A + + * * di1 low/ droop/ hang down 1. niedrig, tief 2.etw sinken lassen, senken, etw hängen lassen + + +
B 降低 + + * * jiang4di1 reduce/ cut down/ drop/ lower verringern, senken, + + +
D 低級 + + * * di1ji2 low-grade Elementar- + + +
D 低劣 + + * * di1lie4 low-grade/ inferior/ mean minderwertig, geringer Wert + + +
D 低溫 + + * * di1wen1 low temperature Tieftemperatur, tiefe Temperatur + + +
D 低下 + + * * di1xia4 low unter + + +
D 貶低 + + * * bian3di1 depreciate herabwerten, herabwürdigen + + +
D 高低 + + * * gao1di1 height 1. Höhe 2.Hochebene, Hochland, Plateau 3. + + +
D 減低 + + * * jian3di1 reduce/ cut back on herabsetzen, verringern + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
decrease, subtract, diminish
low / to lower, hang, bend, bow

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

低' + * * + low/ beneath to lower (
低三下四' + 低三下四* * + servile/
低下' + 低下* * + low status/ lowly to lower (
低丘' + 低丘* * + hilly (geography)/
低于' + 低于* * + to be lower than/
低估' + 低估* * + to underestimate/ to underrate
低低切切' + 低低切切* * + in a low voice/ whispered
低俗' + 低俗* * + vulgar/ poor taste
低俗之風' + 低俗之风* * + vulgar style (used of items to be censored)/
低俗化' + 低俗化* * + vulgarization/
低保' + 低保* * + subsistence allowance/ welfare (abbr. for 城市居民最低生活保障
低保真' + 低保真* * + low fid lo-fi/
低價' + 低价* * + low price/
低八度' + 低八度* * + lower octave (music)/
低分' + 低分* * + low marks/ low score
低利' + 低利* * + low interest/
低利貸款' + 低利贷款* * + low interest loan/
低劑量照射' + 低剂量照射* * + low dose irradiation/
低劣' + 低劣* * + inferior quality/ substandard low-grade
低地' + 低地* * + lowland/
低地繡眼鳥' + 低地绣眼鸟* * + (Chinese bird species) lowland white-eye (Zosterops meyeni)/
低垂' + 低垂* * + to droop/ to hang low
低壓' + 低压* * + low pressure/ low voltage
低壓帶' + 低压带* * + low-pressure zone/ depression (meteorology)
低尾氣排放' + 低尾气排放* * + low emissions (from car exhaust)/
低層' + 低层* * + low level/
低幫' + 低帮* * + low-top (shoes)/
低廉' + 低廉* * + cheap/ inexpensive low
低息' + 低息* * + low-interest/
低成本' + 低成本* * + low cost/ inexpensive
低收入' + 低收入* * + low income/
低放射性廢物' + 低放射性废物* * + low level waste/
低效' + 低效* * + inefficient/ ineffective
低昂' + 低昂* * + ups and down/ rise and fall
低檔' + 低档* * + low-grade/ of low worth or rank poor quali
低欄' + 低栏* * + low hurdles (track event)/
低氣壓' + 低气压* * + low pressure/ depression (meteorology)
低沉' + 低沉* * + overcast/ gloomy downcast
低溫' + 低温* * + low temperature/
低潮' + 低潮* * + low tide/ low ebb
低濃縮鈾' + 低浓缩铀* * + low-enriched uranium/
低熱' + 低热* * + a low fever (up to 38°C)/
低燒' + 低烧* * + a low fever (up to 38°C)/
低產' + 低产* * + low yield/
低眉順眼' + 低眉顺眼* * + docile/ submissive
低矮' + 低矮* * + short/ low
低空' + 低空* * + low altitude/
低空跳傘' + 低空跳伞* * + BASE Jumping/
低空飛過' + 低空飞过* * + to just scrape through with a narrow pass (in an exam)/
低窪' + 低洼* * + low-lying/
低端' + 低端* * + low-end/
低等' + 低等* * + inferior/
低等動物' + 低等动物* * + lower animal/ primitive life-form
低筋麵粉' + 低筋面粉* * + low gluten flour/ cake flour pastry flo
低級' + 低级* * + low level/ rudimentary vulgar
低級語言' + 低级语言* * + low level (computer) language/
低維' + 低维* * + low dimensional (math.)/
低緩' + 低缓* * + low and unhurried (voice etc)/ low and gently sloping (terrain)
低耗' + 低耗* * + low consumption (energy, fuel etc)/
低聲' + 低声* * + in a low voice/ softly
低聲細語' + 低声细语* * + in a whisper/ in a low voice (idiom)
低胸' + 低胸* * + low-cut (dress)/ plunging (neckline)
低能' + 低能* * + mental deficiency/
低能兒' + 低能儿* * + subnormal child/ mental defective
低脂' + 低脂* * + low fat/
低落' + 低落* * + downcast/ gloomy to decline
低血壓' + 低血压* * + low blood pressure/
低血糖' + 低血糖* * + hypoglycemia (medicine)/
低語' + 低语* * + mutter/
低調' + 低调* * + low pitch/ quiet (voice) subdued
低谷' + 低谷* * + valley/ trough (as opposed to peaks) fig. low p
低費用' + 低费用* * + low cost/
低迷' + 低迷* * + depression (esp. economic)/
低速層' + 低速层* * + low velocity zone (seismology)/ also called asthenosphere 軟流層|软流层
低速擋' + 低速挡* * + low gea bottom gear/
低速率' + 低速率* * + low speed/
低陷' + 低陷* * + to sink/ to settle
低階' + 低阶* * + low level/
低階語言' + 低阶语言* * + low level (computer) language/
低音' + 低音* * + bass/
低音喇叭' + 低音喇叭* * + woofer/
低音大提琴' + 低音大提琴* * + double bass/ contrabass
低音大號' + 低音大号* * + bass tuba/ euphonium
低音提琴' + 低音提琴* * + double bass/ contrabass
低音炮' + 低音炮* * + subwoofer/
低音管' + 低音管* * + bassoon/ also written 巴頌管|巴颂管 or 巴松管
低領口' + 低领口* * + low-cut neckline/
低頭' + 低头* * + to bow the head/ to yield to give in
低頭族' + 低头族* * + smartphone addicts/
低頭認罪' + 低头认罪* * + to bow one's head in acknowledgment of guilt/ to admit one's guilt
低首下心' + 低首下心* * + to be fawningly submissive (idiom)/
低體溫症' + 低体温症* * + hypothermia/
低齲齒性' + 低龋齿性* * + non-caries-inducing/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


912 +
1850 情绪 低落 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +