VNEN sự trưởng thành * development * 103

Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu
Một số ngôi nhà cũ bị đập bỏ để lấy chỗ phát triển nhà ở mới. Chủ của những ngôi nhà ấy đã cố gắng biểu tình nhưng không được tích sự gì. + Some old houses were torn down to make room for a new housing development. The owners of the houses tried to protest, but it was to no avail.

Chính phủ Mỹ có nhiều kế hoạch phát triển kinh tế. + The American government has many economic development plans.

phát triển + development

+ I liaised with the Business Development and Business Service Units.
Oxford 3000VieEng
phát triển development
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
12-1. Ausbildung Exercise 12-1-9 Entwicklung development
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 24-6 Er ist der Leiter der Abteilung für Entwicklung. + Abteilung He's the head of development. Anh ta là người đứng đầu của sự phát triển.
Exercise 25-7 Wir haben uns in einem Neubaugebiet ein Grundstück gekauft.  + Grundstück We bought a piece of land in a new development area.  Chúng tôi mua một mảnh đất trong một khu vực phát triển mới.
Exercise 43-5 Genug Schlaf ist wichtig für die Entwicklung Ihres Kindes.  + Entwicklung Enough sleep is important for your child's development.  Đủ giấc ngủ là điều quan trọng cho sự phát triển của con bạn.
Exercise 43-5 Wie ist die neueste Entwicklung?  + Entwicklung What's the latest development?  Sự phát triển mới nhất là gì?
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Domestic buildings Wohnsiedlung + housing development + B
+ + 103 Towns and buildings Towns Siedlung + subdivision, development + C
+ + 103 Size and quantity Increase and decrease Entwicklung + development, expansion, generation + A
+ + 103 Literature and literary criticism Genres Entwicklungsroman + developmental novel + B

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
A 發展 + * * fa1zhan3 develop/ recruit/ development entwickeln, Entwicklung, entfalten, wachsen +
D 動態 + * * dong4tai4 development trends Tendenz, dynamischer Zustand +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
1718 绘画 促进 大脑 发育 + Drawing can promote brain development.
3696 我们 着眼于 我们 共同 利益 各自 利益 + We should focus on our common interests rather than sacrificing the development of the common market for individual interests.
Lesson 038. Investment in China.
fa1zhan3 + develop / development
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

nous allons poursuivre le développement de nos activités + we will pursue the development of our activities

la main-d’œuvre chinoise a contribué de façon importante au développement économique + Chinese manpower contributed greatly to economic development

ce projet d’extraction minière constitue une agréable occasion de développement + this mineral extraction project constitutes a nice development opportunity
00250259-n development
07068631-n development
07423560-n development
08549070-n development
14422871-n development
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 development +
103 development +
103 development +
103 development +
103 development +
103 development +
103 development +
103 development +
103 development +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie