B + + * * jiang4 fall/ drop/ lower/ land fallen, sinken + + +
B 降低 + + * * jiang4di1 reduce/ cut down/ drop/ lower verringern, senken, + + +
C 投降 + + * * toou3xiang2 join-surrender/ surrender/ capitulate/ give up resistance sich ergeben, kapitulieren, die Waffen strecken + + +
C 下降 + + * * xia4jiang4 lower-descend/ decline/ get down/ drop/ fall niedergehen, sinken, untergehen + + +
D 降價 + + * * jiang4 jia4 depreciate den Preis senken + + +
D 降臨 + + * * jiang4lin2 become of/ befall/ arrive ankommen, hereinbrechen,herniedersteigen + + +
D 降落 + + * * jiang4luo4 land/ put-down landen, herabfallen + + +

4 hạ thấp 降低 5 hạ xuống 降落 6 đến 降临 6 đầu hàng 投降

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +

descend, fall, drop / lower, down
clothes / wear, dress

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

降' + * * + to drop/ to fall to come do
降' + * * + to surrender/ to capitulate to subdue
降下' + 降下* * + to fall/ to drop
降世' + 降世* * + lit. to descend to earth (of an immortal)/ to be born
降伏' + 降伏* * + to subdue/ to vanquish to tame
降低' + 降低* * + to reduce/ to lower to bring d
降低利率' + 降低利率* * + to reduce interest rates/
降價' + 降价* * + to cut the price/ to drive down the price to get che
降噪' + 降噪* * + noise reduction/
降塵' + 降尘* * + dust fall/ fallout (volcanic, nuclear etc) particulat
降妖' + 降妖* * + to subdue monsters/
降將' + 降将* * + surrendered enemy general/
降幅' + 降幅* * + degree of reduction (in prices, numbers etc)/ decline drop
降序' + 降序* * + descending order/
降息' + 降息* * + to lower interest rates/
降旗' + 降旗* * + to lower a flag/ to strike the colors
降旨' + 降旨* * + to issue an imperial edict/
降服' + 降服* * + to yield/ to surrender
降格' + 降格* * + to downgrade/ to lower the standard degrading
降水' + 降水* * + rain and snow/ precipitation (meteorology)
降水量' + 降水量* * + precipitation (meteorology)/ measured quantity of rain
降溫' + 降温* * + to become cooler/ to lower the temperature cooling
降溫費' + 降温费* * + extra pay for hot weather/
降火' + 降火* * + to decrease internal heat (Chinese medicine)/
降生' + 降生* * + to be born/ arrival of newborn birth (of
降祉' + 降祉* * + to send down blessings from heaven/
降福' + 降福* * + blessings from heaven/
降級' + 降级* * + to demote/ to relegate to degrade
降結腸' + 降结肠* * + descending colon (anatomy)/ third section of large intestine
降職' + 降职* * + to demote (to a lower rank)/
降腎上腺素' + 降肾上腺素* * + noradrenalin/
降臨' + 降临* * + to descend/ to arrive to come
降臨節' + 降临节* * + Advent (Christian period of 4 weeks before Christmas)/
降落' + 降落* * + to descend/ to land
降落傘' + 降落伞* * + parachute/
降落地點' + 降落地点* * + landing site/
降落跑道' + 降落跑道* * + runway (at airport)/
降號' + 降号* * + (music) flat (♭)/
降血壓藥' + 降血压药* * + antihypertensive drug/
降血鈣素' + 降血钙素* * + calcitonin/
降解' + 降解* * + (chemistry) degradation/ to degrade
降調' + 降调* * + falling intonation (linguistics)/ to lower the key of a tune to demote
降雨' + 降雨* * + precipitation/ rainfall
降雨量' + 降雨量* * + precipitation/ quantity of rainfall
降雪' + 降雪* * + to snow/ snowfall
降龍伏虎' + 降龙伏虎* * + to vanquish dragons and tigers (idiom)/

drop fallen เลื่อน tomber soltar goccia pudota

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1283 飞机 降落 +
1423 被迫 投降 +
1557 降伏 男人 +
1558 警方 投降 +
3045 明天 降温 大家 做好 御寒 准备 +
3169 厄运 降临 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

降低 내리다. 낮추다. 인하하다. 절하하다. 줄이다. + + 降落 내려오다. 착륙하다. + + 降临 도래하다. 일어나다. 들이닥치다. 다가오다. 내려오다. + + 投降 투항하다. 항복하다. + +

+ + + + + + + +