Old HSK word(s):

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Phonetic KEY:
Hsk Characters: * * * * * * *

HSK -Characters and beyond:
+ + + law, rule / open up, develop Offend 辟 (SOVEREIGN) 【◎Fix:◎bi4;◎pi4】 +
+ + + cut apart, split, chop Knife 辟 (SOVEREIGN) 【◎Fix:◎pi1;◎pi3】 +
+ + + [bèi] sharpen a knife by rubbing it against cloth /leather /stone /etc. [bì] 犁耳 金,钅 Gold (Metal) 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bei4 +
+ + + arm Flesh 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bi4 +
+ + + partition wall / walls of a house Earth 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bi4 +
+ + + avoid / turn aside / escape / hide 辵, 辶 Proceed 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bi4 +
+ + + evergreen shrubs, ligusticum 艸, 艹 Grass 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bi4 +
+ + + favorite / a minion Woman 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bi4 +
+ + + piece of jade with hole in it Jade 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bi4 +
+ + + fold, pleat, crease Clothes 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bi4 +
+ + + thumb / break, tear open, rip 手, 扌 Hand1 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bo4 +
+ + + tree Tree 辟 (SOVEREIGN) bo4 +
+ + + thunder, crashing thunder Rain 辟 (SOVEREIGN) pi1 +
+ + + sound / (Cant.) a child's buttocks Mouth 辟 (SOVEREIGN) pi1 +
+ + + to beat the breast 手, 扌 Hand1 辟 (SOVEREIGN) pi3 +
+ + + craving, weakness for / indigestion Illness 辟 (SOVEREIGN) pi3 +
+ + + out-of-the-way, remote / unorthodox Man 辟 (SOVEREIGN) pi4 +
+ + + metaphor, simile, example Words 辟 (SOVEREIGN) pi4 +
+ + + glazed tiles, bricks Tile 辟 (SOVEREIGN) pi4 +