Häufigkeit: 0.22

Zebraducker (Eig, Bio)Cephalophus zebra (Eig, Bio) [ban1 bei4 xiao3 ling2 yang2] 斑背小羚羊
Antelope Canyon (Schlucht im Navajo-Nation-Reservation Arizona, USA) (Eig, Geo) [ling2 yang2 xia2 gu3] 羚羊峡谷
Antilope (S) [ling2]
Antilope (S) [ling2 yang2 ya4 ke1] 羚羊亚科
Antilope, Gazelle (S, Bio)Gams, Gämse [ling2 yang2] 羚羊
Bergriedbock [shan1 wei3 ling2] 山苇羚
Bleichböckchen [zhu1 ling2] 侏羚
Buntbock [bai2 wen2 niu2 ling2] 白纹牛羚
Dikdiks [quan3 ling2 shu3] 犬羚属
Dorkasgazelle [xiao3 lu4 deng4 ling2] 小鹿瞪羚
Ducker [ji3 ling2 ya4 ke1] 麂羚亚科
Ducker [xin1 xiao3 ling2 ya4 ke1] 新小羚亚科
Gabelbock [cha1 jiao3 ling2] 叉角羚
Gabelbock [cha1 jiao3 ling2 ke1] 叉角羚科
Gams, Gämse [yi4 ling2] 臆羚
Gamshaut (S) [ling2 yang2 pi2] 羚羊皮
Gazelle (S) [deng4 ling2] 瞪羚
Gazelle (S) [yi1 zhong3 xiao3 ling2 yang2] 一种小羚羊
Gazellen [deng4 ling2 shu3] 瞪羚属
Giraffengazelle [chang2 jing3 ling2] 长颈羚
Gnu (S, Bio) [niu2 ling2] 牛羚
Grant-Gazelle (S) [ge2 lan2 ling2] 格兰羚
HartebeestKuhantilope [juan4 ling2] 狷羚
Hirschziegenantilope [yin4 du4 hei1 ling2] 印度黑羚
Hunter-Antilope (S) [heng1 shi4 niu2 ling2] 亨氏牛羚
Kirk-Dikdik [ke1 shi4 quan3 ling2] 柯氏犬羚
Kleinstböckchen [wo1 xin1 xiao3 ling2] 倭新小羚
Klippspringer [shan1 ling2] 山羚
Kuhantilopen [juan4 ling2 ya4 ke1] 狷羚亚科
Leierantilope [zhuan3 jiao3 niu2 ling2] 转角牛羚
Letschwe (eine afrikanische Antilope) (Eig, Bio) [lü2 ling2] 驴羚
Lichtenstein-Antilope (S) [li4 shi4 mi2 ling2] 利氏麋羚
Mendesantilope [xuan4 jiao3 ling2] 旋角羚
Pferdeböcke [ma3 ling2 ya4 ke1] 马羚亚科
Puku [wa3 shi4 chi4 ling2] 瓦氏赤羚
Rehantilope [duan3 jiao3 ling2] 短角羚
Riedbock (Bio) [wei3 ling2] 苇羚
Rinder [gao1 jiao3 ling2] 高角羚
Saiga [gao1 bi2 ling2 yang2] 高鼻羚羊
Springbock [tiao4 ling2] 跳羚
Stelzengazelle [sha1 ling2] 沙羚
Takin, Rindergämse, Gnuziege (lat: Budorcas taxicolor) (Eig, Bio) [ling2 niu2] 羚牛
Takin, Rindergämse, Gnuziege (lat: Budorcas taxicolor) (Eig, Bio) [ling2 niu2 shu3] 羚牛属
Tibet-Antilope (S) [zang1 ling2 yang2] 臧羚羊
Tschiru (Bio) [cang2 ling2 yang2] 藏羚羊
Wasserbock [shui3 ling2] 水羚
Weißnacken-Moorantilope [dai4 jiao3 lü2 ling2] 大角驴羚

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +

species of antelope
sheep, goat / KangXi radical 123

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

羚' + * * + antelop /
羚牛' + 羚牛* * + takin (type of goat-antelope)/
羚羊' + 羚羊* * + antelope/ CL:隻|只

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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