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不偏不倚' + 不偏不倚* * + even-handed/ impartial unbiased
事件' + 事件* * + event/ happening incident
事界' + 事界* * + event horizon/
偶函數' + 偶函数* * + even function (math.)/
偶數' + 偶数* * + even number/
再好' + 再好* * + even better/
勢均力敵' + 势均力敌* * + evenly matched adversaries (idiom)/
勻' + * * + even/ well-distributed uniform
勻實' + 匀实* * + even/ uniform
勻淨' + 匀净* * + even/ uniform
勻溜' + 匀溜* * + even and smooth/
千里搭長棚,沒有不散的宴席' + 千里搭长棚,没有不散的宴席* * + even if you build a thousand-league awning for it, every banquet must come to an e/
即令' + 即令* * + even if/ even though
即使' + 即使* * + even if/ even though
即便' + 即便* * + even if/ even though right away
即或' + 即或* * + even if/ even though
哪怕' + 哪怕* * + even/ even if even thoug
均' + * * + equal even/ all uniform
均一' + 均一* * + even/ uniform homogeneou
均勻' + 均匀* * + even/ well-distributed homogeneou
夕' + * * + dusk evening/ Taiwan pr.
夜場' + 夜场* * + evening show (at theater etc)/
夜大學' + 夜大学* * + evening college/
夜招待酒會' + 夜招待酒会* * + evening cocktail reception/
夜校' + 夜校* * + evening school/ night school
幵' + * * + even level. to raise in both hands/
待宵草' + 待宵草* * + evening primrose/
旰' + * * + sunset evening/
晚' + * * + evening/ night late
晚上' + 晚上* * + evening/ night CL:個|个
晚報' + 晚报* * + evening newspaper/ (in a newspaper's name) Evening News
晚場' + 晚场* * + evening show (at theater etc)/
晚晌' + 晚晌* * + evening/
晚會' + 晚会* * + evening party/ CL:個|个
晚禮服' + 晚礼服* * + evening dress/
晚禱' + 晚祷* * + evening prayer/ evensong vespers
晚間' + 晚间* * + evening/ night
晚飯' + 晚饭* * + evening meal/ dinner supper
暮' + * * + evening/ sunset
暮氣' + 暮气* * + evening mist/ fig. declining spirits lethargy
暮靄' + 暮霭* * + evening mist/
更為' + 更为* * + even more/
歲月崢嶸' + 岁月峥嵘* * + eventful years/ momentous times
清官難斷家務事' + 清官难断家务事* * + even an honest and upright official will have difficulty resolving a family disput/
甚且' + 甚且* * + even/ going as far as to so much so
甚而' + 甚而* * + even/ so much so that
甚至' + 甚至* * + even/ so much so that
直到現在' + 直到现在* * + even now/ until now right up t
縱使' + 纵使* * + even if/ even though
縱然' + 纵然* * + even if/ even though
總歸' + 总归* * + eventually/ after all anyhow
英雄難過美人關' + 英雄难过美人关* * + even heroes have a weakness for the charms of a beautiful woman (idiom)/
虎毒不食子' + 虎毒不食子* * + a tiger even wild beasts look after their young/
鄂溫克族自治旗' + 鄂温克族自治旗* * + Evenk Autonomous Banner in Hulunbuir 呼倫貝爾|呼伦贝尔/
陽平' + 阳平* * + evenly rising tone, the second tone of putonghua/
陽平聲' + 阳平声* * + evenly rising tone, the second tone of putonghua/
雙數' + 双数* * + even number/
雙號' + 双号* * + even number (on a ticket, house etc)/
顏厚有忸怩' + 颜厚有忸怩* * + even the most brazen person will sometimes feel shame (idiom)/
齊刷刷' + 齐刷刷* * + even/ uniform

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[accident] fortuity, chance event
[action] series of events that form a plot
[conflict] incompatibility of dates or events
[drama] dramatic event
[glow] steady even light
[history] discipline that interprets past events
[history] the aggregate of past events
[incident] event
[influence] power to affect persons or events
[interference] hindrance, hitch, preventive, encumbrance
[miracle] supernatural event
[occasion] time of a particular event
[program] announcement of a theatrical event
[sale] cut-rate sale, sales event
[scenario] sequence of possible events
[shame] pity, unfortunate event
[sound] auditory event
[stage] phase, distinct time period in a sequence of events
[sunrise] daily morning event
[surprise] unexpected event
[tax] taxation, revenue enhancement
[trouble] event causing distress or pain
[Venus] planet evening star morning star
[miss] fail to attend an event or activity
[time] clock, measure the time or duration of an event

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

thậm chí + + even

+ + + + + + + +