Deutschtrainer Level A1- A2DeuEngVie
Goethebuch VieEngDeu

Sáng nay tôi toàn gặp đèn đỏ. + I got stuck in every light this morning.

Mark hả? Pat đây. Tôi bị tắc đường. + Mark? This is Pat. I'm stuck in traffic.
Oxford 3000VieEng
ABC_VD SEN LektionVieDeu
Goethe-Institut Topic SubtopicDeuEng
8-1. Essen, Trinken Exercise 8-1-14 frühstücken to have breakfast   (frühstückt, frühstückte, hat gefrühstückt)
Goethe-Institut SentenceskeyGerEngVie
Exercise 5-2 Wir standen mehrere Stunden lang im Stau.  + mehrere We were stuck in traffic for several hours.  Chúng tôi bị mắc kẹt trong lưu lượng truy cập trong vài giờ.
Exercise 24-1 Der Wagen blieb im Sand stecken. + Sand The car got stuck in the sand. Chiếc xe bị mắc kẹt trong cát.
Exercise 28-2 Wir standen eine Stunde im Stau.  + Stau We were stuck in traffic for an hour.  Chúng tôi bị mắc kẹt trong giao thông trong một giờ.
Oxford TopicsTopSubtopicEng

Oxford Picture DictEngThemeCode
+ + 103 Personality and human behaviour Modesty and pride hochgestochen + stuck-up + C
+ + 103 Reading and writing Reading die Nase in ein Buch stecken (coll.) + to have one's nose [stuck] in a book + A
+ + 103 Leisure Hobbies Biese + tuck + C

8822 HSKBig5GbPinEngDeu
C + * * xian4 get stuck/ get bogged down/ sink/ cave in/ frame/ fall 1. Fallgrube, Falle 2. sinken, versinken, hineingeraten, steckenbleiben 3. einfallen, sinken 4. Schaden zufügen, zu Fall bringen 5. besetzt werden, eingenommen werden 6. Defekt, Fehler +
Oxford 32000EngGloss

Mcc SentencesGbEngDeuVie
2902 粘贴 纸条 + Note papers are stuck to him.
10000 ThaiThaiEng
5000 FrenchFrzEng

il s’introduisit un doigt dans l’oreille + he stuck a finger in his ear

les timbres étaient bien collés sur ces cartes postales + the stamps were securely stuck onto these postcards

nous sommes coincés dans les embouteillages + we’re stuck in traffic jams
04494906-n tuck
05083687-n tuck
07556872-n tuck
Wordnet ChineseGb
Wordnet GermanGer
Wordnet EnglishEng
103 tuck +
103 tuck +
103 tuck +
103 tuck +
103 tuck +
103 tuck +
103 tuck +
Wordnet FrenchFra
Wordnet SpanishSpa
Wordnet ItalianIta
Wordnet ThaiThai
Wordnet FinnishFin
Wordnet VietnameseVie
Wiktionary VietnameseVie