25 New HSK word(s): 2 运动 movement/ campaign/ CL: 場|场[chang3]/ sports 3 灯 lamp/ light/ lantern/ CL:盞|盏[zhan3] 4 例如 for example/ for instance/ such as 4 打印 to print/ to seal/ to stamp 4 顿 stop/ pause/ to arrange/ to lay out/ to kowtow/ to stamp/ at once/ classifier for meals; beating; tellings off etc: time; bout; spell; meal 5 踩 to step on/ to tread/ to stamp/ to press a pedal/ to pedal (a bike) 5 冠军 champion/ CL:個|个[ge4] 5 比如 for example/ for instance/ such as 5 夹子 clip/ clamp/ tongs/ folder/ wallet 6 模范 model/ fine example 6 践踏 to trample 6 夏令营 summer camp 6 掀起 to lift/ to raise in height/ to begin/ upsurge/ to set off (a campaign) 6 传单 leaflet/ flier/ pamphlet 6 榜样 example/ model/ CL:個|个[ge4] 6 样品 sample/ specimen 6 譬如 for example/ for instance/ such as 6 潮湿 damp/ moist 6 糟蹋 to waste/ to wreck/ to despoil/ to abuse/ to slander/ to insult/ to defile/ to trample on 6 品尝 to taste a small amount/ to sample 6 十足 ample/ complete/ hundred percent/ a pure shade (of some color) 6 标本 specimen/ sample/ the root cause and symptoms of a disease 6 示范 to demonstrate/ to show how to do sth/ demonstration/ a model example 6 战役 military campaign 6 沼泽 marsh/ swamp/ wetlands/ glade
37 Old HSK Chinese word(s): * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VA * *VS * *N * *N * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *VA * *VA * * * *VA * 湿*VS * *VA * *n;VS * * * *VA * 湿*VS * *VA * *N * *N * *N * *VA * *VA * *VA * *N * *N * * * * * *N * *N
37 OLD_HSK German word(s): Lampe, Leuchte, Laterne Briefmarke elektrische Lampe zum Beispiel zum Beispiel Vergrößerung, vergrößern treten, zertreten, niedertrampeln, zertrampeln, mit dem Fuß auf etwas treten genügend, in vollem Maße,voll, reichlich Meister, Champion Beispiel, Vorbild 1. Beispiel, Exemple 2. Präzedenzfall, Parallele 3. Fall 4. Gesetz, Regel, Vorschrift 5. regulär, Routine Beispiel, Fall Klammer, Zwicke, Mappe, Hefter 1. treten, betreten, gehen 2. sich an Ort und Stelle begeben 1.schlagen, hämmern, stampfen 2. zerbrechen, zerschlagen 3. durchfallen, scheitern, verpatzen behindern Krieg führen stationieren, Standort halten, sich aufhalten, bleiben,verbleiben feucht, naß 1. erschrecken,bestürzt sein 2. bestürzen, schockieren, aufschrecken 3. scheuen, durchgehen Vorbild, Muster, Beispiel auf jmd einreden, beschwören zum Beispiel feucht, naß 1.Gegenstand, Sache, Produkt 2. Rang, Klasse, Grad 3. Eigenschaft,Charakter 4. schmecken, probieren, kosten Musterprodukt, Probestück, Probe, Muster 1. suchen, nach etwas trachten 2. leiten, verwalten 3. Lager, Feldquartier, Baracke, Kaserne, Truppenunterkunft 4. Bataillon Lager sich auf jd anders beziehen, zum Beispiel nehmen 1. mauern, aufschichten, aufhäufen 2. Wallanlage, Schutzwall, Festungswall stampfen, aufstampfen Schulhof, Campus, Schlacht, Gefecht, Kriegsoperation mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen Briefmarken sammeln, Philatelie Beispiel, typischer Fall Sumpf, Moor, Morast
853 synsets(s): ample + rampant + amphoteric + amphiprotic + champleve + ample + amphibious + amphibiotic + unexampled + amphiprostylar + amphiprostyle + amphistylar + amphistylar + champion + lamplit + camphorated + uncamphorated + cramped + rampant + camp-made + campylotropous + amphitropous + unhampered + rampant + pampering + ample + unhampered + campestral + camp + campy + rampageous + swampy + damp + dampish + amphitheatric + amphitheatrical + amphoric + ampullar + ampullary + campanulate + campanular + campanulated + camphoraceous + camphoric + amphibious + amphibian + Kampuchean + for example + amply + damply + amply + rampantly + cramp + cramp + shampoo + trample + revamp + camphorate + dampen + hamper + cramp + ramp up + amplify + amplify + stamp out + dampen + damp + dampen + dampen + damp + dampen + dampen + clamp down + amplify + stamp down + stamp + camp + vamp + revamp + damp + stamp + rubberstamp + date stamp + clamp + amplify + lampoon + vamp + hamper + campaign + campaign + champion + champ + champ + sample + amputate + stamp + rubberstamp + handstamp + stamp + cramp + clamp + tampon + camp + camp down + jampack + swamp + stamp + ramp + tamp down + tamp + tamper + vamp + vamp up + stamp + stamp + scamp + vamp + vamp up + tramp down + trample + tramp + tramp + scamper + tramp + tramp + ramp + stamp + trample + decamp + stampede + decamp + decamp + break camp + stampede + ramp + stamp + damp + dampen + ramp + tamper + pamper + rampage + campaign + stampede + stampede + camp + encamp + camp out + ramp + swamp + decampment + decampment + amphibious landing + sampling + random sampling + stratified sampling + representative sampling + proportional sampling + tampering + shampoo + dampening + tramp + campaign + amplification + amplification + rampage + scamper + amputation + example + champerty + campaign + advertising campaign + ad campaign + charm campaign + campaigning + political campaign + front-porch campaigning + front-porch campaign + fund-raising campaign + whispering campaign + sales campaign + public-relations campaign + acceptance sampling + clampdown + campaign + military campaign + naval campaign + amphibious demonstration + amphibious operation + amphibious assault + sampling + stamp collecting + stamp collection + camping + encampment + pampering + stampede + rubber stamp + damper + championship + vampirism + Dardanelles campaign + Hampton Roads + Okinawa campaign + Petersburg Campaign + Wilderness Campaign + amphidiploid + Cosmocampus + genus Cosmocampus + Cosmocampus profundus + Hippocampus + genus Hippocampus + Macrorhamphosidae + family Macrorhamphosidae + Amphioxidae + family Amphioxidae + genus Amphioxus + amphioxus + lamprey + lamprey eel + lamper eel + sea lamprey + crampfish + swamp sparrow + camp robber + Campylorhynchus + genus Campylorhynchus + Sarcorhamphus + genus Sarcorhamphus + Sarcorhamphus papa + amphibia + class Amphibia + amphibian family + amphibian genus + amphibian + Dicamptodontidae + family Dicamptodontidae + genus Dicamptodon + dicamptodon + dicamptodontid + Dicamptodon ensatus + Amphiumidae + family Amphiumidae + genus Amphiuma + amphiuma + Amphisbaenidae + family Amphisbaenidae + Amphisbaena + genus Amphisbaena + Amphisbaenia + genus Amphisbaenia + Proterochampsa + genus Proterochampsa + Lampropeltis + genus Lampropeltis + Lampropeltis getulus + Lampropeltis triangulum + Ramphomicron + genus Ramphomicron + Campephilus + genus Campephilus + Campephilus principalis + Ramphastidae + family Ramphastidae + Amphineura + subclass Amphineura + Amphipoda + order Amphipoda + amphipod + swamphen + Hyperoodon ampullatus + genus Grampus + grampus + Grampus griseus + grampus + false vampire + false vampire bat + vampire bat + true vampire bat + hairy-legged vampire bat + Lampyridae + family Lampyridae + Amphibolips + genus Amphibolips + Camponotus + genus Camponotus + Lasiocampidae + family Lasiocampidae + lasiocampid + lasiocampid moth + Lasiocampa + genus Lasiocampa + lamp shell + lampshell + swamp rabbit + swamp hare + swamp rabbit + Arvicola amphibius + Hippopotamus amphibius + Hampshire + Hampshire down + Aepyceros melampus + Raphicerus campestris + Lampridae + family Lampridae + Lampris + genus Lampris + Lampris regius + Lampris guttatus + Hemiramphidae + family Hemiramphidae + Amphiprion + genus Amphiprion + Amphiprion percula + Aladdin's lamp + amphetamine + amphetamine sulfate + amphetamine sulphate + amphibian + amphibious aircraft + amphibian + amphibious vehicle + amphitheater + amphitheatre + amphitheater + amphitheatre + amphora + amphotericin + ampicillin + SK-Ampicillin + amplifier + ampulla + riding lamp + arc lamp + audio amplifier + stamp battery + bench clamp + blowlamp + booster amplifier + boot camp + camp + encampment + camp + camp + camp + summer camp + camp + refugee camp + campaign hat + campanile + camp chair + camper + camping bus + camper trailer + camphor ice + campstool + carbon arc lamp + C-clamp + chloramphenicol + clamp + clothes hamper + Amphitheatrum Flavium + concentration camp + camp bed + cramp + cramp iron + cramp + crampon + crampoon + crampon + crampoon + dampener + damp-proof course + damp course + damper + damper + damper block + piano damper + day camp + death camp + detention camp + dextroamphetamine sulphate + discharge lamp + electric-discharge lamp + gas-discharge lamp + electric lamp + flash lamp + flood lamp + floor lamp + fluorescent lamp + champagne flute + foglamp + food hamper + gamp + gas lamp + glow lamp + hamper + handstamp + rubber stamp + headlamp + heat lamp + infrared lamp + hurricane lamp + storm lamp + jampan + jampot + labor camp + labour camp + lamp + lamp + lamp chimney + lamp house + lamphouse + lamp housing + lamppost + lampshade + lamp shade + incandescent lamp + mercury-vapor lamp + methamphetamine + methamphetamine hydrochloride + methylenedioxymethamphetamine + camphor ball + neon lamp + neon induction lamp + oil lamp + kerosene lamp + kerosine lamp + stamp pad + camphorated tincture of opium + ampule + ampul + ampoule + pilot lamp + indicator lamp + pipe clamp + prison camp + internment camp + prisoner of war camp + POW camp + quartz lamp + ramp + rampant arch + rampart + reading lamp + rifampin + safety lamp + Davy lamp + sampan + sampler + sampling station + sampler + stamp + hamper + shampoo + slit lamp + sodium-vapor lamp + sodium-vapour lamp + spirit lamp + stamp + stamp + stamp album + stamp mill + stamping mill + stamping machine + stamper + street lamp + student lamp + sunlamp + sun lamp + sunray lamp + sun-ray lamp + swamp buggy + table lamp + tail lamp + rear lamp + tamp + tamper + tamping bar + Tampax + tampion + tampon + tennis camp + trailer camp + trampoline + tramp steamer + tramp + ultraviolet lamp + vamp + wampum + wampumpeag + work camp + prison camp + ramp + amplitude + amplitude level + ampleness + amplification + ampleness + amplitude + ampulla + hippocampus + camp + chorionic villus sampling + example + sample + grab sample + random sample + counterexample + example + good example + example + vampirism + sample distribution + sample + sampling + random sample + stratified sample + representative sample + proportional sample + amplitude modulation + pamphlet + pamphlet + Stamp Act + amphibology + amphiboly + amphigory + example + deterrent example + lampoon + postage stamp + stamp + trading stamp + ampersand + stamp + revenue stamp + stamp + vamp + amphibrach + campfire + example + amphimixis + tramp + trample + trampling + amplitude + stampede + championship + political campaign + campaign + campaign for governor + senate campaign + scampo + scampi + champagne + champagne cup + stamp collection + stamp + Party of Democratic Kampuchea + Communist Party of Kampuchea + camp + fete champetre + camp meeting + amphictyony + sampler + camp + hobo camp + campsite + campground + camping site + camping ground + encampment + camping area + campus + stamping ground + Camp David + kampong + campong + pampas + Kampuchea + Campeche + Campeche + Tampico + Tampere + Campania + Sao Bernardo do Campo + Sao Jose dos Campos + Hampshire + Northamptonshire + Northampton + Champs Elysees + Champagne + Champagne-Ardenne + Kampala + Tampa + Nampa + Champaign + New Hampshire + New Hampshire + capital of New Hampshire + Gulf of Campeche + Golfo de Campeche + Bay of Campeche + Hampton Roads + Illampu + Lake Champlain + Champlain + Okefenokee Swamp + champaign + sample + swamp + swampland + Tampa Bay + amphisbaena + vampire + Wampanoag + Kampuchean + New Hampshirite + champion + aide-de-camp + amputator + amputee + birth-control campaigner + campaigner + camper + Campfire Girl + camp follower + camp follower + campmate + champion + champion + champ + vamp + vamper + gramps + tramp + tramper + scamp + lamplighter + lampoon artist + pamperer + pamphleteer + lampooner + stamp collector + stamper + tramper + trampler + stamper + stamp dealer + champion + tramp + sampler + tramp + trampler + Campbell + Joseph Campbell + Champlain + Samuel de Champlain + Champollion + Jean Francois Champollion + Duchamp + Marcel Duchamp + King Camp Gilette + Hampton + Lionel Hampton + Kathleen Mansfield Beauchamp + Lady with the Lamp + amperage + champion lode + lamplight + amplitude distortion + swamp pine + swamp cypress + Mexican swamp cypress + amphitropous ovule + campylotropous ovule + camphor tree + Cinnamomum camphora + swamp bay + swamp laurel + swamp candleberry + Amorphophallus campanulatus + corn campion + rose campion + campion + moss campion + red campion + white campion + bladder campion + bladder campion + samphire + Montia lamprosperma + Rorippa amphibia + Nasturtium amphibium + Campanulales + order Campanulales + Artemisia campestris + swampy beggar-ticks + camphor daisy + swamp sunflower + elecampane + Melampodium + genus Melampodium + Melampodium leucanthum + camphor dune tansy + Tanacetum camphoratum + Wyethia amplexicaulis + Campanulaceae + family Campanulaceae + genus Campanula + campanula + Campanula rotundifolia + Campanula rapunculoides + Campanula medium + Campanula divaricata + Campanula americana + Campanula aparinoides + Campanula glomerata + Campanula persicifolia + Campanula pyramidalis + rampion + rampion bellflower + Campanula rapunculus + Campanula trachelium + Campanula carpatica + Encyclia tampensis + Epidendrum tampense + swamp candles + pampas grass + swamp mallow + swamp rose mallow + swamp laurel + swamp azalea + swamp honeysuckle + swamp blueberry + swamp white oak + swamp oak + swamp red oak + swamp chestnut oak + swamp oak + swamp birch + Sabbatia campestris + swamp ash + swamp hickory + mountain swamp gum + Eucalyptus camphora + swamp gum + German rampion + Ulmus campestris sarniensis + Ulmus campestris wheatleyi + Allium ampeloprasum + ramp + swamp locust + campeachy + Haematoxylum campechianum + Amphicarpaea + genus Amphicarpaea + Amphicarpa + genus Amphicarpa + Amphicarpaea bracteata + Amphicarpa bracteata + swamp oak + wampee + swamp dewberry + swamp blackberry + swamp fly honeysuckle + crampbark + swamp willow + swamp cottonwood + swamp poplar + swamp maple + Acer campestre + Pouteria campechiana nervosa + Heliamphora + genus Heliamphora + Campsis radicans + Phacelia campanularia + Lamium amplexicaule + turpentine camphor weed + camphorweed + tramp's spurge + damping off fungus + Agaricus campestris + Melampsoraceae + family Melampsoraceae + Melampsora + genus Melampsora + Melampsora lini + swamp plant + swamp lily + amplexicaul leaf + Campyloneurum + genus Campyloneurum + Campyloneurum augustifolium + Camptosorus + genus Camptosorus + Camptosorus rhizophyllus + swamp horsetail + swamp milkweed + stamp tax + stamp duty + stamp + food stamp + wampum + amphimixis + ampere-second + ampere-minute + ampere-hour + ampere + amp + milliampere + abampere + abamp + ampere + international ampere + ampere-turn + volt-ampere + kilovolt-ampere + campana + stamp + swamp + championship + eclampsia + preeclampsia + pre-eclampsia + swamp fever + damping off + intermittent cramp + cramp + writer's cramp + concentration camp + tamponade + tamponage + cardiac tamponade + damp + dampness + amputation + amphidiploidy + amphibole + amphibole group + amphibolite + lamp oil + AMP + afterdamp + firedamp + camphor + camphor oil + lampblack + chokedamp + blackdamp + thyme camphor + sampling rate + sampling frequency +
37 OLD_HSK English word(s): lamp/ light/ lantern stamp electric light/ electric lamp for example/ for instance for example/ for instance enlarge/ amplify tread/ stamp on ample/ full/ abundant champion example/ model example example/ case/ instance clamp/ clip/ tongs/ folder/ wallet step/ tread/ stamp/ stomp/ trample pound/ tamp/ break/ smash hinder/ hamper/ obstruct/ impede/ make difficult do-battle/ engage in a battle/ fight/ battle/ campaign halt/ stay/ be stationed/ encamp moist/ damp/ humid be frightened/ start/ startle/ alarm/ stampede/ shy exemplary thing or person/ fine example/ exemplary take … for example for example/ for instance/ such as wet/ humid/ damp/ moist sample, suf product sample camp camp take example by rampart stamp (one's foot) campus battle/ campaign set oneself an example to others collecting stamps philately example swamp/ morass
37 OLD_HSK French word(s):
37 OLD_HSK Spanish word(s):
37 OLD_HSK Italian word(s):
37 OLD_HSK Thai word(s): โคมไฟ แสตมป์ โคมไฟฟ้า
37 OLD_HSK Finnish word(s):

(Quellenhinweis: Die deutschen Merkwörter stammen von taeglich.chinesisch-trainer.de)
* ** GU3 ZHAO3
* ** DUO2 SHI4 YI4 ZE2 feucht/Glanz

หลอดไฟ; ไฟ 灯具;消防 lamp; light
ดวงโคม/ หลอดไฟ lamp
รูปร่าง; ตัวอย่าง; รูปแบบ 样子 shape; sample; model; pattern
แสตมป์ 邮票 stamp
ค่ายฤดูร้อน 夏令营 summer camp
ดับ (ไฟ) 熄灯 put out (a lamp)
to pound; to smash; to tamp
เป็นตัวอย่าง; แสดงให้เห็นถึง 示范 to set an example; to demonstrate
ตะเกียง 灯光 lamplight
กีฬา 运动 movement, campaign, sports
แสตมป์ (ไปรษณีย์) 邮票 (postage) stamp
ตัวอย่างเช่นเพื่อให้การเปรียบเทียบ ... 比方说 for example, to make an analogy...
การเปรียบเทียบ, ตัวอย่างเช่น 比方 analogy, instance, example
การเข้าค่าย 该营地 camping
ล่ะ (an auxiliary word performing the grammatical functions of mood), fusion of le + a, follows after 比如 listed examples
ถ้า (ดูตัวอย่าง) 的话 if (see example)
เหล้าแชมเปญ 香槟酒 champagne
กว้างขวางและมีอาหารเสื้อผ้าจะได้อาหารมากและดีผ้า 丰衣足食 have ample food and clothing, be well-fed and well-clothed
แชมป์ 冠军 champion
การประกวดชิงแชมป์, แชมป์ 锦标赛 championship contest, championships
ตัวอย่างเช่น 例子 example, instance
รูปแบบ, ตัวอย่างเช่น 典范 model, example
แสตมป์สะสม, การสะสมแสตมป์ 集邮 stamp collecting, philately
แสงไฟฟ้า; หลอดไฟฟ้า 电灯 electric light; electric lamp
เช่น; ตัวอย่างเช่น 例如 for example; for instance
ตัวอย่างเช่น; รูปแบบ 榜样 example; model
เช่น; ตัวอย่างเช่น 比如 for example; for instance
ประทับบน; ดอกยาง tread; stamp on
กว้างขวาง; เต็ม; มากมาย 充分 ample; full; abundant
ขยายขนาดรูป; ขยาย 放大 enlarge; amplify
ตัวอย่างเช่น example
ขัดแข้งขัดขา 妨碍 hinder; hamper; obstruct; impede; make difficult
คลิป 夹子 clamp; clip; tongs; folder; wallet
ช็อก be frightened; start; startle; alarm; stampede; shy
โมเดล 模范 exemplary thing or person; fine example; exemplary
拿…来说 take … for example
ตัวอย่างเช่น 譬如 for example; for instance; such as
เปียก 湿润 moist; damp; humid
เหยียบ step; tread; stamp; stomp; trample
ชกต่อย pound; tamp; break; smash
ใน halt; stay; be stationed; encamp
เท้า enough; sufficient; ample
สงคราม 作战 do-battle; engage in a battle; fight; battle; campaign
แสตมป์ stamp (one's foot)
การสะสมแสตมป์สะสมแสตมป์ 集邮 collecting stamps philately
โดยใช้ตัวอย่าง 借鉴 take example by
กำแพงดิน rampart
ตัวอย่างเช่น 事例 example
วิทยาเขต 校园 campus
กลุ่มตัวอย่าง 样品 sample
ตั้งตัวเองกับคนอื่น ๆ เช่น 以身作则 set oneself an example to others
ค่าย camp
รบ; แคมเปญ 战役 battle; campaign
บึง; ตม 沼泽 swamp; morass
ค่าย 阵营 camp
แชมเปญ 香槟 champagne der Champagner, - le champagne el champán
แก้วแชมเปญ 香槟杯 champagne glass das Sektglas, "er la coupe de champagne la copa de champán
ทางลาด 坡道 ramp die Auffahrt, en la rampe el acceso
การตั้งแคมป์ 露营 camping das Camping le camping el camping
เตาแคมปิ้ง 煤气灶 camping stove der Gaskocher, - le réchaud de camping el hornillo de gas
แสตมป์ 邮票 stamp die Briefmarke, n le timbre el sello
ป่าพรุ 沼泽 swamp der Sumpf, "e le marais el pantano
โคมไฟตั้งโต๊ะ 台灯 table lamp die Tischlampe, n la lampe de table la lámpara de mesa
รถบ้าน 房车 camper das Wohnmobil, e le camping-car la autocaravana
amfibioj ครึ่งบกครึ่งน้ำ 两栖动物 amphibians Amphibien amphibiens anfibios anfibi
amfiteatro อัฒจันทร์ 竞技场 amphitheater Amphitheater amphithéâtre anfiteatro anfiteatro
amforo ภาชนะชนิดหนึ่ง 双耳罐 amphora Amphora amphore ánfora anfora
amputi ที่จะตัด 截肢 to amputate amputieren amputer amputar amputare
bivako สถานที่ตั้งแคมป์ 露营的地方 camping-place Lagerplatz en camping-lieu camping-lugar camping-luogo
ĉampano แชมเปญ 香槟酒 Champagne Champagner Champagne Champán Champagne
ekzemplo ตัวอย่าง example Beispiel exemple ejemplo esempio
kamforo การบูร Camphor Kampfer Camphre Alcanfor Canfora
lampo โคมไฟ Lamp Lampe Lampe Lámpara Lampada
lampiro lampiro lampiro lampiro lampiro lampiro Lampiro Lampiro
marĉo บึง 沼泽 swamp Sumpf marais pantano palude
pamfleto หนังสือเล่มเล็ก ๆ 小册子 pamphlet Broschüre brochure folleto opuscolo
remparo ป้อมปราการ 壁垒 rampart Wall rempart muralla bastione
vampiro แทตย์ 吸血鬼 vampire Vampir vampire vampiro vampiro

Grade E word(s):

93 aṅga–bhaṅga garnu अङ्ग–भङ्ग गर्नु to amputate, to dismember, to mutilate v.t.
94 aṅgacchēda अङ्गच्छेद amputation n.
659 udāharaṇa उदाहरण instance, example, illustration n.
1203 gaddara गद्दर mud, dirt, swamp n.
1211 gadryāka–gudrūka गद्र्याक–गुद्रूक sound produced by the trampling of feet or hoofs n.
1375 camērō चमेरो bat, vampire n.
1444 cisō चिसो cold, wet, moistened, damp ciso adj.
1618 jastai जस्तै as for example, i.e., like conj.
1619 jastō जस्तो as for example, i.e., like jasto conj.
1790 ḍērā डेरा residence, booth, camp n.
2535 pratipakṣa प्रतिपक्ष opposition, rival side, hostile camp, contesting party n.
2569 prayōga प्रयोग use, application, action, effort, usage, example, performance n.
2675 battī बत्ती lamp n.
3130 mukāma मुकाम halting place, halt, dwelling, place of residence, camping place n.
3617 śūra शूर hero, warrior, champion adj.
3769 sampādakīya सम्पादकीय editorial sampadakiya sahayak ,DkfbsLo adj.
千字文: 昆池碣石 钜野洞庭 Kunming Pond, Tablet Rock; Juye Swamp, Lake Dongting.
Plants: Amorphophallus campanulatus (Araceae) Elephantenfuß; Elephant Yam; Chena; Whitespot Giant Arum; Elephant's Foot; Pongapong
Plants: Ampelodesmos mauritanica (Poiret) T. Durand & Schinz (Poaceae) Diß-Gras
Plants: Campanula rapunculoides L. (Campanulaceae) Acker-Glockenblume
Plants: Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Nees & Eberm. (Lauraceae) Kampferbaum; Camphor Tree
Plants: Haematoxylum campechianum (Caesalpiniaceae) Blauholz; Logwood; Campeachy Wood

Wordnet Core Senses: Adjectives, Verbs, Nouns:
(a.) [ample] sizable, capacious
(n.) [camp] forced labor prison
(n.) [camp] summer camp
(n.) [camp] refugee camp
(n.) [campaign] military campaign
(n.) [campaign] political campaign
(n.) [champagne] bubbly wine
(n.) [champion] champ, title-holder
(n.) [example] illustration, instance, representative
(n.) [example] exemplar, model, good example
(n.) [lamp] furniture holding lightbulbs
(n.) [sample] small part representative of the whole
(n.) [stamp] postage stamp
(v.) [amputate] cut off, remove surgically
(v.) [stamp] stomp, walk heavily

13637376-n amp +
14707710-n AMP +

amp + +


amputate (2)


7 Multi-Lingual Sentence(s):
1048 我需要一些邮票。 ผม or ดิฉัน ต้องการแสตมป์ 2,3 ดวง Minä tarvitsen pari postimerkkiä.
1228 我需要一盏灯。 ผม or ดิฉัน ต้องการโคมไฟ Minä tarvitsen lampun.
1230 这儿有一盏灯吗? ที่นี่มีโคมไฟไหม? Onko täällä lamppua?
206 人们喝香槟酒。 คนกำลัง ดื่มแชมเปญ Ihmiset juovat kuohuviiniä.
211 我不喜欢喝香槟酒。 ผม♂ or ดิฉัน♀ ไม่ชอบแชมเปญ En pidä kuohuviinistä.
528 我想要一瓶香槟酒。 ผม or ดิฉัน ขอแชมเปญหนึ่งขวด ครับ or คะ Haluaisin pullon kuohuviiniä.
727 在哪里可以买到邮票? ซื้อแสตมป์ได้ที่ไหน? Mistä voi ostaa postimerkkejä?

3000 MCC Sätze ( oder: 10000 Experten-Sätze) +

378 地毯 样品
954 例题
1129 信封 邮票
1584 树林 沼泽地
1607 他们 野外 露营
1617 喜欢 收藏 邮票
1883 获得 短跑 比赛 冠军
2183 抽筋
2335 土地 显得 湿润
2875 这里 燕京 大学 校园 旧址
3212 他们 野外 紮营
3595 完美 搭档 曾经 获得 11 冠军
3698 木吉 共鸣 用于 放大 声音

Semantische Felder:

13.18 Physik