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不透氣' + 不透气* * + airtight/
中國國際航空公司' + 中国国际航空公司* * + Air China Ltd./
候機廳' + 候机厅* * + airport departure terminal/
候機樓' + 候机楼* * + airport departure terminal/
停機坪' + 停机坪* * + aircraft parking ground/ apron tarmac (at
傲氣' + 傲气* * + air of arrogance/ haughtiness
僄' + * * + light airy/
入風口' + 入风口* * + air intake vent/
冷氣' + 冷气* * + air conditioning (Tw)/
冷氣機' + 冷气机* * + air conditioner/
出風口' + 出风口* * + air vent/ air outlet
加航' + 加航* * + Air Canada/
印度航空公司' + 印度航空公司* * + Air India/
墜機' + 坠机* * + airplane crash/
大氣污染' + 大气污染* * + air pollution/ atmospheric pollution
密閉門' + 密闭门* * + airtight door/
機場' + 机场* * + airport airfield/ CL:家
機建費' + 机建费* * + airport construction fee (abbr. for 機場建設費|机场建设费)/
機票' + 机票* * + air ticket/ passenger ticket CL:張|张
氣動控制' + 气动控制* * + air operated/
氣囊' + 气囊* * + air sac/ aerostat gasbag
氣團' + 气团* * + air mass/
氣塞' + 气塞* * + airlock/ air block fipple (in
氣墊' + 气垫* * + air cushion (as on hovercraft)/
氣孔' + 气孔* * + air-bubble/ pore stoma
氣密' + 气密* * + airtight/
氣泵' + 气泵* * + air pump/
氣溫' + 气温* * + air temperature/ CL:個|个
氣籠' + 气笼* * + air pipe/ bamboo air pipe used to aerate granary
氣道' + 气道* * + flue air duct/ air passage respirator
氣阱' + 气阱* * + air pocket/
氣隙' + 气隙* * + air ven air gap/
法國航空' + 法国航空* * + Air France/
法國航空公司' + 法国航空公司* * + Air France/
法航' + 法航* * + Air France/
班機' + 班机* * + airliner/ airplane plane
登機廊橋' + 登机廊桥* * + air bridge/ aircraft boarding bridge
空中交通管制' + 空中交通管制* * + air traffic control/
空中交通管制員' + 空中交通管制员* * + air traffic controller/
空中客車' + 空中客车* * + Airbus (Aircraft company)/
空中少爺' + 空中少爷* * + airline steward/
空地' + 空地* * + air-to-surface (missile)/
空地導彈' + 空地导弹* * + air-to-surface missile/
空客公司' + 空客公司* * + Airbus (European corporation)/
空對地' + 空对地* * + air-to-surface (missile)/
空對空導彈' + 空对空导弹* * + air-to-air missile/
空怒' + 空怒* * + air rage/
空戰' + 空战* * + air war/ air warfare
空投' + 空投* * + air drop/ to drop supplies by air
空氣' + 空气* * + air/ atmosphere
空氣劑量' + 空气剂量* * + air dose/
空氣取樣' + 空气取样* * + air sampling/
空氣取樣器' + 空气取样器* * + air sampler/
空氣污染' + 空气污染* * + air pollution/
空氣淨化器' + 空气净化器* * + air purifier/
空氣緩衝間' + 空气缓冲间* * + air lock/
空氣調節' + 空气调节* * + air conditioning/
空空導彈' + 空空导弹* * + air-to-air missile/
空襲' + 空袭* * + air raid/ attack from the air
空調' + 空调* * + air conditioning/ air conditioner (including units that have a heating mode) CL:臺|台
空軍' + 空军* * + air force/
空軍一號' + 空军一号* * + Air Force One, US presidential jet/
空軍司令' + 空军司令* * + air commodore/ top commander of air force
空軍基地' + 空军基地* * + air base/
空運' + 空运* * + air transport/
空運費' + 空运费* * + air freight (cost of air transport)/
空防' + 空防* * + air force/ air defense
空降' + 空降* * + airborne/
空難' + 空难* * + air crash/ aviation accident or incident
航廈' + 航厦* * + air terminal/
航徽' + 航徽* * + airline emblem/ travel company seal
航權' + 航权* * + air rights/
航次' + 航次* * + air or sea voyage (seen as an individual, countable item)/ flight voyage
航母' + 航母* * + aircraft carrier/ abbr. for 航空母艦|航空母舰
航空信' + 航空信* * + airmail letter/
航空公司' + 航空公司* * + airline/ airline company CL:家
航空母艦' + 航空母舰* * + aircraft carrier/ CL:艘
航空港' + 航空港* * + airfield/ aerodrome
航空站' + 航空站* * + air terminal/
航空自衛隊' + 航空自卫队* * + air self-defense force/
航空航天局' + 航空航天局* * + air and space agency/
航空運單' + 航空运单* * + Air Waybill (AWB)/
航空郵件' + 航空邮件* * + airmail/
航站' + 航站* * + airport terminal/ air terminal
航線' + 航线* * + air or shipping route/
航艦' + 航舰* * + aircraft carrier/ abbr. for 航空母艦|航空母舰
航郵' + 航邮* * + air mail/
萬能梗' + 万能梗* * + Airedale terrier/
萬能梗犬' + 万能梗犬* * + Airedale terrier/
落地生根' + 落地生根* * + air plant (Bryophyllum pinnatum)/ to put down roots
起落場' + 起落场* * + airfield/ take-off and landing strip
起落裝置' + 起落装置* * + aircraft take-off and landing gear/
通風' + 通风* * + airy/ ventilation to ventila
通風口' + 通风口* * + air vent/ opening for ventilation
通風孔' + 通风孔* * + air vent/ louvre
防空洞' + 防空洞* * + air-raid shelter/
風窗' + 风窗* * + air vent/ louver window
風範' + 风范* * + air/ manner model
飛機' + 飞机* * + airplane/ CL:架
飛機票' + 飞机票* * + air ticket/ CL:張|张
飛機餐' + 飞机餐* * + airplane meal (GM)/
飛船' + 飞船* * + airship/ spaceship
飛艇' + 飞艇* * + airship/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.
[bald] lacking hair
[blonde] light-haired
[domestic] concerning the internal affairs of a nation
[straight] square, honest, fair, decent
[affair] affaire, intimacy, liaison, involvement
[aviation] operation of aircraft
[beard] facial hair
[bomber] military aircraft
[breeze] zephyr, gentle wind, air, gust
[brush] implement with hairs or bristles
[cabin] aircraft cabin
[crew] men who man a ship or aircraft
[dairy] dairy farm
[damage] harm, impairment
[disability] disablement, handicap, impairment
[discrimination] unfair treatment
[draft] draught, air current
[fair] traveling show, carnival, funfair
[flight] flight of stairs
[front] atmospheric phenomenon at the boundary between two air masses
[function] affair, occasion, social occasion
[fur] pelt, hairy coat of a mammal
[garage] car repair shop
[haircut] hairstyle
[pilot] airplane pilot
[plane] airplane, aeroplane
[president] chairman, chairwoman, chair
[rung] stave, round, crosspiece between chair legs
[service] overhaul, inspection and repair
[situation] state of affairs
[staircase] stairway
[step] stair
[style] dash, elan, flair, panache
[sunshine] fair weather
[throne] chair of a monarch
[tune] melody, air, strain, melodic line
[braid] plait, tress, hairdo
[wind] air current, current of air
[wing] airplane wing
[fan] agitate the air
[fix] repair, mend
[fly] travel through the air, be airborne
[inflate] blow up, fill with air
[parachute] jump from an airplane
[promote] upgrade, advance, kick upstairs
[broadcast] air, send
[shave] remove body hair
[spoil] impair, make imperfect
[throw] project through the air
[total] damage beyond the point of repair

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

không khí + + air

+ + + + + + + +