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一刻千金' + 一刻千金* * + time is gold/ every minute counts
上班時間' + 上班时间* * + time of going to work/ the morning rush hour
光陰' + 光阴* * + time available/
光陰似箭' + 光阴似箭* * + time flies like an arrow (idiom); How time flies!/
分時' + 分时* * + time-sharing/
分時多工' + 分时多工* * + time division multiplexing/ TDM
加工時序' + 加工时序* * + time course/
及時性' + 及时性* * + timeliness/ promptness
及時處理' + 及时处理* * + timely handling/ a stitch in time
及時處理,事半功倍' + 及时处理,事半功倍* * + timely handling doubles the effect and halves the effort/ the right approach saves effort and leads to better results a stitch i
及時雨' + 及时雨* * + timely rain/ (fig.) timely assistance
合于時宜' + 合于时宜* * + timely/ at the right moment appropriat
合時宜' + 合时宜* * + timely/ at the right moment appropriat
回回' + 回回* * + time and again/ every time Hui ethnic
季節' + 季节* * + time/ season period
定存' + 定存* * + certifi time deposit/ abbr. for 定期存款|定期存款
定時信管' + 定时信管* * + timed detonator/
定時攝影' + 定时摄影* * + time-lapse photography/
定時炸彈' + 定时炸弹* * + time bomb/
定時鐘' + 定时钟* * + timer/ timing clock alarm cloc
屢' + * * + time and again/ repeatedly frequently
年表' + 年表* * + timeline/ chronology annals
延時攝影' + 延时摄影* * + time-lapse photography/
微速攝影' + 微速摄影* * + time-lapse photography/
應時' + 应时* * + timely/ occasional
拍號' + 拍号* * + time signature (music)/
時不再來' + 时不再来* * + Time that has passed will never come back. (idiom)/
時不我待' + 时不我待* * + time and tide wait for no man (idiom)/
時代' + 时代* * + Time, US weekly news magazine/
時代廣場' + 时代广场* * + Times Square/
時代華納' + 时代华纳* * + Time Warner Inc., US media company/
時候' + 时候* * + time/ length of time moment
時光' + 时光* * + time/ era period of
時光機' + 时光机* * + time machine/
時分' + 时分* * + time/ period during the day one of the
時刻表' + 时刻表* * + timetable/ schedule
時勢造英雄' + 时势造英雄* * + Time makes the man (idiom). The trend of events brings forth the hero./
時區' + 时区* * + time zone/
時報' + 时报* * + Times (newspaper, e.g. New York Times)/
時宜' + 时宜* * + timely/ at the right moment appropriat
時差' + 时差* * + time difference/ time lag jet lag
時序' + 时序* * + time course/
時戳' + 时戳* * + timestamp/
時日' + 时日* * + time/ auspicious time time and d
時日無多' + 时日无多* * + time is limited (idiom)/
時段' + 时段* * + time interval/ work shift time slot
時段分析' + 时段分析* * + time interval analysis/
時炸彈' + 时炸弹* * + time bomb/
時程' + 时程* * + timetable/ schedule
時空旅行' + 时空旅行* * + time travel/
時空穿梭' + 时空穿梭* * + time travel/
時空穿越' + 时空穿越* * + time travel/
時辰' + 时辰* * + time/ one of the 12 two-hour periods of the day
時間' + 时间* * + time/ period CL:段
時間序列' + 时间序列* * + time series (stats.)/
時間戳' + 时间戳* * + timestamp/
時間線' + 时间线* * + timeline/
時間軸' + 时间轴* * + time axis/ timeline
時間進程' + 时间进程* * + time course/
時限' + 时限* * + time limit/
曠時攝影' + 旷时摄影* * + time-lapse photography/
正當' + 正当* * + timely/ just (when needed)
歲不我與' + 岁不我与* * + Time and tide wait for no man (idiom)/
死期' + 死期* * + time of death/
泰晤士報' + 泰晤士报* * + Times (newspaper)/
混元' + 混元* * + time immemorial/ origin of the universe the world
為時' + 为时* * + timewise/ pertaining to time
營業時間' + 营业时间* * + time of business/ opening hours (of shop) working ti
瑞雪' + 瑞雪* * + timely snow/
產期' + 产期* * + time of birth/ period of labor lying-in
番番' + 番番* * + time and time again/
發稿時' + 发稿时* * + time of publication/ at the time of going to press
縮時攝影' + 缩时摄影* * + time-lapse photography/
耗時' + 耗时* * + time-consuming/ to take a period of (x amount of time)
計時器' + 计时器* * + timer/ chronograph timepiece
計時工資' + 计时工资* * + time rate wage/ remuneration based on one's time and skill opposite:
計時比賽' + 计时比赛* * + time trial (e.g. in cycle race)/ timed race competitio
計時法' + 计时法* * + time reckoning/
計時測驗' + 计时测验* * + time trial/
計時炸彈' + 计时炸弹* * + time bomb/
計時賽' + 计时赛* * + time trial (e.g. in cycle race)/ timed race competitio
費時' + 费时* * + to take time-consuming/
進度表' + 进度表* * + timeline/ work schedule
適時' + 适时* * + timely/ apt to the occasion in due cou
鐵窗生活' + 铁窗生活* * + time served in prison/ prison life
間隔攝影' + 间隔摄影* * + time-lapse photography/
饉' + * * + time of famine or crop failure/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[distant] separated in space or time
[infinite] having no limits or boundaries in time or space
[marine] nautical, maritime, relating to the sea
[old] elderly, having lived for a relatively long time
[past] earlier than the present time
[premature] untimely
[tough] not given to gentleness or sentimentality
[calendar] system of timekeeping
[clock] timepiece
[future] hereafter, futurity, time to come
[game] amusement or pastime
[harvest] harvest time
[hour] hr, 60 minutes, period of time
[hour] time of day, clock time
[interest] pastime, pursuit
[length] duration, continuance in time
[minute] min, unit of time equal to 60 seconds
[morning] morn, morning time, forenoon
[multimedia] multimedia system
[night] nighttime, dark
[occasion] time of a particular event
[past] past times, yesteryear
[period] time period
[hobby] pursuit, by-line, hobby, sideline, spare-time activity
[reign] time of rule
[season] time of year
[slot] time slot
[spring] springtime
[stage] phase, distinct time period in a sequence of events
[summer] summertime
[time] clock time
[twin] offspring born at the same time
[watch] chronograph, timepiece
[winter] wintertime
[youth] time of life between childhood and maturity
[debut] appear in public for the first time
[time] clock, measure the time or duration of an event

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

lần + + time thời gian + + time

horo + + hour + + o’clock time

+ + + + + + + +