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from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

specio + + species + +

#specio #species

+ + + species of bean / piper longtum 艸, 艹 Grass 毕 (SCHLUSS) bi4 +
+ + + species of pigeon Bird1 孛 (KOMET) bo2 +
+ + + species of Taiwan pigeon Bird1 古 (ALTERTUM) gu1 +
鸿 + + + species of wild swan / vast Bird1 江 (GROSSERFLUSS) hong2 +
+ + + species of fox Dog 瓜 (KÜRBIS) hu2 +
+ + + species of fragrant orchid 艸, 艹 Grass 惠 (GUNST) hui4 +
+ + + species of deer 鹿 Deer ji3 +
+ + + species of antelope Sheep 令 (BEFEHL) ling2 +
+ + + species of grass, water mallows 艸, 艹 Grass 卯 (4.ERDENZWEIG) mao2 +
+ + + species of deer found in north China Dog 包 (EINWICKELN) pao2 +
+ + + species of parrot Bird1 wu3 +
+ + + species of orangutan Dog 星 (STERN) xing1 +
+ + + species of oak / be glad, be pleased Tree xu3 +
+ + + species of deer 鹿 Deer 主 (EIGENTÜMER) zhu3 +

4.47 Klasse Spezies + Species + 物种 +
9.40 Sorgfalt Artenschutz + Species + 物种 +