A + + * * feng1 for letters ein Zählwort für Briefe + + +
A 信封 + + * * xin4feng1 envelope Briefumschlag + + +
B 封建 + + * * feng1jian4 feudalism Feudalismus + + +
C + + * * feng1 seal/ cap/ close down/ blockade 1. schließen, verschließen, siegeln 2. jn belehnen 3. Umschlag , Hülle, 4. ein Zählwort für Briefe + + +
C 封鎖 + + * * feng1suo3 blockade/ seal off/ cut off from the outside world Blockade, absperren, versperren + + +
D 密封 + + * * mi4feng1 pressurize verschließen, versiegeln, luftdicht, hermetisch verschlossen + + +
D 封閉 + + * * feng1bi4 occlude/ close down schließen + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
letter, envelope / feudal
shut, close / obstruct, block up

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

封' + * * + surname /
封' + * * + to confer/ to grant to bestow
封丘' + 封丘* * + Fengqiu county in Xinxiang 新鄉|新乡/
封丘縣' + 封丘县* * + Fengqiu /
封入' + 封入* * + to encl /
封凍' + 封冻* * + to freeze over (of water or land)/
封刀' + 封刀* * + to hang up the sword/
封包' + 封包* * + to package up/ (computer networking) packet
封印' + 封印* * + seal (on envelopes)/
封口' + 封口* * + to close up/ to heal (of wound) to keep on
封口費' + 封口费* * + hush money/
封國' + 封国* * + vassal state/
封土' + 封土* * + to heap earth (to close a tomb)/ a mound (covering a tomb)
封地' + 封地* * + feudal fiefdom/ land held as a vassal in feudal society enfeoffmen
封妻蔭子' + 封妻荫子* * + (of a deserving official) to grant his wife a title and make his son heir to his t/
封存' + 封存* * + to sequester/ to seal up (for safe keeping) to freeze
封官許願' + 封官许愿* * + to confer an official position with lavish promises/ to buy support
封底' + 封底* * + the back cover of a book/
封建' + 封建* * + system of enfeoffment/ feudalism feudal
封建主' + 封建主* * + feudal ruler/
封建主義' + 封建主义* * + feudalism/
封建制度' + 封建制度* * + feudalism/
封建思想' + 封建思想* * + feudal way of thinking/
封建時代' + 封建时代* * + feudal times/
封建社會' + 封建社会* * + feudal society/
封條' + 封条* * + seal/
封檐板' + 封檐板* * + barge board/ weather board eaves boar
封殺' + 封杀* * + to shut out/ to block to smother
封沙育林' + 封沙育林* * + to plant trees in order to stabilize sand (idiom)/
封河期' + 封河期* * + freezing over of river in winter/
封泥' + 封泥* * + sealing clay/ lute
封港' + 封港* * + to seal off a port/
封火' + 封火* * + to cover a fire (to make it burn slowly)/
封爵' + 封爵* * + same as 爵位/
封王' + 封王* * + to win (of an emperor) to bestow the title of king on a subject/
封疆' + 封疆* * + border region/ regional general acting as governor (in Ming and Qing times)
封皮' + 封皮* * + outer skin/ envelope cover
封神榜' + 封神榜* * + Investiture of the Gods, major Ming dynasty vernacular novel of mythology and fant/
封神演義' + 封神演义* * + Investi /
封禁' + 封禁* * + forbidd /
封網' + 封网* * + to seal a net (e.g. in tennis)/ to block (a network) Internet c
封蓋' + 封盖* * + cap/ seal cover
封號' + 封号* * + title granted to a person (archaic)/
封裝' + 封装* * + to encapsulate/ to enclose to wrap
封裝塊' + 封装块* * + capsule/ encapsulated unit (e.g. circuit board)
封裹' + 封裹* * + to wrap up/ to pack up
封邑' + 封邑* * + grant of territory by an emperor or monarch (old)/
封鎖' + 封锁* * + to blockade/ to seal off
封鎖線' + 封锁线* * + blockade line/ CL:道
封閉' + 封闭* * + to seal to close/ to confine to seal of
封閉性' + 封闭性* * + encapsulation/
封閉性開局' + 封闭性开局* * + Closed Game/ Double Queen Pawn Opening (chess) same as 雙后
封開' + 封开* * + Fengkai county in Zhaoqing 肇慶|肇庆/
封開縣' + 封开县* * + Fengkai /
封面' + 封面* * + cover ( /
封頂' + 封顶* * + to put a roof (on a building)/ to cap the roof (finishing a building project) fig. to pu
封頂儀式' + 封顶仪式* * + ceremony of capping the roof (to mark the completion of a building project)/
封齋' + 封斋* * + fast (in several religions)/ Ramadan (Islam) see also 齋
封齋節' + 封斋节* * + Lent /

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


475 收到 +
1128 纸箱 +
1129 信封 邮票 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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