A + * * xie2 shoe Schuh + +

Absatz (Schuh) (S) [xie2 gen1] 鞋跟
Abtreter (S) [men2 kou3 ca1 xie2 dian4] 门口擦鞋垫
ausweichen (V) [xie2 tou2] 鞋头
barfuß [wu2 xie2] 无鞋
beschuhen (V) [chuan1 zhuo2 xie2] 穿着鞋
Brandsohle (S)Einlegesohle (S) [xie2 nei4 di3] 鞋内底
Damenschuhe (S) [nü3 xie2] 女鞋
die Schuhsole mit dem Oberteil verbinden, besohlen (V) [shang4 xie2] 绱鞋
ein Paar Schuhe (S) [yi1 shuang1 xie2] 一双鞋
Flip-Flops (S) [ren2 zi4 tuo1 xie2] 人字拖鞋
Freizeitschuh (S) [xiu1 xian2 xie2] 休闲鞋
Fußballschuhe (S, Sport) [qiu2 xie2] 球鞋
GreenShoe Option (S, Wirtsch)Mehrzuteilungsoption (S, Wirtsch)Over-Allotment Option (S, Wirtsch) [chao1 e2 pei4 shou4 xuan3 ze2 quan2 huo4 lü4 xie2 qi1 quan2] 超额配售选择权或绿鞋期权
Gummischuh (S) [jiao1 xie2] 胶鞋
Gummischuh (S) [xiang4 jiao1 tao4 xie2] 橡胶套鞋
Herrenschuhe (S) [nan2 xie2] 男鞋
Hinterende des Hobels (S) [xie2 hou4 gen1] 鞋后跟
Holzschuh (S) [mu4 xie2] 木鞋
Kinderschuh(e) (S) [tong2 xie2] 童鞋
Kletterschuh [pan1 yan2 xie2] 攀岩鞋
Kufe (S) [da3 hua2 de5 xie2 zi5] 打滑的鞋子
Laufschuhe, Sportschuhe (S) [pao3 xie2] 跑鞋
Lederschuhe [pi2 xie2] 皮鞋
Mokkasinfarben; helles Lederbraun (S)RGB-Code #FFE4B5 [lu4 pi2 xie2 se4] 鹿皮鞋色
ober [xie2 bang1] 鞋帮
Pantoffel (S) [tuo1 xie2] 拖鞋
Rist (S) [xie2 bei4] 鞋背
Rochen (S) [liu1 bing1 xie2] 溜冰鞋
Rollschuh (S) [gun3 zhou2 liu4 bing1 xie2] 滚轴溜冰鞋
Rollschuhe (S) [gu1 lu5 xie2] 轱辘鞋
Rollschuhe (S) [han4 bing1 xie2] 旱冰鞋
Sandale (S) [liang2 xie2] 凉鞋
Sandalette (S) [gao1 gen1 liang2 xie2] 高跟凉鞋
Sandalette (S) [qing1 bian4 liang2 xie2] 轻便凉鞋
Sandalette (S)Sportschuhe (S)Turnschuh (S) [yun4 dong4 xie2] 运动鞋
Schlitten (S)Schlittschuh (S) [bing1 dao1 xie2] 冰刀鞋
Schneeschuh (S) [chuan1 xue3 xie2 zou3 lu4] 穿雪鞋走路
Schneeschuh (S) [xue3 xie2] 雪鞋
Schnürsenkel (S) [xie2 dai4] 鞋带
Schnürsenkel binden (S) [ji4 xie2 dai4] 系鞋带
Schuh (S) [xie2]
Schuh, Schuhe (S)Schuhmacher, Schuster (S) [xie2 zi5] 鞋子
Schuhe ausziehen (V) [xie2 shang4 qu4] 鞋上去
Schuhe binden (S) [bang3 xie2] 绑鞋
Schuhe und Strümpfe (S) [xie2 wa4] 鞋袜
Schuhfabrikation (S) [zhi4 xie2 ye4] 制鞋业
Schuhgeschäft, Schuhladen (S) [xie2 dian4] 鞋店
Schuhgestell (S)Schuhschrank (S) [xie2 gui4] 鞋柜
Schuhgröße [xie2 ma3] 鞋码
Schuhkarton (S) [pi2 xie2 he2 zi3] 皮鞋盒子
Schuhlöffel (S) [xie2 ba2] 鞋拔
Schuhmacher (S) [pi2 xie2 jiang4] 皮鞋匠
Schuhmacher (S)Schuster (S) [xie2 jiang4] 鞋匠
Schuhware (S) [xie2 lei4] 鞋类
Schuster (S) [bu3 xie2 jiang4] 补鞋匠
Sicherheitsschuhe (S) [an1 quan2 xie2] 安全鞋
Sneaker (modischer Sportschuh) (S) [jiao1 di3 bu4 xie2] 胶底布鞋
Sohle (S) [xie2 di3] 鞋底
Spike (S) [yi3 xie2 di3 jian1 ding1 long4 shang1] 以鞋底尖钉弄伤
Sportschuhe, Wanderschuhe (S) [lü3 you2 xie2] 旅游鞋
Stöckelschuhe (S) [gao1 gen1 xie2] 高跟鞋
Tennisschuh(e) (S) [wang3 qiu2 xie2] 网球鞋
Überschuh (S) [tao4 xie2] 套鞋
Wanderschuh (S) [bu4 xing2 xie2] 步行鞋
Wichse [xie2 you2] 鞋油

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

鞋' + * * + shoe CL:雙|双/
鞋匠' + 鞋匠* * + shoemak cobbler/
鞋墊' + 鞋垫* * + insole/ shoe insert
鞋子' + 鞋子* * + shoe/
鞋履' + 鞋履* * + footwear/
鞋帶' + 鞋带* * + shoelace/ CL:根
鞋幫' + 鞋帮* * + uppers /
鞋底' + 鞋底* * + sole (of a shoe)/
鞋拔' + 鞋拔* * + shoe horn/
鞋拔子' + 鞋拔子* * + shoehorn/
鞋楦' + 鞋楦* * + shoe tree/
鞋油' + 鞋油* * + shoe polish/
鞋襪' + 鞋袜* * + shoes and socks/
鞋跟' + 鞋跟* * + heel (of a shoe)/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


633 鞋跟 +
969 +
1856 耐穿 +
2050 +
2564 自己 鞋带 +
3137 她们 犹豫 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

+ + + + + + + +