B 到達 + + * * dao4da2 arrive/ reach/ get to ankommen, erreichen, + + +
B 達到 + + * * da2 dao4 achieve/ attain/ reach erreichen, anlangen + + +
B 表達 + + * * biao3da2 express/ convey ausdrücken, äußern + + +
B 發達 + + * * fa1da2 developed/ flourishing entwickelt, florierend + + +
C + + * * da2 extend/ reach/ attain/ understand/ express 1. reichen, gelangen 2. erreichen, sich belaufen 3. völlig verstehen 4. mitteilen, ausdrücken + + +
C 達成 + + * * da2 cheng2 reach (agreement)/ conclude (negotiation) erzielen, erreichen + + +
C 轉達 + + * * zhuan3da2 relaying-reach/ pass on/ convey/ communicate übermitteln, weitergeben + + +
C 直達 + + * * zhi2da2 direct-reach/ go straight (or nonstop) to the destination durchgehend, direkt + + +
C 傳達 + + * * chuan2da2 convey/ transmit/ communicate weitergeben, weiterleiten + + +
D 抵達 + + * * di3da2 arrive ankommen, eintreffen + + +
D 雷達 + + * * lei2da2 radar Radar + + +
D 馬達 + + * * ma3da2 motor Motor + + +
D 下達 + + * * xia4da2 make know to lower levels an untere Ebenen weiterleiten + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
under, underneath, below / down / inferior / bring down
arrive at, reach / intelligent / smooth, slippery

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

達' + * * + surname Da/
達' + * * + to attain/ to reach to amount
達·芬奇' + 达·芬奇* * + Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), Italian renaissance painter/
達不到' + 达不到* * + cannot achieve/ cannot reach
達人' + 达人* * + expert/ person who takes things philosophically
達仁' + 达仁* * + Daren or Tajen township in Taitung county 臺東縣|台东县/
達仁鄉' + 达仁乡* * + Daren o /
達令' + 达令* * + Darling /
達克龍' + 达克龙* * + Dacron (brand)/
達到' + 达到* * + to reach/ to achieve to attain
達卡' + 达卡* * + Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh/ (Tw) Dakar, capital of Senegal
達味' + 达味* * + David (name)/
達味王' + 达味王* * + King David/
達喀爾' + 达喀尔* * + Dakar, capital of Senegal/
達嚕噶齊' + 达噜噶齐* * + Mongolian daruqachi, local commander in Mongol and Yuan times/
達因' + 达因* * + dyne (loanword)/
達坂城' + 达坂城* * + Dabancheng district of Urumqi city 烏魯木齊市|乌鲁木齐市/
達坂城區' + 达坂城区* * + Dabanch /
達姆彈' + 达姆弹* * + dumdum expanding bullet/
達孜' + 达孜* * + Dagzê county, Tibetan: Stag rtse rdzong in Lhasa 拉薩|拉萨/
達孜縣' + 达孜县* * + Dagzê c /
達官' + 达官* * + high ra /
達官貴人' + 达官贵人* * + high official and noble persons (idiom); the great and the good/
達尼亞' + 达尼亚* * + Dania, Tania etc/
達州' + 达州* * + Dazhou prefecture level city in Sichuan/
達州市' + 达州市* * + Dazhou prefecture level city in Sichuan/
達德利' + 达德利* * + Dudley (name)/
達悟族' + 达悟族* * + Tao or Yami, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan/
達意' + 达意* * + to express or convey one's ideas/
達成' + 达成* * + to reach (an agreement)/ to accomplish
達成協議' + 达成协议* * + to reach agreement/
達拉斯' + 达拉斯* * + Dallas/
達拉特' + 达拉特* * + Dalad banner in Ordos 鄂爾多斯|鄂尔多斯/
達拉特旗' + 达拉特旗* * + Dalad b /
達摩' + 达摩* * + Dharma, Bodhidharma/
達文西密碼' + 达文西密码* * + see 達芬奇密碼|达芬奇密码/
達斡爾' + 达斡尔* * + Daur et /
達斡爾語' + 达斡尔语* * + Daur language (of Daur ethnic group of Inner Mongolia and Heilongjiang)/
達日' + 达日* * + Darlag or Dari county (Tibetan: dar lag rdzong) in Golog Tibetan autonomous prefec/
達日縣' + 达日县* * + Darlag /
達朗貝爾' + 达朗贝尔* * + D'Alemb /
達標' + 达标* * + to reach a set standard/
達沃斯' + 达沃斯* * + Davos (Swiss ski resort)/ Davos world economic forum (WEF)
達沃斯論壇' + 达沃斯论坛* * + Davos world economic forum (WEF)/
達烏裡寒鴉' + 达乌里寒鸦* * + (Chinese bird species) Daurian jackdaw (Coloeus dauuricus)/
達爾富爾' + 达尔富尔* * + Darfur, region of west Sudan/
達爾文' + 达尔文* * + Charles Darwin (1809-1882), British biologist and author of "On the Origin of Spec/
達爾文學徒' + 达尔文学徒* * + Darwini /
達爾文學說' + 达尔文学说* * + Darwinism/
達爾文港' + 达尔文港* * + Darwin, capital of the Northern Territory, Australia/
達爾福爾' + 达尔福尔* * + Darfur (western province of Sudan)/
達爾罕茂明安聯合旗' + 达尔罕茂明安联合旗* * + Darhan Muming'an united banner in Baotou 包頭|包头/
達爾馬提亞' + 达尔马提亚* * + Dalmati /
達特茅斯' + 达特茅斯* * + Dartmouth (place name)/
達特茅斯學院' + 达特茅斯学院* * + Dartmouth College/
達科塔·芬妮' + 达科塔·芬妮* * + Dakota Fanning, American actress/
達累斯薩拉姆' + 达累斯萨拉姆* * + Dar es Salaam (former capital of Tanzania)/
達縣' + 达县* * + Da county in Dazhou 達州|达州/
達羅毗荼' + 达罗毗荼* * + Dravidi /
達美航空' + 达美航空* * + Delta Air Lines, Inc., airline headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia/
達芬奇密碼' + 达芬奇密码* * + The Da Vinci Code/
達芬西' + 达芬西* * + see 達·芬奇|达·芬奇/
達茂旗' + 达茂旗* * + Darhan /
達菲' + 达菲* * + oseltam Tamiflu/
達蘭薩拉' + 达兰萨拉* * + Dharamsala in Himachal Pradesh, north India, home of Tibetan government in exile/
達觀' + 达观* * + to take things philosophically/ a broad perspective
達賴' + 达赖* * + the Dalai Lama/ abbr. of 達賴喇嘛|达赖喇嘛
達賴喇嘛' + 达赖喇嘛* * + Dalai L /
達達尼爾海峽' + 达达尼尔海峡* * + Dardanelles Strait/ Turkish: Çanakkale Boğazı
達陣' + 达阵* * + touchdown/ try (sports)
達魯花赤' + 达鲁花赤* * + Mongolian daruqachi, local commander in Mongol and Yuan times/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


79 终于 到达 山顶 +
272 我们 到达 目的地 +
366 城市 工业 发达 +
741 飞机 抵达 机场 +
1101 发达 国家 社会 福利 +
1683 唐朝 文化 发达 +
1750 东京 铁路网 发达 +
1771 现在 通讯 工具 发达 +
1960 飞机 抵达 目的地 +
3032 农业 收益 兆亿 美金 +
3276 豁达 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +