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from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

傲立' + 傲立* * + standing proud/
價值標準' + 价值标准* * + standard price/
儲水管' + 储水管* * + standpipe (firefighting water storage system for a building)/
制式' + 制式* * + standard (format, e.g. PAL or SECAM for TV signal)/ system service pa
制式化' + 制式化* * + standardization/
卓乎不群' + 卓乎不群* * + standing out from the common crowd (idiom); outstanding/ preeminent
卓爾不群' + 卓尔不群* * + standing above the common crowd (idiom); outstanding/ excellent and unrivaled
國家標準化管理委員會' + 国家标准化管理委员会* * + Standardization Administration of PRC (SAC)/
尌' + * * + standing up/ to stand (something) up
常務委員會' + 常务委员会* * + standing committee (e.g. of National People's Congress)/
常委會' + 常委会* * + standing committee/
戁' + * * + stand in awe/
本位' + 本位* * + standard/ one's own department or unit
標普' + 标普* * + Standard and Poor (share index)/ abbr. for 標準普爾|标准普尔
標清' + 标清* * + standard definition (TV or video image quality)/
標準化' + 标准化* * + standardization/
標準時' + 标准时* * + standard time/
標準普爾' + 标准普尔* * + Standard and Poor's (S&P), company specializing in financial market ratings/ S&P financial index
標準模型' + 标准模型* * + Standard Model (of particle physics)/
標準狀態' + 标准状态* * + standard conditions for temperature and pressure/
標準狀況' + 标准状况* * + standard conditions for temperature and pressure/
標準組織' + 标准组织* * + standards organization/ standards body
標準規格' + 标准规格* * + standard/ norm
標準語' + 标准语* * + standard language/
標準間' + 标准间* * + standard (hotel) room/ two-person room of standard size and amenities abbr. to 标
標準音' + 标准音* * + standard pronunciation/ standard tone (e.g. A = 440 Hz)
標金' + 标金* * + standard gold bar/ deposit when submitting a tender
正音' + 正音* * + standard pronunciation/ to correct sb's pronunciation
正體' + 正体* * + standard form/ block letter alternate
渣打銀行' + 渣打银行* * + Standard Chartered Bank/
準的' + 准的* * + standard/ norm criterion
矱' + * * + standard/ norm Taiwan pr.
稍息' + 稍息* * + Stand at ease! (military)/ Taiwan pr.
立像' + 立像* * + standing image (of a Buddha or saint)/
立定跳遠' + 立定跳远* * + standing long jump/
統讀' + 统读* * + standard (unified) pronunciation of a character with multiple readings, as stipula/
緊張狀態' + 紧张状态* * + tense s stand-off/
肅立' + 肃立* * + standing tall and majestic (of physical object such as trees)/
規格' + 规格* * + standard/ norm specificat
規範理論' + 规范理论* * + Standard Model (of particle physics)/
豎式' + 竖式* * + standing/ vertical
軌範' + 轨范* * + standard/ criterion
駐波' + 驻波* * + standing wave/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[formal] adhering to traditional standards
[great] outstanding, very valuable
[normal] conforming with a norm or standard
[qualified] meeting the standards and requirements
[representative] standing for something else
[standard] conforming to a standard of measurement
[base] pedestal, stand
[basin] washbasin, washbowl, washstand, lavatory
[double] stunt man, stand-in per person
[insight] perceptiveness, understanding
[norm] standard
[rule] formula standard procedure for solving a mathematical problem
[stand] viewpoint, standpoint
[tie] draw, standoff
[tradition] custom, practice of long standing
[insist] take a firm stand
[mean] intend, signify, stand for
[represent] stand for, correspond to
[resist] withstand, hold up against
[rise] arise, get up, stand up, rise to one's feet
[see] understand, realize
[stand] stand up

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

đứng + + to stand

budo + + barn + + shed stand stall
ekstari + + to get up + + rise stand stand up
piedestalo + + base + + pedestal stand
stando + + booth + + stall stand
starejo + + foothold + + footing stand station
starigi + + to erect + + set up stand
stariĝi + + to get up + + rise stand stand up

+ + + + + + + +