A + + * * fan4 meal/ cooked rice or other cereals 1. gekochte Getreidespeise, gekochter Reis 2. Mahlzeit,Essen + + +
A 飯店 + + * * fan4dian4 restaurant/ hotel Hotel,Restaurant + + +
A 米飯 + + * * mi3fan4 (cooked) rice gekochter Reis + + +
A 早飯 + + * * zao3fan4 breakfast Frühstück + + +
A 午飯 + + * * wu3fan4 midday meal/ lunch Mittagessen + + +
A 晚飯 + + * * wan3fan4 dinner/ supper Abendessen + + +
C 飯館 + + * * fan4guan3 restaurant/ eatery/ luncheonette Restaurant, Hotel + + +
C 開飯 + + * * kai1 fan4 it's meal time/ start to serve meals/ start to eat (meal) das Essen servieren, Mahlzeit halten, essen + + +
D 飯碗 + + * * fan4wan3 position/ job/ rice bowl Reisschüssel, Eßnapf + + +
D 大鍋飯 + + * * da4guo1 fan4 meal in a big public pot Kantinenessen + + +
D 鐵飯碗 + + * * tie3 fan4wan3 iron bowl/ a secure job eiserne Reisschale + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
iron / strong, solid, firm
cooked rice / food, meal
bowl, small dish

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

飯' + * * + food cuisine/ cooked rice meal
飯堂' + 饭堂* * + dining canteen/ cafeteria
飯局' + 饭局* * + dinner party/ banquet
飯島柳鶯' + 饭岛柳莺* * + (Chinese bird species) Ijima's leaf warbler (Phylloscopus ijimae)/
飯店' + 饭店* * + restaurant/ hotel CL:家
飯廳' + 饭厅* * + dining dining hall/ mess hall
飯後一支煙,賽過活神仙' + 饭后一支烟,赛过活神仙* * + have a smoke after each meal and you will surpass the immortals (proverb)/
飯後服用' + 饭后服用* * + post cibum (pharm.)/ to take (medicine) after a meal
飯後百步走,活到九十九' + 饭后百步走,活到九十九* * + walk a hundred steps after each meal and you will live a long life (proverb)/
飯托' + 饭托* * + person hired to lure customers to high-priced restaurants/
飯替' + 饭替* * + body double (in eating scenes)/
飯桌' + 饭桌* * + dining table/
飯桶' + 饭桶* * + rice bucket/ fathead good-for-n
飯盆' + 饭盆* * + tuck box/ dog dish
飯盒' + 饭盒* * + lunchbox/ mess tin
飯碗' + 饭碗* * + rice bowl/ fig. livelihood job
飯糗茹草' + 饭糗茹草* * + lit. to live on dry provisions and wild herbs (idiom)/ fig. to live in abject poverty
飯糰' + 饭团* * + onigiri (Japanese rice-ball snack)/
飯莊' + 饭庄* * + big restaurant/
飯菜' + 饭菜* * + food/
飯類' + 饭类* * + rice dishes (on menu)/
飯食' + 饭食* * + food/
飯館' + 饭馆* * + restaurant/ CL:家
飯館兒' + 饭馆儿* * + erhua v /
飯餸' + 饭餸* * + dishes /

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


64 大家 午饭 +
211 吃饭 洗手 +
268 南边 饭店 +
624 喜欢 米饭 +
1559 宁可 吃饭 减肥 +
1945 饭店 设有 自动 旋转门 +
1948 他们 餐厅 吃饭 +
2040 +
2294 宝宝 稀饭 +
2791 正在 +
3043 吃饭 +
3223 +
3370 筷子 吃饭 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +