B 靈活 + + * * ling2huo2 flexible/ agile gelenkig, flexibel + + +
C 靈魂 + + * * ling2hun2 soul/ spirit/ conscience/ guiding and decisive factor Seele + + +
D + + * * ling2 clever 1. gewandt, flink, geschickt 2. wirkungsvoll, effektiv, 3. Seele, Intelligenz, Geist 4.Geist 5. Sarg, Bahre + + +
D 靈敏 + + * * ling2min3 ingenious empfindlich, sensibel,fein + + +
D 靈巧 + + * * ling2qiao3 facile/ skillful/ deft geschickt, gewandt + + +
D 機靈 + + * * ji1ling wise/ clever clever, geschickt,durchtrieben + + +
D 心靈 + + * * xin1ling2 heart/ soul klug, gescheit, geistreich, Herz, Seele + + +

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.
heart / mind, intelligence / soul
spirit, soul / spiritual world

from CC-CEDICT under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License

靈' + * * + quick alert/ efficacious effective
靈丘' + 灵丘* * + Lingqiu county in Datong 大同/
靈丘縣' + 灵丘县* * + Lingqiu /
靈丹妙藥' + 灵丹妙药* * + effecti panacea/ elixir
靈位' + 灵位* * + memorial tablet/
靈便' + 灵便* * + quick/ agile nimble
靈光' + 灵光* * + divine light (around the Buddha)/ a halo a miraculo
靈利' + 灵利* * + clever/ bright quick-witt
靈動' + 灵动* * + to be quick-witted/
靈台' + 灵台* * + Lingtai county in Pingliang 平涼|平凉/
靈台縣' + 灵台县* * + Lingtai /
靈命' + 灵命* * + the wil the will of God/
靈堂' + 灵堂* * + mourning hall/ funeral hall
靈塔' + 灵塔* * + memorial pagoda/
靈壽' + 灵寿* * + Lingshou county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄/
靈壽縣' + 灵寿县* * + Lingsho /
靈妙' + 灵妙* * + wonderf ingenious/
靈寶' + 灵宝* * + Lingbao county level city in Sanmenxia 三門峽|三门峡/
靈寶市' + 灵宝市* * + Lingbao /
靈山' + 灵山* * + Lingsha /
靈山縣' + 灵山县* * + Lingsha /
靈川' + 灵川* * + Lingchu /
靈川縣' + 灵川县* * + Lingchu /
靈巧' + 灵巧* * + deft nimble/ ingenious
靈床' + 灵床* * + bier/ bed kept as it was when the deceased was alive
靈快' + 灵快* * + agile/ quick
靈性' + 灵性* * + spiritual nature/ spirituality intelligen
靈怪' + 灵怪* * + a goblin/ a spirit
靈恩' + 灵恩* * + Charismatic Christianity/
靈恩派' + 灵恩派* * + Charismatic Movement/
靈感' + 灵感* * + inspiration/ insight a burst of
靈敏' + 灵敏* * + smart/ clever sensitive
靈敏度' + 灵敏度* * + (level of) sensitivity/
靈柩' + 灵柩* * + coffin containing a corpse/
靈棺' + 灵棺* * + a bier/ a catafalque (memorial platform) a coffin
靈樞經' + 灵枢经* * + the Divine Pivot or Spiritual Pivot, ancient Chinese medical text/
靈機' + 灵机* * + sudden inspiration/ bright idea clever tri
靈機一動' + 灵机一动* * + a bright idea suddenly occurs (idiom); to hit upon an inspiration/ to be struck by a brainwave
靈武' + 灵武* * + Lingwu county level city in Yinchuan 銀川|银川/
靈武市' + 灵武市* * + Lingwu /
靈氣' + 灵气* * + spiritu cleverness/ ingeniousness
靈氣療法' + 灵气疗法* * + Reiki (palm healing)/
靈泛' + 灵泛* * + nimble/ agile
靈活' + 灵活* * + flexible/ nimble agile
靈活性' + 灵活性* * + flexibility/
靈渠' + 灵渠* * + Lingqu canal in Xing'an county 興安|兴安, Guanxi, build in 214 BC to join Changjiang 長/
靈牌' + 灵牌* * + spirit tablet/ memorial tablet
靈犀' + 灵犀* * + rhinoceros horn, reputed to confer telepathic powers/ fig. mutual sensitivity tacit exch
靈犀一點通' + 灵犀一点通* * + mental rapport/ likeness of mind spiritual
靈犀相通' + 灵犀相通* * + kindred spirits/
靈璧' + 灵璧* * + Lingbi county in Suzhou 宿州/
靈璧縣' + 灵璧县* * + Lingbi /
靈界' + 灵界* * + spiritu /
靈異' + 灵异* * + deity/ monster strange
靈的世界' + 灵的世界* * + spirit world/
靈石' + 灵石* * + Lingshi county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中/
靈石縣' + 灵石县* * + Lingshi /
靈符' + 灵符* * + a Daois /
靈芝' + 灵芝* * + lingzhi or reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)/
靈藥' + 灵药* * + legendary magic potion of immortals/ panacea fig. wonde
靈語' + 灵语* * + tongues (spiritual gift)/
靈谷寺' + 灵谷寺* * + Linggu temple (Nanjing)/
靈貓' + 灵猫* * + a civet (arboreal cat)/ viverrid (mammal group including mongoose and civet)
靈貓類' + 灵猫类* * + a civet (arboreal cat)/ viverrid (mammal group including mongoose and civet)
靈車' + 灵车* * + hearse/
靈通' + 灵通* * + fast and abundant (news)/ clever effective
靈醒' + 灵醒* * + (of senses, mind etc) alert/ keen clear-mind
靈長' + 灵长* * + long life and prosperity/
靈長' + 灵长* * + primate (monkey, hominid etc)/
靈長目' + 灵长目* * + primate order (including monkeys, hominids etc)/
靈長類' + 灵长类* * + primate (monkey, hominid etc)/
靈雀寺' + 灵雀寺* * + Nyitso Monastery in Dawu County 道孚縣|道孚县/
靈驗' + 灵验* * + efficac effective/ (of a prediction) accurate correct
靈體' + 灵体* * + soul/
靈魂' + 灵魂* * + soul/ spirit
靈魂人物' + 灵魂人物* * + key figure/ the linchpin of sth
靈魂出竅' + 灵魂出窍* * + out-of-body experience/
靈魂深處' + 灵魂深处* * + in the depth of one's soul/

FrameNet Data Release 1.6 by http://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License


1347 鼻子 +

Wordnet Translations:
from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

Copyright MultiWordNet 1.39
Copyright: 2005-2010 CWN group, Academia Sinica
WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University.
WOLF (Wordnet Libre du Français) Copyright: 2011 NICT
FinnWordNet Copyright 2012-2014 by the Department of Modern Languages, University of Helsinki.
GermaNet version 10.0: German part of the ILI
Multiwordnet Spanish Human Language Technology Group Copyright (c) 2014
Thai WordNet Copyright: 2011 NICT

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