9 New HSK word(s): 1 喝 to drink/ to shout (a command)/ My goodness! 4 帅 handsome/ graceful/ smart/ commander in chief 5 挥 to wave/ to brandish/ to wipe away/ to command/ to conduct/ to scatter/ to disperse 5 指挥 to conduct/ to command/ to direct/ conductor (of an orchestra)/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 命令 order/ command/ CL:道[dao4];個|个[ge4] 6 吩咐 to tell/ to instruct/ to command 6 率领 lead/ command/ head 6 司令 commanding officer 6 指令 order/ command/ instruction
11 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *VA * *n;v * *v;n * *VA * *N * *VA * *n;v * *N * *N * *N * *N
11 OLD_HSK German word(s): Führung, anführen eine Anweisung geben, Befehl befehlen, führen, leiten, Regie führen kontrollieren Regimentskommandeur, Delegationsleiter 1. Befehl, Erlaß, Anordnung 2. Saison, Jahreszeit 3. Amtstitel in alter Zeit 4. gut 5. Ihr 6. Trinkspiel 7. lassen, veranlassen 1. Leben 2. Schicksal, Los, Geschick 3. Befehl, Kommando 4. (einen Namen, Titel) zuweisen Befehlshaber Oberbefehlshaber Lehrer, Divisionskommandeur Hauptquartier
62 synsets(s): commanding + command + command + command + commandeer + command + command + commandership + commandery + command guidance + comma bacillus + Vibrio comma + comma + comma butterfly + Polygonia comma + command module + command post + command key + command + self-command + command + command + commandment + command prompt + command line interface + command + command line + comma + inverted comma + command language + command + commandment + Ten Commandments + system command + Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command + Criminal Investigation Command + Allied Command Atlantic + Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic + Allied Command Europe + Supreme Allied Commander Europe + command + Air Combat Command + Air Force Space Command + commando + high command + commander + commander + commander + commander in chief + commanding officer + commandant + commander + commando + lieutenant commander + naval commander + second-in-command + command sergeant major + wing commander + command + command processing overhead time + command processing overhead + command overhead +
11 OLD_HSK English word(s): lead/ head/ command command/ order command/ direct/ conductor control/ dominate/ command regiment-commander/ colonel/ head of a delegation make/ cause/ order/ command life/ life-span/ fate/ destiny/ order/ command/ assign commander/ commanding officer commander in chief teacher/ division commander command/ headquarters
11 OLD_HSK French word(s):
11 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
11 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
11 OLD_HSK Thai word(s):
11 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** SI1 YU4 managen
* ** LING4 tun-lassen
* ** part, division, section

การควบคุมการครอง; คำสั่ง 控制 control; dominate; command
คำสั่ง; คำสั่งซื้อ 命令 command; order
率领 lead; head; command
คำสั่ง 指挥 command; direct; conductor
คำสั่งซื้อ make; cause; order; command
ชีวิต life; life-span; fate; destiny; order; command; assign
ผู้บังคับบัญชา 司令 commander; commanding officer
หัวหน้า 团长 regiment-commander; colonel; head of a delegation
ครูผู้สอน; ผู้บัญชาการกอง 师长 teacher; division commander
คำสั่ง; สำนักงานใหญ่ 司令部 command; headquarters
ผู้บัญชาการทหารบก 总司令 commander in chief
komandi คำสั่ง 命令 command Befehl commandement comando comando
majoro ผู้บังคับบัญชา 指挥官 commander Kommandant commandant comandante comandante
ordoni คำสั่ง 命令 command Befehl commandement comando comando

Grade E word(s):

443 ājñā आज्ञा order, command, instruction, permission n.
477 ādēśa आदेश order, instruction, command n.
1972 dalapati दलपति party leader, chief, commander n.
3592 śāsana शासन command, authority, governance, reign n.
3713 sandēśa सन्देश information, news, message, command, gift present n.

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(n.) [command] control, mastery
(n.) [command] authoritative instruction
(v.) [command] control
(v.) [command] compel

02278024-n comma +
06842852-n comma +

comma + +

comma comma



0 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

2809 广场 元帅 雕像

Semantische Felder:

12.52 Schrift