9 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** B ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

pattern, model, type / law / mold
mark, sign / symbol / number

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

bakango + + type of popular South African music + +
brago + + type of homemade beer + +
kompostado + + typesetting + +
kompostaĵo + + type + +
litertipo + + type + + typeface
maŝinskribado + + typewriting + +
monspeco + + type of money + +
preslitero + + type + +
prestipo + + type + +
skribmaŝina tiparo + + typewriter face + +
skribmaŝino + + typewriter + +
specodeklaro + + type definition + +
specokonverto + + type conversion + +
tajpaĵo + + typed item + + something typed typing
tajpilo + + typewriter + +
tajpsigno + + type sign + +
tipara biblioteko + + type library + +
tipdeklaro + + type definition + +
tipizema programlingvo + + typed language + +
tipkonverto + + type conversion + +
tipnomo + + type identifier + +
tipo + + type + +

#bakango #type of popular South African music #brago #type of homemade beer #kompostado #typesetting #kompostaĵo #type #litertipo #type #maŝinskribado #typewriting #monspeco #type of money #preslitero #type #prestipo #type #skribmaŝina tiparo #typewriter face #skribmaŝino #typewriter #specodeklaro #type definition #specokonverto #type conversion #tajpaĵo #typed item #tajpilo #typewriter #tajpsigno #type sign #tipara biblioteko #type library #tipdeklaro #type definition #tipizema programlingvo #typed language #tipkonverto #type conversion #tipnomo #type identifier #tipo #type

+ + + type of caldron with three hollow legs / name of a state / KangXi radical number 193 Caldron 鬲 (DREIFUSS) 【◎Fix:◎ge2;◎li4】 +
+ + + type of willow / tamarisk Tree 圣 (HEILIG) cheng1 +
+ + + type of yew Tree 匪 (FEHLER) fei3 +
+ + + type of oak Tree 斛 (50_LITER) hu2 +
+ + + type of birch Tree 华 (PRÄCHTIG) hua4 +
+ + + type of elm Tree 举 (HEBEN) ju3 +
+ + + type of oak / stable Tree 历 (KALENDER) li4 +
+ + + type of creeping plant / turnip 艸, 艹 Grass 罗 (FANGNETZ) luo2 +
+ + + type of locust oracacia Tree 蒙 (BEDECKEN) meng2 +
+ + + type of edible mushroom 艸, 艹 Grass 磨 (REIBEN) mo2 +
+ + + type of raspberry / fairyland 艸, 艹 Grass 逢 (TREFFEN) peng2 +
+ + + type of rush / vine 艸, 艹 Grass 浦 (FLUSSUFER) pu2 +
+ + + type of jade Jade 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + type of earthworm Insect 善 (WOHLTAT) shan4 +
+ + + type of jade / rare, valuable Jade 韦 (WEICHES_LEDER) wei3 +

2.13 Mann Typ + Type + 类型 +
5.8 Beschaffenheit, Art, Form Typus + Type + 类型 +
10.23 Lächerlich Type + Type + 类型 +
14.4 Stilarten Bauart + Type + 类型 +