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亞瑟' + 亚瑟* * + Arthur (name)/
亞達薛西' + 亚达薛西* * + Artaxerxes/
人工' + 人工* * + artificial/ manpower manual wor
人工受孕' + 人工受孕* * + artificial insemination/
人工呼吸' + 人工呼吸* * + artificial respiration (medicine)/
人工島' + 人工岛* * + artificial island/
人工授精' + 人工授精* * + artificial insemination/
人工智慧' + 人工智慧* * + artificial intelligence/
人工智能' + 人工智能* * + artificial intelligence (AI)/
人工概念' + 人工概念* * + artificial concept/
人工照亮' + 人工照亮* * + artificial lighting/
人為' + 人为* * + artificial/ man-made having hum
人造天體' + 人造天体* * + artificial satellite/
人造衛星' + 人造卫星* * + artificial satellite/
人造語言' + 人造语言* * + artificial language/ constructed language
假眼' + 假眼* * + artificial eye/ glass eye
做作' + 做作* * + affecte artificial/
偶蹄' + 偶蹄* * + artiodactyl (zoology)/
偶蹄目' + 偶蹄目* * + Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates, such as pigs, cows, giraffes etc)/
偶蹄類' + 偶蹄类* * + Artiodactyla (even-toed ungulates, such as pigs, cows, giraffes etc)/
偽迹' + 伪迹* * + artifact (artificial feature)/
兵法' + 兵法* * + art of war/ military strategy and tactics
冠形詞' + 冠形词* * + article (in grammar)/
冠詞' + 冠词* * + article (in grammar)/
刁' + * * + artful/ wicked
刁滑' + 刁滑* * + artful/ crafty
動脈' + 动脉* * + artery/
叔本華' + 叔本华* * + Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), German post-Kantian philosopher/
品' + * * + article/ commodity product
善言辭' + 善言辞* * + articulate/ eloquent
子母炮彈' + 子母炮弹* * + artillery cluster bomb/
工匠' + 工匠* * + artisan/ smith
工藝' + 工艺* * + arts and crafts/ industrial arts
幹道' + 干道* * + arterial road/ main road main water
庇古' + 庇古* * + Arthur Cecil Pigou (1877-1959), British economist/
意境' + 意境* * + artistic mood or conception/ creative concept
憸' + * * + artful/ flattering
撰文' + 撰文* * + article (in publication)/
故作端莊' + 故作端庄* * + artificial show of seriousness/ to pretend to be solemn
文理' + 文理* * + arts and sciences/
文章' + 文章* * + article/ essay literary w
方術' + 方术* * + arts of healing, divination, horoscope etc/ supernatural arts (old)
日用品' + 日用品* * + articles for daily use/ CL:件
權術' + 权术* * + art of politics/ political tricks (often derog.) power play
毚' + * * + cunning artful/
洋薊' + 洋蓟* * + artichoke/
炮兵' + 炮兵* * + artillery soldier/ gunner
炮彈' + 炮弹* * + artillery shell/ CL:枚
炮火' + 炮火* * + artillery barrage/ gunfire
物品' + 物品* * + articles/ goods materials
用品' + 用品* * + articles for use/ products goods
畫室' + 画室* * + artist's studio/ atelier
砲手' + 炮手* * + gunner artillery crew/
節支動物' + 节支动物* * + arthropod/
節肢動物' + 节肢动物* * + arthropod/
節足動物' + 节足动物* * + arthropod, segmented animals with jointed limbs/ same as 節肢動物|节肢动物
美工' + 美工* * + art design/ art designer
美術館' + 美术馆* * + art gallery/
義肢' + 义肢* * + artificial limb/ prosthesis
脈絡' + 脉络* * + arteries and veins/ network of blood vessels vascular s
菉' + * * + Arthraxon ciliare/ green rhodacene
菣' + * * + Artemisia apiacea/
蔚' + * * + Artemisia japonica/ luxuriant resplenden
蔞' + * * + Arthemisia vulgaris/ piper betel
藎' + * * + Arthraxon ciliare/ loyal
藝壇' + 艺坛* * + art circles/ art world
藝術' + 艺术* * + art/
藝術品' + 艺术品* * + art piece/ work of art CL:件
藝術學院' + 艺术学院* * + art ins art and drama college/
藝術家' + 艺术家* * + artist/ CL:個|个
藝術片' + 艺术片* * + art fil art house film/ CL:部
蘩' + * * + Artemisia stellariana/
蜘蛛痣' + 蜘蛛痣* * + arterial spider/
言談林藪' + 言谈林薮* * + articulate in speech (idiom)/ eloquent
起搏器' + 起搏器* * + artificial pacemaker/
醫道' + 医道* * + art of healing/ medical skill
關節囊' + 关节囊* * + articular capsule (of joint such as knee in anatomy)/
關節炎' + 关节炎* * + arthritis/
關節腔' + 关节腔* * + articular cavity/ joint cavity
關節面' + 关节面* * + articular facet (anatomy)/ surface in joint
阿瑟' + 阿瑟* * + Arthur (name)/
阿瑟縣' + 阿瑟县* * + Arthur County, Nebraska/
阿瑟鎮' + 阿瑟镇* * + Arthur's Town, Cat Island/
阿耳忒彌斯' + 阿耳忒弥斯* * + Artemis (Greek goddess of the moon)/
青蒿素' + 青蒿素* * + Arteannuin (anti-malaria chemical)/ Artemisinin Qinghaosu
髯口' + 髯口* * + artificial beard worn by Chinese opera actors/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[complete] having every necessary part
[cultural] relating to arts
[fair] impartial
[functional] designed for or capable of a particular function
[personal] concerning a particular person
[resident] living in a particular place
[seasonal] occurring at a particular season
[seasonal] occurring at or dependent on a particular season
[unfair] partial, biased
[appendix] body part
[art] artistic creation, artistic production
[article] nonfictional prose forming an independent part of a publication
[attachment] supplementary part
[background] ground, part of a scene behind objects
[beat] pulse, pulsation, heartbeat
[beginning] first part or section of something
[blade] part of a knife
[bone] body part
[bride] participant in a marriage ceremony
[card] menu, bill of fare, carte du jour, carte
[cart] handcart, pushcart
[censorship] deletion of material in art works
[center] building dedicated to a particular activity
[center] middle, heart
[chest] thorax, pectus, part of the human torso
[colon] part of the large intestine
[craftsman] artisan
[cream] fat part of milk
[critic] one who offers opinions on art
[crystal] quartz glass, quartz, vitreous silica
[death] decease, expiry, departure from life
[detail] particular, item
[drawer] part of a piece of furniture
[drawing] representation, artwork
[drift] gradual departure from a course
[electron] elementary particle
[episode] installment, part of a broadcast serial
[facility] installation, building or place providing a particular service
[failure] loser, nonstarter, unsuccessful person
[flash] heartbeat, instant, jiffy, split second
[flat] apartment
[flesh] pulp, part of a fruit
[skeleton] frame, bones and cartilages
[gallery] art gallery
[grain] small hard particle
[grief] heartache, heartbreak, brokenheartedness
[ground] land, dry land, earth, solid ground, terra firma
[half] one-half, one of two equal parts
[head] body part
[heart] playing card in the major suit of hearts
[jaw] part of the skull
[joint] body part
[lap] body part
[farewell] leave, leave-taking, parting
[lemon] defective artifact
[limb] body part
[mail] earth mail
[map] representation of the earth's surface
[master] maestro, artist of consummate skill
[member] part of a social group
[middle] intermediate part or section
[ministry] government department
[moon] satellite of the Earth
[mosaic] colored stone or glass art
[mud] clay, soft wet earth
[nail] body part
[occasion] time of a particular event
[opposition] political party opposed
[organ] body part
[painter] artist
[paper] scholarly article
[part] portion, component part, component
[partner] member of a partnership
[party] political party
[performer] performing artist
[picture] painting, graphic art
[piece] separate part of a whole
[player] participant
[plot] chart
[pole] Earth's antipodal point
[proportion] quotient of magnitude of a part and magnitude of the whole
[quarter] fourth part of a year, three months
[reception] formal party
[reservoir] artificial lake
[review] critique, critical review, review article
[role] character, theatrical role, part
[root] part of plant
[sample] small part representative of the whole
[sand] finely ground particles
[sculpture] plastic art
[section] segment, one of several parts
[sector] sphere, particular aspect of life or activity
[shortage] dearth, famine
[shoulder] part of the body
[sign] gesture that is part of a sign language
[sketch] cartoon, humorous drawing
[sleeve] arm, part of a garment that is attached at armhole
[soil] dirt, earth's surface
[stem] stalk, part of a plant
[step] measure, maneuver made as part of progress toward a goal
[studio] workplace for teaching or practice of an art
[tail] posterior part of the body of a vertebrate
[theater] dramaturgy, dramatic art, dramatics, theatre
[thigh] part of the leg
[timetable] arrival and departure schedule
[tongue] body part
[trade] barter, swap, swop
[trunk] luggage compartment, automobile trunk
[trust] corporate trust, combine, cartel
[wall] architectural partition
[world] Earth, globe
[begin] start, commence, cause to start
[wear out] bust, fall apart, break
[smash] break apart
[fold] fold up, bend or lay so that one part covers the other
[formulate] word, phrase, articulate
[include] have as a part
[participate] take part
[play] participate in games or sport
[separate] split up, split, part company
[spare] give up, part with
[depart] leave, start out, set forth, set off, set out, take off

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

nghệ thuật + + art

+ + + + + + + +