B Auswärts essen: Das Cafe: Espresso + 意式浓缩咖啡 +
C Die Nahrungsmittel: Die Getränke: Stout + 浓烈黑啤酒 +

Häufigkeit: 4.13

B + * * nong2 dense/ thick 1.dicht, dick,stark, dickflüssig ,konzentriert, 2.groß,intensiv + +
D 濃度 + * * nong2du4 chroma/ consistency Konzentration, + +
D 濃厚 + * * nong2hou4 dense dicht, dick,stark, hervortretend + +

* 5 nong2 concentrated/ dense
浓厚* 6 nong2 hou4 dense/ thick (fog; clouds etc)/ to have a strong interest in/ deep/ fully saturated (color)

angereichertes Uran (S, Phys) [nong2 suo1 you2] 浓缩铀
anreichern (V) [ji1 ju4 nong2 suo1] 积聚浓缩
Aroma (S) [nong2 xiang1] 浓香
Balsamicojus (S) [nong2 luo2 lei1 rou4 zhi1] 浓罗勒肉汁
Blut ist dicker als Wasser. (Sprichwort) [xie3 nong2 yu2 shui3] 血浓于水
dicht (Adj) [nong2 mi4] 浓密
dichter Nebel (S, Met)dichter Rauch (S) [nong2 wu4] 浓雾
dichter Rauch (S) [nong2 yan1] 浓烟
dicker Qualm (S) [gun3 gun3 nong2 yan1] 滚滚浓烟
dunkelblauRGB-Code #006374 [nong2 lan2] 浓蓝
ein tiefes Interesse (S) [nong2 hou4 de5 xing4 qu4] 浓厚的兴趣
eindringlich, intensiv, stark, kräftig (Adj) [nong2 zhong4] 浓重
Epaminondas (Eig, Pers, 418 - 362 v.Chr.) [yi1 ba1 mi4 nong2 da2] 伊巴密浓达
Espresso (S) [nong2 ka1 fei1] 浓咖啡
Espresso (S) [nong2 suo1 ka1 fei1] 浓缩咖啡
Espressomaschine (S) [nong2 ka1 fei1 ji1] 浓咖啡机
Farbton (S) [nong2 dan4] 浓淡
Gemüsesuppe (S)Futterbrei (S) [nong2 tang1] 浓汤
Gulaschsuppe (S, Ess) [xiong1 ya2 li4 nong2 tang1] 匈牙利浓汤
hochangereichertes Uran [gao1 nong2 suo1 you2] 高浓缩铀
intensiv (Adj) [nong2]
kampfstark (Adj) [nong2 lie4] 浓烈
Kartoffelrahmsuppe (S, Ess) [tu3 dou4 nong2 tang1] 土豆浓汤
kondensiert (Adj) [bian4 nong2] 变浓
kondensiertkondensieren (V) [shi3 nong2 suo1] 使浓缩
Konzentrat (S) [nong2 suo1 ye4] 浓缩液
Konzentrat (S) [nong2 suo4 wu4] 浓缩物
Konzentration, Dichte (S) [nong2 du4] 浓度
Konzentrator (S) [nong2 suo1 qi4] 浓缩器
konzentrierter Saft [nong2 suo1 guo3 zhi1] 浓缩果汁
Meinung (Ort in Taiwan) (Eig, Geo) [mei3 nong2 zhen4] 美浓镇
Melasse (S) [ji2 nong2 de5 tang2 jiang1] 极浓的糖浆
Mizuno (Sport) [mei3 jin1 nong2] 美津浓
niedere Stoffdichte [di1 nong2 du4] 低浓度
orthochromatisch (Adj) [zheng4 he2 yuan2 se4 nong2 dan4] 正合原色浓淡
Ozongehalt (S) [chou4 yang3 nong2 du4] 臭氧浓度
pH-Wert (S, Chem) [qing1 li2 zi3 nong2 du4 zhi3 shu4] 氢离子浓度指数
Provinz Mino (Gesch) [mei3 nong2 guo2] 美浓国
Provinz Shinano (Gesch) [xin4 nong2 guo2] 信浓国
qualmen, rauchen (V) [mao4 nong2 yan1] 冒浓烟
Rinderkraftbrühe (S, Ess) [niu2 rou4 nong2 tang1] 牛肉浓汤
stark (Geschmack, Aroma) (Adv) [nong2 yu4] 浓郁
stark, tief (Interesse) [nong2 hou4] 浓厚
tiefschwarz, pechschwarz (Adj) [nong2 hei1] 浓黑
ultramarinblauRGB-Code #0033FF [ji2 nong2 hai3 lan2] 极浓海蓝

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
* * + +
/* * + +
* * + +

thick, strong, concentrated
to adorn oneself, dress up, use make-up
beautiful, sexy, voluptuous
smear, apply, wipe off, erase
from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

濃' + * * + concentrated/ dense strong (sm
濃厚' + 浓厚* * + dense/ thick (fog, clouds etc) to have a
濃墨重彩' + 浓墨重彩* * + thick and heavy in colors/ to describe sth in colorful language with attention to detail (idiom)
濃妝' + 浓妆* * + heavy makeup and gaudy dress/
濃妝艷抹' + 浓妆艳抹* * + to apply makeup conspicuously (idiom)/ dressed to the nines and wearing makeup
濃密' + 浓密* * + thick/ murky
濃度' + 浓度* * + concentration (percentage of dissolved material in a solution)/ consistency thickness
濃淡' + 浓淡* * + shade (of a color, i.e. light or dark)/
濃湯' + 浓汤* * + thick soup/ puree
濃烈' + 浓烈* * + strong (taste, flavor, smell)/
濃煙' + 浓烟* * + thick smoke/
濃眉大眼' + 浓眉大眼* * + thick eyebrows and big eyes/
濃稠' + 浓稠* * + thick/ dense and creamy
濃縮' + 浓缩* * + to concentrate (a liquid)/ concentration espresso c
濃縮機' + 浓缩机* * + a device for concentrating (a liquid)/ a condenser
濃縮鈾' + 浓缩铀* * + enriched uranium/
濃艷' + 浓艳* * + (of colors) garish/ rich
濃郁' + 浓郁* * + rich/ strong heavy (fra
濃重' + 浓重* * + dense/ thick strong
濃集' + 浓集* * + to concentrate/ to enrich
濃集鈾' + 浓集铀* * + enriched uranium/
濃霧' + 浓雾* * + thick fog/
濃香' + 浓香* * + strong fragrance/ pungent

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


2074 咖啡 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

진하다. 농후하다. 짙다. 농밀하다. + + 浓厚 (연기·안개·구름층 등이) 짙다. + +

+ + + + + + + +