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一字不漏' + 一字不漏* * + without missing a word/
一應俱全' + 一应俱全* * + with everything needed available/
一把眼淚一把鼻涕' + 一把眼泪一把鼻涕* * + with one's face covered in tears (idiom)/
三退' + 三退* * + withdrawal from the Communist Party, the Communist Youth League, and the Young Pio/
不以規矩,不能成方圓' + 不以规矩,不能成方圆* * + without rules, nothing can be done (idiom, from Mencius); one must follow some rul/
不佞' + 不佞* * + without eloquence/ untalented I, me (hum
不加' + 不加* * + without/ not un-
不加牛奶' + 不加牛奶* * + without milk/ black (of tea, coffee etc)
不加理睬' + 不加理睬* * + without giving due consideration/ to ignore to overloo
不名一文' + 不名一文* * + without a penny to one's name/ penniless stony-brok
不惑' + 不惑* * + without doubt/ with full self-confidence forty year
不日' + 不日* * + within the next few days/ in a few days time
不眠不休' + 不眠不休* * + without stopping to sleep or have a rest (idiom)/
不破不立' + 不破不立* * + without destruction there can be no construction/
不經意間' + 不经意间* * + without paying attention/ without noticing unconsciou
不諱' + 不讳* * + without concealing anything/ die
中' + * * + within/ among in
乾枯' + 干枯* * + withered/ dried up
乾脆利落' + 干脆利落* * + (of spe without fooling around/
以內' + 以内* * + within/ less than
以此' + 以此* * + with this/ thereby thus
倒背手' + 倒背手* * + with one's hands behind one's back/
全力' + 全力* * + with all one's strength/ full strength all-out (e
全心' + 全心* * + with heart and soul/
全神貫注' + 全神贯注* * + to conc with rapt attention/
凋' + * * + withered/
凋零' + 凋零* * + withered/ wilted to wither
劈手' + 劈手* * + with a lightning move of the hand/
厚德載物' + 厚德载物* * + with great virtue one can take charge of the world (idiom)/
反剪' + 反剪* * + with hands behind one's back/ trussed
取錢' + 取钱* * + withdraw money/
只好' + 只好* * + without any better option/ to have to to be forc
嘩啦一聲' + 哗啦一声* * + with a crash/ with a thunderous noise
在華' + 在华* * + within China/ during one's visit to China
境內' + 境内* * + within the borders/ internal (to a country, province, city etc) domestic
境內外' + 境内外* * + within and without the borders/ domestic and foreign home and a
大張旗鼓' + 大张旗鼓* * + with great fanfare/
大有可為' + 大有可为* * + with great prospects for the future (idiom); well worth doing/
大驚' + 大惊* * + with great alarm/
好不容易' + 好不容易* * + with great difficulty/ very difficult
好容易' + 好容易* * + with great difficulty/ to have a hard time (convincing sb, relinquishing sth etc)
寬暢' + 宽畅* * + with no worries/ cheerful spacious
專心致志' + 专心致志* * + with single-hearted devotion (idiom)/
專擅' + 专擅* * + without authorization/ to act on one's own initiative
居心不良' + 居心不良* * + with treacherous intent (idiom); two-faced/ malicious and duplicitous
居心叵測' + 居心叵测* * + with treacherous intent (idiom); two-faced/ malicious and duplicitous
居心險惡' + 居心险恶* * + with treacherous intent (idiom); intentional malice/
屏營' + 屏营* * + with fear and trepidation/
巴心巴肝' + 巴心巴肝* * + with all one's heart (dialect)/
平白無故' + 平白无故* * + without good cause/
年中' + 年中* * + within the year/ in the middle of the year mid-year
形影相弔' + 形影相吊* * + with only body and shadow to comfort each other (idiom)/ extremely sad and lonely
徑自' + 径自* * + without leave/ without consulting anyone
徒手' + 徒手* * + with bare hands/ unarmed fighting h
徒有其名' + 徒有其名* * + with an undeserved reputation (idiom); unwarranted fame/ nowhere near as good as he's made out to be
徒有虛名' + 徒有虚名* * + with an undeserved reputation (idiom); unwarranted fame/ nowhere near as good as he's made out to be
心安神閑' + 心安神闲* * + with one's heart at ease and one's spirit at rest (idiom)/
怒目' + 怒目* * + with glaring eyes/ glowering
怦然' + 怦然* * + with a sudden shock, bang etc/
恣意' + 恣意* * + without restraint/ unbridled reckless
愁眉不展' + 愁眉不展* * + with a worried frown/
戒斷' + 戒断* * + withdrawal (from drugs)/
戛然而止' + 戛然而止* * + with a grunting sound it stops (idiom); to come to an end spontaneously (esp. of s/
手無縛雞之力' + 手无缚鸡之力* * + without the strength to truss a chicken/
披頭散髮' + 披头散发* * + with dishevelled hair (idiom)/ with one's hair down
撤兵' + 撤兵* * + withdraw troops/ retreat
擅' + * * + without authority/ to usurp to arrogat
擅自' + 擅自* * + without permission/ of one's own initiative
旨在' + 旨在* * + with the purpose of/
有效期內' + 有效期内* * + within the period of validity/ before the sell-by date
枯乾' + 枯干* * + withered/
枯朽' + 枯朽* * + withered and rotten/
枯槁' + 枯槁* * + withered/ haggard languid
枯草' + 枯草* * + withered grass/ dry grass
歸心似箭' + 归心似箭* * + with one's heart set on speeding home (idiom)/
毅然決然' + 毅然决然* * + without hesitation/ resolutely firmly
毫不懷疑' + 毫不怀疑* * + without the slightest doubt/
毫不猶豫' + 毫不犹豫* * + without the slightest hesitation/
沒完沒了' + 没完没了* * + without end/ incessantly on and on
沒有規矩,不成方圓' + 没有规矩,不成方圆* * + without rules, nothing can be done (idiom); one must follow some rules/
沒有規矩,何以成方圓' + 没有规矩,何以成方圆* * + without rules, how can anything be done (idiom); one must follow some rules/
沒親沒故' + 没亲没故* * + without relatives or friends/
津津有味' + 津津有味* * + with keen interest pleasure (idiom); with gusto/ to relish eagerly
無主見' + 无主见* * + without one's own opinions/
無保留' + 无保留* * + without reservation/ not holding anything back unconditio
無國界' + 无国界* * + without borders (used for organizations such as Médecins sans Frontières)/
無徵不信' + 无征不信* * + without proof one can't believe it (idiom)/
無恥' + 无耻* * + without any sense of shame/ unembarrassed shameless
無所畏忌' + 无所畏忌* * + without any fear of consequences/ totally devoid of scruples
無援' + 无援* * + without support/ helpless
無故' + 无故* * + without cause or reason/
無望' + 无望* * + without hope/ hopeless without pr
無礙' + 无碍* * + without inconvenience/ unimpeded unhindered
無路可退' + 无路可退* * + without a retreat route/ caught in a dead end having bur
無農藥' + 无农药* * + without agricultural fertilizer (i.e. organic farming)/
無邊' + 无边* * + without boundary/ not bordered
無邪' + 无邪* * + without guilt/
熟能生巧' + 熟能生巧* * + with familiarity you learn the trick (idiom); practice makes perfect/
爽當' + 爽当* * + with alacrity/ frank and spontaneous
猛力' + 猛力* * + with all one's might/ with sudden force violently
異父' + 异父* * + with different father (e.g. of half-brother)/
盡心' + 尽心* * + with all of one's heart/
目無法紀' + 目无法纪* * + with no regard for law or discipline (idiom); flouting the law and disregarding al/ in complete disorder
直勾勾' + 直勾勾* * + with fixed eyes/
眼不轉睛' + 眼不转睛* * + with fixed attention (idiom)/
篤專' + 笃专* * + with undivided attention/
精心' + 精心* * + with utmost care/ fine meticulous
精打光' + 精打光* * + with absolutely nothing/ completely broke
精誠所至' + 精诚所至* * + with a will, you can achieve anything (idiom); cf 精誠所至,金石為開|精诚所至,金石为开/
精誠所至,金石為開' + 精诚所至,金石为开* * + lit. si With a will, you can achieve anything./
統一思想' + 统一思想* * + with the same idea in mind/ with a common purpose
而不需' + 而不需* * + without needing (to so sth)/
而言' + 而言* * + with regard to (preceding phrase)/
股慄膚粟' + 股栗肤粟* * + with shuddering thighs and skin like gooseflesh (idiom)/
背山' + 背山* * + with back to the mountain (favored location)/
背山臨水' + 背山临水* * + with back to the mountain and facing the water (favored location)/
背著手' + 背着手* * + with one's hands clasped behind one's back/
胡天胡帝' + 胡天胡帝* * + with all the majesty of an emperor (idiom)/ reckless intemperat
胼手胝足' + 胼手胝足* * + with callouses on hands and feet (idiom)/ to work one's fingers to the bone
蕶' + * * + withered (plant, herb etc)/
親手' + 亲手* * + persona with one's own hands/
親眼' + 亲眼* * + with one's own eyes/ personally
親耳' + 亲耳* * + with one's own ears/
觸手可及' + 触手可及* * + within reach/
觸手可得' + 触手可得* * + within reach/
赤貧如洗' + 赤贫如洗* * + without two nickels to rub together (idiom)/ impoverished
赫然' + 赫然* * + with astonishment/ with a shock awe-inspir
身不由己' + 身不由己* * + without the freedom to act independently (idiom); involuntary/ not of one's own volition in spite o
鉗馬銜枚' + 钳马衔枚* * + with horses and soldiers gagged (idiom)/ (of a marching army) in utter silence
錢可通神' + 钱可通神* * + with money, you can do anything (idiom)/ money talks
零落' + 零落* * + withered and fallen/ scattered sporadic
面帶愁容' + 面带愁容* * + with a sad air/ looking melancholy with a wor
順水' + 顺水* * + with the current/
體內' + 体内* * + within the body/ in vivo (vs in vitro) internal t
黨內' + 党内* * + within the party (esp. Chinese communist party)/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[applied] concerned with concrete problems or data
[automatic] operating with minimal human intervention
[black] without cream or sugar
[bloody] covered with blood
[cold] without human warmth or emotion
[direct] without deviation or interruption
[express] without unnecessary stops
[false] not in accordance with fact or reality
[full] replete, filled to satisfaction with food
[normal] conforming with a norm or standard
[perfect] complete, without defect
[popular] regarded with great favor, approval, or affection
[practical] concerned with actual use or practice
[raw] not treated with heat
[regular] in accordance with fixed order or procedure
[sacred] concerned with religion or religious purposes
[solid] entirely of one substance with no holes inside
[true] consistent with fact or reality
[acid] water-soluble compound with sour taste
[apple] fruit with red, yellow or green skin
[ball] globe, orb, object with a spherical shape
[brush] implement with hairs or bristles
[compromise] allowance, accommodation with concessions
[drill] tool with a sharp point
[form] printed document with spaces in which to write
[game] contest with rules to determine a winner
[heart] figure with rounded sides curving inward at the top
[hero] person with exceptional courage
[movement] social movement, front, people with a common ideology
[network] communication system with a group of broadcasting stations
[notebook] book with blank pages
[radical] person with radical ideas
[retirement] withdrawal from a position
[room] area within a building
[screw] fastener with a tapered threaded shank
[square] rectangle with four equal sides
[star] plane figure with 5 or more points
[well] deep hole with water, oil, or gas
[wheel] frame with spokes
[accept] live with, put up with
[accompany] go or come with
[appreciate] recognize with gratitude
[bake] prepare with dry heat
[bind] tie or secure with a rope or cable
[bite] seize with teeth
[brush] rub with a brush
[charge] pay with a credit card
[confront] come face to face with
[treat] handle, deal with, address, cover
[cover] provide with a covering
[tie] tie, finish a game with an equal number of points
[ditch] dump, unceremoniously sever all ties with
[eliminate] get rid of, do away with
[fade] wither
[fling] throw with force or recklessness
[feed] provide with food
[hit] strike, run into, collide with
[hook] fasten with a hook
[inflate] blow up, fill with air
[kick] strike with the foot
[knock] rap, strike with the knuckles
[know] be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object
[launch] propel with force, set in motion
[lock] fasten with a lock
[love] be in love with
[lack] be without
[paint] apply paint to, coat with paint
[pop] burst open with a sharp, explosive sound
[post] publicize with, or as if with, a poster
[pump] raise fluid with a pump
[punch] hit with the fist
[achieve] accomplish, attain, gain with effort
[reinforce] reward, support with rewards
[resist] withstand, hold up against
[row] propel with oars
[sign] mark with one's signature
[slap] hit with a flat surface
[spare] give up, part with
[stand] bear, endure, stomach, bear, put up with
[stir] move an implement with a circular motion
[stride] walk with long steps
[swallow] believe or accept without questioning
[swing] move with a swaying motion
[swipe] move something with a swiping motion
[tease] arouse hope or desire without satisfying them
[touch] make physical contact with
[wave] beckon, signal with the hands

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

bằng + + with với + + with

ĉe + + at (house of) + + beside with
per + + by means of + + through with

+ + + + + + + +