Häufigkeit: 3.16

C 獵人 + * * lie4ren2 hunter/ huntsman Jäger + +
D 打獵 + * * da3 lie4 hunt jagen, auf die Jagd gehen + +

打猎* 6 da3 lie4 to go hunting

pochieren, abwerben (V)wildern [tou1 lie4] 偷猎
Abruf (S) [shi2 hui2 lie4 wu4] 拾回猎物
Angel Sanctuary [tian1 shi3 jin4 lie4 qu1] 天使禁猎区
Atlanta Falcons (Geo)Atlanta Falcons (Sport) [ya4 te4 lan2 da4 lie4 ying1] 亚特兰大猎鹰
Beagle (Eig, Bio) [mi3 ge2 lu3 lie4 tu4 quan3] 米格鲁猎兔犬
Beute (S) [lie4 wu4] 猎物
Beuteschema (S, Bio) [lie4 wu4 fan4 wei2] 猎物范围
City Hunter [cheng2 shi4 lie4 ren2] 城市猎人
Dachshund (S) [fa4 guo2 duan3 tui3 lie4 quan3] 法国短腿猎犬
Deerstalker-Hut (S) [lie4 lu4 mao4] 猎鹿帽
Die durch die Hölle gehen [lie4 lu4 ren2] 猎鹿人
eifriger Leser (S, Sprachw)Bücher durchstöbern (V, Sprichw) [she4 lie4 shu1 ji2] 涉猎书籍
erlegen (V)erliegen (V) [lie4 sha1] 猎杀
Falke (S) [lie4 ying1] 猎鹰
Falkenbrief [lie4 ying1 xin4] 猎鹰信
Falkenjagd (S) [fang4 ying1 bu3 lie4] 放鹰捕猎
Falkner (S) [yi3 ying1 shou4 lie4 zhe3] 以鹰狩猎者
Fallensteller (S)Pelzjäger (S) [bu3 ji1 lie4 shi1] 捕机猎师
Feldjagd (S) [tian2 lie4] 田猎
fischen und jagen, Fischerei und Jagd (V) [yu2 lie4] 渔猎
Gabriel Knight (EDV) [shou4 mo2 lie4 ren2] 狩魔猎人
Gepard (S) [lie4 bao4] 猎豹
Golden Retriever [huang2 jin1 lie4 quan3] 黄金猎犬
Grand Theft Auto (Eig, EDV) [xia2 dao4 lie4 che1 shou3] 侠盗猎车手
Headhunter (S, Wirtsch) [lie4 tou2 gong1 si1] 猎头公司
Headhunter, 'Personalvermittler' (S) [lie4 tou2] 猎头
Headhunting Service [lie4 tou2 fu2 wu4] 猎头服务
Hexenverfolgung (S, Philos) [lie4 wu1] 猎巫
Jagd (Bio) [shou4 lie4] 狩猎
Jagdgebiet (S)Jagdgrund (S)Jagdrevier (S) [shou4 lie4 chang3] 狩猎场
Jagdhund (S) [lie4 gou3] 猎狗
Jagdhund (S)Jäger (S)Vorstehhund (S) [lie4 quan3] 猎犬
Jagdkleidung (S) [shou4 lie4 yi1] 狩猎衣
Jagdsitz (S) [shou4 lie4 bie2 shu4] 狩猎别墅
Jagdsteuer [shou3 lie4 shui4] 守猎税
Jagdwesen, Jagd (S)jagen (V) [lie4]
jagen (V) [lie4 qu3] 猎取
jagen, Beute machen (V) [lie4 bu3] 猎捕
jagen, Beute machen (V) [lie4 huo4] 猎获
jagend [bu3 lie4] 捕猎
Jäger (S) [lie4 ma3] 猎马
Jäger (S) [lie4 shi1] 猎师
Jäger (S) [lie4 shou3] 猎手
Jäger (S)Verfolger (S) [lie4 ren2] 猎人
Jäger und Sammler (S) [shou4 lie4 shou1 ji2 zhe3] 狩猎收集者
Jäger und Sammler (S, Wirtsch) [shou4 lie4 cai3 ji2 zhe3] 狩猎采集者
Jägerin (S) [da3 lie4 de5] 打猎的
JÄGERMEISTER (eine Sorte Magenbitter) (Ess) [lie4 ren2 da4 qu3] 猎人大曲
Kopfgeldjäger (Rechtsw) [shang3 jin1 lie4 ren2] 赏金猎人
Labrador < Hund > (S, Bio)Labrador Retriever < Hund > (S, Bio) [la1 bu4 la1 duo1 lie4 quan3] 拉布拉多猎犬
Leopard (S, Tech) [lie4 bao4 che1] 猎豹车
monster hunter (computerspiel von capcom) (Eig, Werk) [guai4 wu4 lie4 ren2] 怪物猎人
Orion (Sternbild) (S, Astron) [lie4 hu4 zuo4] 猎户座
Orionnebel [lie4 hu4 zuo4 da4 xing1 yun2] 猎户座大星云
Orionnebel (S, Astron) [lie4 hu4 zuo4 xing1 yun2] 猎户座星云
Reservat (S) [jin4 lie4 qu1] 禁猎区
Schnepfe (S) [lie4 niao3] 猎鸟
Schrotflinte (S) [lie4 qiang1] 猎枪
Schutz (S) [shou4 lie4 zhe3] 狩猎者
spüren (V) [zhui1 lie4] 追猎
treiben (V) [wei2 lie4] 围猎
Weidmesser (S) [lie4 dao1] 猎刀
Weiß Kreuz (S) [bai2 se4 lie4 ren2] 白色猎人
Wilddieb, Wilderer (S) [tou1 lie4 zhe3] 偷猎者
wildern, ohne Berechtigung jagen [dao4 lie4] 盗猎
Windhund < Hund > (S, Bio) [hui1 lie4 quan3] 灰猎犬

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

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* * + +
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* * + +
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* * + +

hunt / field sports
falcon / Accipiter species (various)

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

獵' + * * + hunting/
獵人' + 猎人* * + hunter/
獵刀' + 猎刀* * + hunting knife/
獵取' + 猎取* * + to hunt/ (fig.) to seek (fame etc)
獵奇' + 猎奇* * + to hunt for novelty/ to seek novelty
獵戶座' + 猎户座* * + Orion (constellation)/
獵戶座大星雲' + 猎户座大星云* * + the Great Nebula in Orion M42/
獵戶座流星雨' + 猎户座流星雨* * + Orionids/ Orionid meteor shower
獵戶臂' + 猎户臂* * + Orion spiral arm or local spur of our galaxy (containing our solar system)/
獵手' + 猎手* * + hunter/
獵捕' + 猎捕* * + to hunt/ hunting
獵槍' + 猎枪* * + hunting gun/ shotgun
獵殺' + 猎杀* * + to kill (in hunting)/
獵殺紅色十月號' + 猎杀红色十月号* * + The Hunt for Red October, a novel by Tom Clancy/
獵潛' + 猎潜* * + anti-submarine (warfare)/
獵潛艇' + 猎潜艇* * + anti-submarine vessel/
獵物' + 猎物* * + prey/
獵犬' + 猎犬* * + hound/ hunting dog
獵犬座' + 猎犬座* * + Canes Venatici (constellation)/
獵狗' + 猎狗* * + hunting dog/
獵艷' + 猎艳* * + to chase women/ to express oneself in a pompous flowery style
獵豹' + 猎豹* * + cheetah/
獵隼' + 猎隼* * + (Chinese bird species) saker falcon (Falco cherrug)/
獵頭' + 猎头* * + headhunting (executive recruitment)/ headhunter (profession) headhuntin
獵頭人' + 猎头人* * + head-hunter/ headhunter recruiter
獵鷹' + 猎鹰* * + falcon/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


2817 爸爸 打猎 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

打猎 사냥하다. 수렵하다. + +

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