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倞' + * * + strong/ powerful
力士' + 力士* * + strong man/
勁峭' + 劲峭* * + strong (wind)/ cutting (cold wind)
勁急' + 劲急* * + strong and swift/
勁挺' + 劲挺* * + strong/
勁旅' + 劲旅* * + strong contingent/ elite squad
勁直' + 劲直* * + strong and upright/
勁風' + 劲风* * + strong wind/ gale
勍' + * * + violent strong/
固' + * * + hard strong/ solid sure
堅' + * * + strong/ solid firm
堅強' + 坚强* * + staunch strong/
堅牢' + 坚牢* * + strong/ firm
外強中乾' + 外强中干* * + strong in appearance but weak in reality (idiom)/
大力士' + 大力士* * + strong man/ Hercules
大牌' + 大牌* * + strong card/ honor card (card games) very popul
寨' + * * + stronghold/ stockade camp
強' + * * + strong/ powerful better
強作用' + 强作用* * + strong interaction (governing hadrons in nuclear physics)/
強兵' + 强兵* * + strong soldiers/ make the military powerful (political slogan)
強勁' + 强劲* * + strong/ powerful robust
強勢' + 强势* * + strong/ powerful (linguisti
強壯' + 强壮* * + strong/ sturdy robust
強弱' + 强弱* * + strong or weak/ intensity amount of
強有力' + 强有力* * + strong/ forceful
強相互作用' + 强相互作用* * + strong interaction (in particle physics)/ strong force
強風' + 强风* * + strong breeze (meteorology)/
強鹼' + 强碱* * + strong alkali/
扎實' + 扎实* * + strong/ solid sturdy
措辭強硬' + 措辞强硬* * + strongly-worded/
據點' + 据点* * + stronghold/ defended military base base for o
暋' + * * + strong/ vigorous
濃烈' + 浓烈* * + strong (taste, flavor, smell)/
濃香' + 浓香* * + strong fragrance/ pungent
火藥味甚濃' + 火药味甚浓* * + strong smell of gunpowder/ fig. tense situation stand-off
烈性' + 烈性* * + strong/ intense spirited
烈酒' + 烈酒* * + strong alcoholic drink/
甚濃' + 甚浓* * + strong (smell)/ thick (fog)
矯健' + 矫健* * + strong and healthy/ vigorous
葷' + * * + strong-smelling vegetable (garlic etc)/ non-vegetarian food (meat, fish, spicy food etc) vulgar
要塞' + 要塞* * + stronghold/ fort fortificat
身強力壯' + 身强力壮* * + strong and vigorous/ sturdy robust
轟轟烈烈' + 轰轰烈烈* * + strong/ vigorous large-scal
遒' + * * + strong/ vigorous robust
酎' + * * + strong wine/
醲' + * * + concent strong wine/
醹' + * * + strong (of wine)/
釅' + * * + strong (of tea)/
金櫃' + 金柜* * + strongbox/ safe metal book
長處' + 长处* * + good as strong points/
馥馥' + 馥馥* * + strongly fragrant/ heavily scented same as 香馥
駜' + * * + strong horse/
騤' + * * + (of a h strong/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[vigorous] strong physically or mentally
[attack] strong criticism
[cable] strong thick rope
[concrete] strong building material
[conviction] strong belief
[emotion] strong feeling
[impact] forceful consequence, strong effect
[passion] passionateness, strong emotion
[strength] property of being physically or mentally strong
[strength] forte, strong suit, specialty, strong point
[urge] strong restless desire

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

mạnh mẽ + + strong

+ + + + + + + +