D 蘇醒 + + * * su1xing3 come around wiederbeleben + + +

6 tỉnh lại 苏醒

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revive, resurrect / a species of thyme / transliteration of 'Soviet'
maintain, preserve, safeguard
fine dust, dirt

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囌' + * * + see 囉囌| /
甦' + * * + variant of 蘇|苏/
甦仙' + 苏仙* * + Suxian /
甦仙區' + 苏仙区* * + Suxian /
甦家屯' + 苏家屯* * + Sujiatu /
甦家屯區' + 苏家屯区* * + Sujiatun district of Shenyang city 沈陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning/
甦醒' + 苏醒* * + to come to/ to awaken to regain
蘇' + * * + surname Su/ abbr. for Soviet Union 蘇維埃|苏维埃 or 蘇聯|苏联 abbr. for
蘇' + * * + Perilla frutescens (Chinese basil or wild red basil)/ place name to revive
蘇丹' + 苏丹* * + Sudan/ sultan (ruler of some Muslim states, esp. Ottoman Emperor)
蘇伊士' + 苏伊士* * + Suez (canal)/
蘇伊士河' + 苏伊士河* * + the Suez canal/
蘇伊士運河' + 苏伊士运河* * + Suez Canal/
蘇佔區' + 苏占区* * + Soviet-occupied area (of Eastern Europe etc)/
蘇俄' + 苏俄* * + Soviet Russia/
蘇克雷' + 苏克雷* * + Sucre, constitutional capital of Bolivia/
蘇共' + 苏共* * + Soviet Communist Party/ abbr. for 蘇聯共產黨|苏联共产党
蘇利南' + 苏利南* * + Surinam /
蘇台德地區' + 苏台德地区* * + Sudetenland/
蘇合香' + 苏合香* * + snowdrop bush (Styrax officinalis)/ gum storax, used in TCM
蘇哈托' + 苏哈托* * + Suharto (1921-2008), former Indonesian general, president of the Republic of Indon/
蘇報案' + 苏报案* * + Qing's 1903 suppression of revolutionary calls in newspaper 蘇報|苏报, leading to impr/
蘇姆蓋特' + 苏姆盖特* * + Sumgayit, city in Azerbaijan/
蘇富比' + 苏富比* * + Sotheby's auction house/
蘇寧電器' + 苏宁电器* * + Suning Appliance (PRC electrical retailer)/
蘇尼特右旗' + 苏尼特右旗* * + Sonid Right banner in Xilin Gol league 錫林郭勒盟|锡林郭勒盟/
蘇尼特左旗' + 苏尼特左旗* * + Sonid L /
蘇州' + 苏州* * + Suzhou /
蘇州地區' + 苏州地区* * + Suzhou region in Jiangsu/
蘇州大學' + 苏州大学* * + Suzhou or Soochow University (Suzhou, PRC since 1986)/
蘇州市' + 苏州市* * + Suzhou prefecture level city in Jiangsu/
蘇州河' + 苏州河* * + Suzhou Creek (river in Shanghai)/
蘇州碼子' + 苏州码子* * + Suzhou numerals, i.e. the ten numerals 〡,〢,〣,〤,〥,〦,〧,〨,〩,十 nowadays mainly used in/ also called 草碼|草码
蘇州話' + 苏州话* * + Suzhou /
蘇必利爾湖' + 苏必利尔湖* * + Lake Su /
蘇打' + 苏打* * + soda (l /
蘇打水' + 苏打水* * + soda drink (loanword)/
蘇打粉' + 苏打粉* * + baking soda/
蘇打餅乾' + 苏打饼干* * + soda biscuit/ cracker
蘇拉威西' + 苏拉威西* * + Sulawesi or Celebes (Indonesian Island)/
蘇易簡' + 苏易简* * + Su Yijian (958-997), Northern Song writer and poet/
蘇曼殊' + 苏曼殊* * + Su Manshu (1884-1918), Chinese writer, journalist, Buddhist monk, participant in t/
蘇木' + 苏木* * + sappan wood (Caesalpinia sappan), used in Chinese medicine/ administrative subdivision of banner 旗 (county) in Inner Mongolia (Mongol: arrow)
蘇杭' + 苏杭* * + Suzhou 蘇州|苏州/
蘇東坡' + 苏东坡* * + Su Dong /
蘇枋' + 苏枋* * + sappanwood (Caesalpinia sappan)/
蘇枋木' + 苏枋木* * + sappan wood (Caesalpinia sappan), used in Chinese medicine/
蘇格拉底' + 苏格拉底* * + Socrates (469-399 BC), Greek philosopher/
蘇格蘭' + 苏格兰* * + Scotland/
蘇格蘭場' + 苏格兰场* * + Scotland Yard/
蘇格蘭女王瑪麗' + 苏格兰女王玛丽* * + Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-87)/
蘇格蘭帽' + 苏格兰帽* * + bonnet/
蘇格蘭摺耳貓' + 苏格兰折耳猫* * + Scottish Fold/
蘇步青' + 苏步青* * + Su Buqing (1902-2003), Chinese mathematician/
蘇武' + 苏武* * + Su Wu (140-60 BC), Han Dynasty diplomat and statesman, regarded as a model of cour/
蘇氨酸' + 苏氨酸* * + threonine (Thr), an essential amino acid/
蘇洵' + 苏洵* * + Su Xun (1009-1066), northern Song writer of prose/ one of the Three Su 三苏 and one of Eight Giants 唐宋八大家
蘇澳' + 苏澳* * + Su'ao town in Yilan county 宜蘭縣|宜兰县/
蘇澳鎮' + 苏澳镇* * + Su'ao t /
蘇爾' + 苏尔* * + Sol (go /
蘇珊' + 苏珊* * + Susan (name)/
蘇珊·波伊爾' + 苏珊·波伊尔* * + Susan Boyle (1961-), competitor in UK reality TV competition/
蘇瓦' + 苏瓦* * + Suva, capital of Fiji/
蘇祿' + 苏禄* * + old term for Sulawesi or Celebes 苏拉威西/
蘇秦' + 苏秦* * + Su Qin (340-284 BC), political strategist of the School of Diplomacy 縱橫家|纵横家/
蘇維埃' + 苏维埃* * + Soviet /
蘇維埃俄國' + 苏维埃俄国* * + Soviet Russia (1917-1991)/
蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟' + 苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟* * + Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 1922-1991/ abbr. to 蘇聯|苏联
蘇美爾' + 苏美尔* * + Sumer ( /
蘇聯' + 苏联* * + Soviet Union, 1922-1991/ abbr. for Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) 蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯盟|苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟
蘇聯之友社' + 苏联之友社* * + Soviet /
蘇聯共產黨' + 苏联共产党* * + Communist Party of the Soviet Union/
蘇聯最高蘇維埃' + 苏联最高苏维埃* * + Supreme Soviet/
蘇胺酸' + 苏胺酸* * + threonine/
蘇花公路' + 苏花公路* * + Suhua Highway, coastal road in northern Taiwan, built on the side of cliffs above /
蘇菜' + 苏菜* * + Jiangsu cuisine/
蘇菲' + 苏菲* * + Sophie (name)/ Sufi (Muslim mystic)
蘇萊曼' + 苏莱曼* * + Suleiman (name)/ General Michel Suleiman (1948-), Lebanese military man and politician, president of Lebanon from 2008
蘇西洛' + 苏西洛* * + Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (1949-), retired Indonesian general, president of the Rep/
蘇貞昌' + 苏贞昌* * + Su Tseng-chang (1947-), Taiwanese DPP politician/
蘇軾' + 苏轼* * + Su Shi (1037-1101), also known as Su Dongpo 蘇東坡|苏东坡/
蘇轍' + 苏辙* * + Su Zhe one of 三苏 and one of 唐宋八大家/
蘇迪曼杯' + 苏迪曼杯* * + Sudirman cup (world badminton team competition)/
蘇醒' + 苏醒* * + to wake up/ to regain consciousness
蘇里南' + 苏里南* * + Suriname/
蘇里南河' + 苏里南河* * + Suriname River/
蘇金達' + 苏金达* * + Sukinda, Indian city/
蘇鐵' + 苏铁* * + Cycas revoluta/
蘇門答臘' + 苏门答腊* * + Sumatra, one of the Indonesian islands/
蘇門答臘島' + 苏门答腊岛* * + Sumatra (one of the Indonesian islands)/
蘇門達臘' + 苏门达腊* * + variant of 蘇門答臘|苏门答腊/
蘇非主義' + 苏非主义* * + Sufism /
蘇黎世' + 苏黎世* * + Zurich, Switzerland/
蘇黎世聯邦理工學院' + 苏黎世联邦理工学院* * + Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich, a university/
蘇黎士' + 苏黎士* * + variant of 蘇黎世|苏黎世/
蘓' + * * + old variant of 蘇|苏/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1177 病人 苏醒 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT


苏醒 되살아나다. 소생하다. 의식을 회복하다. 정신을 차리다. + +

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