14 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** A ** B ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** C ** D ** D ** D ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

source, origin, beginning
oil, fat, grease, lard / paints

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

alobazo + + base of arm + + base of wing
basbalejo + + baseball field + +
basbalisto + + baseball player + +
basbalo + + baseball + +
basebakĉapelo + + baseball cap + +
baspilkĉapelo + + baseball cap + +
baspilkejo + + baseball field + +
baza adreso + + base address + +
baza kapacito + + base capacity + +
baza lingvo + + base language + +
baza linio + + baseline + +
baza memoro + + base memory + +
baza savkopio + + base backup + +
baza sekurkopio + + base backup + +
baza signo + + base character + +
baza stilo + + base style + +
baza unuo + + base unit + +
bazadresa reĝistro + + base address register + +
bazadreso + + base address + +
bazamento + + base + +
bazbalĉapelo + + baseball cap + +
bazbalejo + + baseball field + +
bazbalisto + + baseball player + +
bazbalo + + baseball + +
bazedova + + Basedow’s + +
bazedova malsano + + Basedow’s disease + +
Bazelo + + Basel + + Basle
bazgardanto + + baseman + +
bazhava adresado + + based addressing + +
bazlatero + + base + +
bazlinio + + baseline + +
bazo + + base + + basis footing ground
bazo de naturaj logaritmoj + + base of natural logarithms + +
bazoadreso + + base address + +
bazolinio + + baseline + +
bazopilkado + + baseball + +
bazopilkejo + + baseball field + +
bazopilkisto + + baseball player + +
bazopilkludo + + baseball + +
bazopilko + + baseball + +
bazoregistro + + base register + +
bazpilkisto + + baseball player + +
bazpilko + + baseball + +
bazreĝistro + + base register + +
eksponplato + + baseboard + +
fia + + base + + disgusting nasty shameful
kanajleco + + baseness + +
kelfenestro + + basement window + +
kelo + + basement + + cellar
kelŝtuparo + + basement stairs + +
linipaŝo + + baseline skip + + leading
muntaĵo + + base + + setting
nombazo + + basename + +
perfide + + basely + +
perfideco + + baseness + + treachery
piedestalo + + base + + pedestal stand
potencigato + + base (of exponential) + +
senbaza + + baseless + + groundless unfounded
senbazeco + + baselessness + +
senfundamenta + + baseless + +
senmotiva + + baseless + + unfounded
soklo + + base + + plinth supporting base pedestal
solo + + base + + pedestal plinth
subetaĝo + + basement + +
surbaze de + + based on + +

#alobazo #base of arm #basbalejo #baseball field #basbalisto #baseball player #basbalo #baseball #basebakĉapelo #baseball cap #baspilkĉapelo #baseball cap #baspilkejo #baseball field #baza adreso #base address #baza kapacito #base capacity #baza lingvo #base language #baza linio #baseline #baza memoro #base memory #baza savkopio #base backup #baza sekurkopio #base backup #baza signo #base character #baza stilo #base style #baza unuo #base unit #bazadresa reĝistro #base address register #bazadreso #base address #bazamento #base #bazbalĉapelo #baseball cap #bazbalejo #baseball field #bazbalisto #baseball player #bazbalo #baseball #bazedova #Basedow’s #bazedova malsano #Basedow’s disease #Bazelo #Basel #bazgardanto #baseman #bazhava adresado #based addressing #bazlatero #base #bazlinio #baseline #bazo #base #bazo de naturaj logaritmoj #base of natural logarithms #bazoadreso #base address #bazolinio #baseline #bazopilkado #baseball #bazopilkejo #baseball field #bazopilkisto #baseball player #bazopilkludo #baseball #bazopilko #baseball #bazoregistro #base register #bazpilkisto #baseball player #bazpilko #baseball #bazreĝistro #base register #eksponplato #baseboard #fia #base #kanajleco #baseness #kelfenestro #basement window #kelo #basement #kelŝtuparo #basement stairs #linipaŝo #baseline skip #muntaĵo #base #nombazo #basename #perfide #basely #perfideco #baseness #piedestalo #base #potencigato #base (of exponential) #senbaza #baseless #senbazeco #baselessness #senfundamenta #baseless #senmotiva #baseless #soklo #base #solo #base #subetaĝo #basement #surbaze de #based on


3.15 Stützen Unterbau + Base + 基地 +
3.15 Stützen Unterlage + Base + 基地 +
3.15 Stützen Basis + Base + 基地 +
3.15 Stützen Stützpunkt + Base + 基地 +
13.21 Anorganische Chemie Base + Base + 基地 +