Old HSK word(s):

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Phonetic KEY:
Hsk Characters: * * * * * * * *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
+ + + sieve / dust pan, garbage bag Bamboo 其 (SEIN) 【◎Fix:◎ji1;◎ji】 +
+ + + foundation, base Earth 其 (SEIN) ji1 +
+ + + period of time / date / time limit Moon 其 (SEIN) qi1 +
+ + + cheat, double-cross, deceive Breathe 其 (SEIN) qi1 +
+ + + his, her, its, their / that Eight 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + chess / any game similar to chess Tree 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + banner, flag, streamer Square 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + kind of grasses 艸, 艹 Grass 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + river in Henan province 水, 氵 Water 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + piebald horse / excellent horse Horse 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + type of jade Jade 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + good luck, good fortune 示, 礻 Revelation 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + a kind of crab / worm, leech Insect 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + dark grey. variegated. superlative Silk 其 (SEIN) qi2 +
+ + + legendary auspicious animal 鹿 Deer 其 (SEIN) qi2 +