咎 (VORWURF) jiu4 +
5480 + + + suck / chew, masticate Mouth 且 (FÜR_EINEN_MOMENT) ju3 +
53E5 + + + sentence Mouth 句 (SATZ) ju4 +
5658 + + + pouting Mouth 厥 (OHNMACHT) jue1 +
541B + + + sovereign, monarch, ruler, chief, prince Mouth 君 (ISLAM) jun1 +
5580 + + + vomit / used in transliterations Mouth 客 ka1 +
53EF + + + may, can, -able / possibly Mouth 可 (GUTHEISSEN) ke3 +
54FF + + + excellent / to commend to be able to Mouth 可 (GUTHEISSEN) ke3 +
55D1 + + + eat seeds / reproach / loquacious Mouth 盍 (WAS_WARUM_NICHT) ke4 +
5543 + + + gnaw, chew, bite Mouth 肯 (EINWILLIGEN) ken3 +
542D + + + throat Mouth 亢 (HOCHMÜTIG) keng1 +
53E3 + + + mouth / open end / entrance, gate Mouth 口 (MUND) kou3 +
53E9 + + + knock, ask / kowtow, bow Mouth 叩 (KLOPFEN) kou4 +
54ED + + + weep, cry, wail Mouth 哭 (HEULEN) ku1 +
55BE + + + emperor Mouth 告 (MITTEILEN) ku4 +
54D9 + + + swallow, gulp down / greedy Mouth 会 (VERSAMMELN) kuai4 +
54D0 + + + syllable Mouth 匡 (KORRIGIEREN) kuang1 +
55B9 + + + chemical compound Mouth 奎 (HIMMELHAUS) kui2 +
559F + + + heave sigh, sigh Mouth 胃 (MAGEN) kui4 +
5566 + + + final particle of assertion Mouth 拉 (ZIEHEN) la +
5577 + + + a clanging or rattling sound Mouth 郎 (junger Herr oder Beamtentitel) lang1 +
5520 + + + chat, jaw, gossip, talk Mouth 劳 (MÜHE) lao4 +
53FB + + + used in place names / (Cant.) smart, clever Mouth 力 (KRAFT) le4 +
561E + + + (Cant.) final particle used for polite refusal Mouth 勒 (FESTBINDEN) lei +
54E9 + + + mile Mouth 里 (DORF) li +
55B1 + + + gramme / syllable Mouth 厘 (BRUCHTEIL) li2 +
540F + + + government official, magistrate Mouth 吏 (GESCHICHTE) li4 +
5456 + + + used in onomatopoetic expressions Mouth 历 (KALENDER) li4 +
5533 + + + cry of bird / cry Mouth 戾 (WIDERSTREBEN) li4 +
5639 + + + used describe clarity of voice / resonant Mouth 僚 (FACKEL) liao2 +
5549 + + + stupid / slow Mouth 林 (WALD) lin2 +
541D + + + stingy, miserly, parsimonious Mouth 文 (SCHRIFT) lin4 +
5464 + + + purine Mouth 令 (BEFEHL) ling4 +
53E6 + + + another, separate, other Mouth 力 (KRAFT) ling4 +
5499 + + + throat Mouth 龙 (DRACHE) long2 +
55BD + + + used in onomatopoetic expressions Mouth 娄 (SICH_ZUM_SCHLECHTEN_WENDEN) lou +
565C + + + verbose, talkative / mumbling Mouth 鲁 (DÄMLICH) lu1 +
5415 + + + surname / a musical note Mouth 吕 (LÜ3_NAME) lv3 +
5452 + + + unclear / an expletive Mouth ḿ +
5417 + + + final interrogative particle Mouth 马 (PFERD) ma +
551B + + + mark Mouth 麦 (WEIZEN) mai4 +
54AA + + + sound of cat, cat's meow / meter / (Cant.) don't! Mouth mi1 +
5627 + + + pyrimidine Mouth 密 (BEI_GUTER_GESUNDHEIT) mi4 +
55B5 + + + the mew of the cat Mouth 苗 (SPROSS) miao1 +
54A9 + + + the bleating of sheep / (Cant.) an interrogative particle Mouth 羊 (SCHAF) mie1 +
540D + + + name, rank, title, position Mouth 名 (NAME) ming2 +
547D + + + life / destiny, fate, luck / an order, instruction Mouth 叩 (KLOPFEN) ming4 +
54DE + + + moo Mouth 牟 (ERSTREBEN) mou1 +
5450 + + + raise voice, yell out loud, shout / stammer Mouth 内 (IN) na4 +
5583 + + + keep talking, chattering / mumble Mouth 南 (SÜDEN) nan2 +
56D4 + + + muttering, indistinct speech Mouth 囊 (TASCHE_SACK) nang1 +
56CA + + + bag, purse, sack / put in bag Mouth 囊 (TASCHE_SACK) nang2 +
5476 + + + talkative / clamour / hubbub Mouth 奴 (SKLAVE) nao2 +
556E + + + bite, gnaw 齿 Mouth 齿 (ZÄHNE) nie4 +
55EB + + + move lips as when speaking / hesitation Mouth 聂 (NIE4_flüstern) nie4 +
549B + + + enjoin, instruct / charge Mouth 宁 (FRIEDLICH) ning2 +
54DD + + + whisper Mouth nong2 +
558F + + + respectful reply of assent to superiors Mouth 若 (WIE_ALS_OB) nuo4 +
5662 + + + moan / interjection for pain, sad Mouth 奥 (VON_TIEFER_BEDEUTUNG) o1 +
5455 + + + vomit / annoy, enrage Mouth 区 (REGION) ou3 +
556A + + + syllable Mouth 拍 (KLATSCHEN) pa1 +
54CC + + + used in translation Mouth 哌 (HINTER) pai4 +
5486 + + + roar Mouth 包 (EINWICKELN) pao2 +
5478 + + + expression of reprimand Mouth 丕 (GROSSARTIG) pei1 +
562D + + + syllable / (Cant.) to chase, drive away Mouth 彭 (PENG2_NAME) peng1 +
567C + + + sound / (Cant.) a child's buttocks Mouth 辟 (SOVEREIGN) pi1 +
5564 + + + beer Mouth 卑 (NIEDRIG) pi2 +
560C + + + fast, speedy Mouth 票 (PAPIERSTREIFEN) piao4 +
54C1 + + + article, product, commodity Mouth 品 (GEGENSTAND_SACHE_PRODUKT) pin3 +
53F5 + + + cannot, be unable do, improbable / thereupon Mouth 叵 (UNMÖGLICH) po3 +
5657 + + + burst Mouth 噗 (DICKICHT) pu1 +
5601 + + + to be grieved / ashamed / used to imitate sounds Mouth 戚 (VERWANDTE) qi1 +
542F + + + open / begin, commence / explain Mouth 户 (TÜRFLÜGEL) qi3 +
5668 + + + receptacle, vessel / instrument Mouth 器 (INSTRUMENT) qi4 +
5659 + + + hold in mouth / bite Mouth 禽 (VÖGEL) qin2 +
55EA + + + character used in translation Mouth 秦 (QIN) qin2 +
5423 + + + vomit Mouth qin4 +
56B7 + + + shout, brawl, make uproar, cry Mouth 襄 (HELFEN_ASSISTIEREN_AUSZIEHEN) rang3 +
5685 + + + talk indistinctly and falteringly Mouth 需 (BRAUCHEN) ru2 +
567B + + + character used in translation Mouth 塞 (HINEINSTECKEN) sai1 +
55D3 + + + voice / throat Mouth 桑 (MAULBEERBAUM) sang3 +
556C + + + miserly, thrifty / stingy Mouth 啬 (GEIZIG) se4 +
5565 + + + what? Mouth 舍 (HÜTTE) sha2 +
553C + + + speaking evil. gobbling sound made by ducks Mouth 妾 (KONKUBINE) sha4 +
5584 + + + good, virtuous, charitable, kind Mouth 善 (WOHLTAT) shan4 +
5546 + + + commerce, business, trade Mouth 商 (HANDEL) shang1 +
54E8 + + + whistle, blow whistle / chirp Mouth 肖 (ÄHNELN) shao4 +
547B + + + groan, moan / recite with intonation Mouth 申 (ERZÄHLEN_ERKLÄREN_AUSSPRECHEN) shen1 +
54C2 + + + smile, laugh at, sneer at / (Cant.) a final particle indicating doing something to the full extent possible 西 Mouth 西 shen3 +
53F2 + + + history, chronicle, annals Mouth 史 (GESCHICHTE) shi3 +
55DC + + + be fond of, have weakness for Mouth 耆 (SECHZIGJÄHRIG) shi4 +
566C + + + bite / gnaw / snap at Mouth 筮 (ORAKEL) shi4 +
552E + + + sell Mouth 隹 (KF_VOGEL) shou4 +
5530 + + + swish, rustle Mouth 刷 (BÜRSTEN) shua1 +
542E + + + suck with mouth, sip, lick Mouth 允 (ERLAUBEN) shun3 +
549D + + + hiss / call to come / syllable Mouth 丝 (SEIDE ) si1 +
5636 + + + neighing of a horse / gravel voiced, husky throated / (Cant.) to hiccough Mouth 斯 (AUF_DIESE_WEISE) si1 +
53F8 + + + take charge of, control, manage / officer Mouth 司 (FÜHREN) si1 +
55E3 + + + to connect, inherit / descendants, heirs Mouth 司 (FÜHREN) si4 +
55D6 + + + whizzing sound Mouth 叟 (ALTER_MANN) sou1 +
55FE + + + to set a dog on / incite, instigate Mouth 族 (VOLKSGRUPPE) sou3 +
55C9 + + + bird's crop / wine pot Mouth 素 (VEGETARIER) su4 +
55E6 + + + suck Mouth 索 (TAU) suo1 +
5506 + + + make mischief, incite, instigate Mouth 俊 (OBS_SICH_LANGSAM_BEWEGEN) suo1 +
55CD + + + Mouth 朔 (NEUMOND) suo1 +
5522 + + + flute-like musical instrument Mouth 唢 (AF_TRIVIAL) suo3 +
53F0 + 【◎Fix:◎臺;◎檯;◎颱;◎台】 + + platform / unit / term of address Mouth 台 (PLATTFORM) tai2 +
53F9 + + + sigh, admire Mouth 又 (WIEDER) tan4 +
5510 + + + Tang dynasty / Chinese Mouth 唐 (TANG_DYNASTIE) tang2 +
5555 + + + wail Mouth 匋 (AF_KERAMIK) tao2 +
557C + + + weep, whimper / howl, twitter Mouth 帝 (HÖCHSTES_WESEN) ti2 +
568F + + + sneeze Mouth 嚏 (SCHNÄUZEN) ti4 +
542C + + + hear / understand / obey, comply Mouth 斤 (PFUND) ting1 +
55F5 + + + used for sound Mouth 甬 (DURCHLAUFEN) tong1 +
540C + + + same, similar / together with Mouth 同 (IDENTISCH) tong2 +
541E + + + swallow / absorb, annex, engulf Mouth 天 (HIMMEL) tun1 +
553E + + + spit, spit on / saliva Mouth 垂 (HERABHÄNGEN) tuo4 +
552F + + + only / yes Mouth 隹 (KF_VOGEL) wei2 +
5473 + + + taste, smell, odor / delicacy Mouth 未 (GESCHMACK_GERUCH) wei4 +
5582 + + + interjection to call attention Mouth 畏 (FÜRCHTEN_SCHEUEN) wei4 +
543B + + + kiss / the lips / coinciding Mouth 勿 (BITTE_NICHT) wen3 +
55E1 + + + sound of flying bees, airplanes Mouth 翁 (ALTER_MANN) weng1 +
5594 + + + descriptive of crying or of crowing Mouth 屋 (HAUS_ZIMMER) wo1 +
545C + + + sound of crying, sobbing Mouth 乌 (RABE) wu1 +
543E + + + i, my, our / resist, impede Mouth 吾 (ICH_WIR) wu2 +
5514 + + + hold in mouth / bite / (Cant.) not, negation Mouth 吾 (ICH_WIR) wu2 +
5434 + + + name of warring state / surname Mouth 吴 (WU_KÖNIGREICH) Wu2 +
563B + + + mirthful, happy / interjection Mouth 喜 (C_TROMMEL) xi1 +
550F + + + weep or sob / grieve Mouth 希 (HOFFEN) xi1 +
5438 + + + inhale, suck in / absorb / attract Mouth 及 (REICHEN) xi1 +
559C + + + like, love, enjoy / joyful thing Mouth 喜 (C_TROMMEL) xi3 +
5477 + + + suck, swallow, drink Mouth 甲 (1.HS) xia1 +
54B8 + 【◎Fix:◎鹹;◎咸】 + + together / all, completely / united Mouth 咸 (ZERSTÖREN) xian2 +
54CD + + + make sound, make noise / sound Mouth 向 (RICHTUNG) xiang3 +
5411 + 【◎Fix:◎曏;◎向】 + + toward, direction, trend Mouth 向 (RICHTUNG) xiang4 +
56A3 + + + be noisy / treat with contempt Mouth 器 (INSTRUMENT) xiao1 +
54D3 + + + garrulous / disturbed / restless Mouth 尧 xiao1 +
54EE + + + cough / pant / roar Mouth 孝 (KINDESPFLICHT) xiao4 +
5578 + + + roar, howl, scream / whistle Mouth 肃 (EHRERBIETIG) xiao4 +
54BB + + + shout Mouth 休 xiu1 +
55C5 + + + smell, scent, sniff / olfactive Mouth 臭 (GERUCH_GESTANK) xiu4 +
55A7 + + + lively, noisy / clamor, talk loudly Mouth 宣 (VERBREITEN) xuan1 +
5416 + + + used in translation / (Cant.) final particle Mouth 丫 (GABELUNG) ya +
54D1 + + + dumb, mute / become hoarse Mouth 亚 (ZWEITRANGIG) ya3 +
5501 + + + express condolence Mouth 言 (WORT) yan4 +
54BD + + + throat / pharynx Mouth 因 (GRUND) yan4 +
5406 + + + bawl, yell, shout, cry out Mouth 幺 (UNWIRKLICH) yao1 +
54AC + + + bite, gnaw Mouth 交 (AUSHÄNDIGEN) yao3 +
564E + + + choke / hiccup Mouth 壹 (KS_EINS) ye1 +
53F6 + 【◎Fix:◎葉;◎叶】 + + to harmonize, to rhyme / to unite / (borrowed for) leaf Mouth 十 (ZEHN) ye4 +
54BF + + + descriptive of creaking / laugh Mouth 伊 (ISLAM) yi1 +
566B + + + belch / alas Mouth 意 (GEDANKE) yi1 +
54A6 + + + exclamation of surprise Mouth 夷 (BARBARISCHER_STAMM) yi2 +
55CC + + + the throat / to quarrel, choke Mouth 益 (VORTEIL) yi4 +
5453 + + + talk in one's sleep, somniloquy Mouth 艺 (KUNST) yi4 +
5591 + + + to be dumb / the sobbing of infants Mouth 音 (TON_SCHALL) yin1 +
541F + + + sing, hum / recite / type of poetry Mouth 今 (GEGENWART) yin2 +
5432 + + + smile at / sneer at Mouth 引 yin3 +
5624 + + + seek friends / also used in onomatopoetic expressions Mouth 婴 (SÄUGLING) ying1 +
5537 + + + final particle Mouth 育 (NEUGEBORENES) yo1 +
5581 + + + the mouth of a fish at the surface of the water, gasping for breath Mouth 禺 (SPINNENAFFE) yong2 +
548F + + + sing song or poem, hum, chant Mouth 永 (EWIG) yong3 +
5466 + + + the bleating of the deer Mouth 幼 (KINDER-) you1 +
53F3 + + + right / west / right-wing Mouth 右 (RECHTS) you4 +
5401 + + + interjection 'Alas!' / to sigh Mouth 于 (IM) yu1 +
55BB + + + metaphor, analogy / example / like Mouth 俞 (BEIPFLICHTEN) yu4 +
5458 + + + member / personnel, staff member Mouth 员 (MITGLIED) yuan2 +
5482 + + + to suck, to smack the lips / (Cant.) to cheat Mouth 匝 (UMFANG) za1 +
54C9 + + + final exclamatory particle Mouth 哉 (SCHNEIDEN) zai1 +
54B1 + + + us Mouth 自 (SELBST) zan2 +
566A + + + be noisy / chirp loudly Mouth 操 (OBS_ZWITSCHERN) zao4 +
5523 + + + chatter Mouth 皂 (SCHWARZ_SEIFE) zao4 +
5567 + + + interjection of approval or admiration Mouth 责 (PFLICHT) ze2 +
54F3 + + + Mouth 折 (BRECHEN) zha1 +
5412 + + + shout, roar, bellow / scold Mouth 乇 (VON_ETWAS_ABHÄNGEN) zha1 +
55B3 + + + whispering Mouth 查 (UNTERSUCHEN) zha1 +
54A4 + + + scold, bellow, shout at, roar Mouth 宅 (RESIDENZ) zha4 +
53EC + + + imperial decree / summon Mouth 召 (ZUSAMMENRUFEN) zhao4 +
54F2 + + + wise, sagacious / wise man, sage Mouth 折 (BRECHEN) zhe2 +
54AB + + + foot measure of Zhou dynasty Mouth 只 (NUR) zhi3 +
5468 + + + Zhou dynasty / circumference Mouth 周 (UMKREIS) zhou1 +
5492 + + + curse, damn, incantation Mouth zhou4 +
5631 + + + order, tell, instruct, leave word Mouth 属 (KATEGORIE) zhu3 +
556D + + + sing, chirp, warble, twitter Mouth 转 (VERSETZEN) zhuan4 +
5544 + + + to peck / (Cant.) to slander Mouth 诼 (MAUSOLEUM*) zhuo2 +
54A8 + + + inquire, consult, discuss / plan Mouth 咨 (UNTERSUCHEN) zi1 +
5634 + + + mouth, lips Mouth 觜 (STERNE_IM_ORION) zui3 +
562C + + + to lap / to suck Mouth 最 (MEISTE) zuo1 +
5511 + + + (chem.) azole Mouth 坐 (SITZEN) zuo4 +


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