A + + * * shi2 ten 1. zehn 2. oberst, höchst + + +
A 十分 + + * * shi2fen1 very/ fully/ utterly/ extremely sehr + + +
D 十全十美 + + * * shi2 quan2 shi2 mei3 be perfect in every way/ leave nothing to be desired perfekt in jeder Hinsicht, nichts zu wünschen übrig lassen + + +
D 十足 + + * * shi2zu2 full of rein, hundertprozentig, vollständig, ausgesprochen + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
ten, tenth / complete / perfect
foot / attain, satisfy, enough

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

十' + * * + ten/ 10
十·一' + 十·一* * + first of October/ PRC National Day same as 國慶
十一' + 十一* * + eleven 11/
十一月' + 十一月* * + November/ eleventh month (of the lunar year)
十一月份' + 十一月份* * + November/
十一路' + 十一路* * + (coll.) going on foot/
十七' + 十七* * + seventeen/ 17
十七孔橋' + 十七孔桥* * + Seventeen arch bridge in the Summer Palace 頤和園|颐和园, Beijing/
十三' + 十三* * + thirteen/ 13
十三日' + 十三日* * + thirteenth day of a month/
十三經' + 十三经* * + the Thirteen Confucian Classics, namely: Book of Songs 詩經|诗经/
十三點' + 十三点* * + half-wi nitwit/
十之八九' + 十之八九* * + most likely/ mostly (in 8 or 9 cases out of 10) vast major
十九' + 十九* * + nineteen/ 19
十二' + 十二* * + twelve/ 12
十二分' + 十二分* * + exceedingly/ hundred percent everything
十二地支' + 十二地支* * + the 12 earthly branches 子, 丑, 寅, 卯, 辰, 巳, 午, 未, 申, 酉, 戌, 亥 (used cyclically in the/
十二宮' + 十二宫* * + the twelve equatorial constellations or signs of the zodiac in Western astronomy a/
十二平均律' + 十二平均律* * + equal t /
十二指腸' + 十二指肠* * + duodenum/
十二支' + 十二支* * + the 12 earthly branches 子, 丑, 寅, 卯, 辰, 巳, 午, 未, 申, 酉, 戌, 亥 (used cyclically in the/
十二星座' + 十二星座* * + the twelve constellations on the ecliptic plane/ the signs of the zodiac
十二時辰' + 十二时辰* * + twelve divisions of the day of early Chinese and Babylonian time-keeping and astro/
十二月' + 十二月* * + December/ twelfth month (of the lunar year)
十二月份' + 十二月份* * + December/
十二碼' + 十二码* * + 12-yard (sports)/ penalty kick
十二經' + 十二经* * + twelve channels of TCM/
十二經脈' + 十二经脉* * + twelve channels of TCM/
十二角形' + 十二角形* * + dodecagon/
十二邊形' + 十二边形* * + dodecagon/
十二面體' + 十二面体* * + dodecahedron/
十五' + 十五* * + fifteen/ 15
十位' + 十位* * + the tens place (or column) in the decimal system/
十倍' + 十倍* * + tenfold/ ten times (sth)
十億' + 十亿* * + one billion/ giga-
十億位元' + 十亿位元* * + gigabit/
十克' + 十克* * + decagram/
十全' + 十全* * + perfect/ complete
十全十美' + 十全十美* * + complete and beautiful/ to be perfect (idiom)
十八' + 十八* * + eighteen/ 18
十六' + 十六* * + sixteen/ 16
十六位元' + 十六位元* * + 16-bit (computing)/
十六國' + 十六国* * + Sixteen Kingdoms of Five non-Han people (ruling most of China 304-439)/ also written 五胡十六國|五胡十六国
十六國春秋' + 十六国春秋* * + history of the Sixteen Kingdoms 304-439 by Cui Hong 崔鴻|崔鸿, written towards the end/
十六烷值' + 十六烷值* * + cetane number (quality of light diesel fuel, measured by its ignition delay)/
十六進制' + 十六进制* * + hexadecimal/
十分' + 十分* * + to divide into ten equal parts/ very hundred pe
十分之一' + 十分之一* * + one tenth/
十動然拒' + 十动然拒* * + to reject sb after being deeply touched by them (Internet slang)/
十四' + 十四* * + fourteen/ 14
十四行詩' + 十四行诗* * + sonnet/
十國春秋' + 十国春秋* * + History of Ten States of South China (1669) by Wu Renchen 吳任臣|吴任臣, 77 scrolls/
十堰' + 十堰* * + Shiyan prefecture level city in Hubei/
十堰市' + 十堰市* * + Shiyan prefecture level city in Hubei/
十多億' + 十多亿* * + over one billion/ more than a billion
十大神獸' + 十大神兽* * + the Baidu 10 mythical creatures (a set of hoax animals and puns linked to PRC Inte/
十天干' + 十天干* * + the ten Heavenly Stems 甲/
十字' + 十字* * + cross r cross-shaped/ crucifix the charac
十字形' + 十字形* * + cruciform/ cross shape
十字架' + 十字架* * + cross/ crucifix yoke one h
十字架刑' + 十字架刑* * + crucifiction/
十字絲' + 十字丝* * + crosshairs/
十字繡' + 十字绣* * + cross-stitch/
十字花科' + 十字花科* * + Cruciferae or Brassicaceae (taxonomic family including Brassica etc whose flowers /
十字路口' + 十字路口* * + crossroads/ intersection
十字軍' + 十字军* * + crusaders/ army of crusaders the Crusad
十字軍東征' + 十字军东征* * + the Crusades/ crusaders' eastern expedition
十字軍遠征' + 十字军远征* * + the Crusades/
十字轉門' + 十字转门* * + turnstile/
十字鎬' + 十字镐* * + pickaxe/
十字頭螺刀' + 十字头螺刀* * + Phillips screwdriver (i.e. with cross slit)/
十常侍' + 十常侍* * + Ten Permanent Functionaries at the end of Han, a byword for corruption/
十干' + 十干* * + same as 天干/ the 10 heavenly stems 甲, 乙, 丙, 丁, 戊, 己, 庚, 辛, 壬, 癸 (used cyclically in the calendar and as ordinal number like Roman I, II, III)
十年樹木,百年樹人' + 十年树木,百年树人* * + It takes ten years to nurture a tree, but a hundred years to train a man (idiom). /
十幾' + 十几* * + more than ten/ a dozen or more
十幾個月' + 十几个月* * + ten months or so/ about ten months
十成' + 十成* * + completely/
十成九穩' + 十成九稳* * + to be 90 percent sure (idiom)/
十戒' + 十戒* * + the ten commandments (religion)/
十拿九穩' + 十拿九稳* * + extremely certain/ ninety percent sure
十指不沾陽春水' + 十指不沾阳春水* * + to have no need to fend for oneself (idiom)/ to lead a pampered life
十數' + 十数* * + more than ten/ a dozen or more
十日談' + 十日谈* * + Decameron, collection of 100 tales of love supposedly told by ten young people in /
十月' + 十月* * + October tenth month (of the lunar year)/
十月份' + 十月份* * + October/
十月革命' + 十月革命* * + October Revolution/
十有八九' + 十有八九* * + most likely/ mostly (in 8 or 9 cases out of 10) vast major
十萬' + 十万* * + hundred thousand/
十萬位' + 十万位* * + the hundred thousands place (or column) in the decimal system/
十萬火急' + 十万火急* * + most urgent/ post-haste express
十角形' + 十角形* * + decagon/
十誡' + 十诫* * + ten commandments/
十足' + 十足* * + ample/ complete hundred pe
十進' + 十进* * + decimal/ calculations to base 10
十進位' + 十进位* * + decimal system/
十進位法' + 十进位法* * + decimal system/
十進制' + 十进制* * + decimal/
十進算術' + 十进算术* * + decimal calculation/
十邊形' + 十边形* * + decagon/
十里洋場' + 十里洋场* * + the Shanghai of old, with its foreign settlements/ (fig.) a bustling, cosmopolitan city
十錦' + 十锦* * + variant of 什錦|什锦/
十面埋伏' + 十面埋伏* * + Ambush House of Flying Daggers (2004 movie by Zhang Yimou 張藝謀|张艺谋/
十項' + 十项* * + ten ite decathlon (athletics)/
十項全能' + 十项全能* * + decathlon/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


169 美元 +
483 数到 +
577 十二点 +
850 钻石 +
1068 今天 零下 +
2455 +
2510 电影 排行榜 +
2673 出口 英哩 +
2877 爷爷 即将 六十 +
3327 小提琴 韵律 十分 动听 +
3375 今天 奶奶 八十 诞辰 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +